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Chapter 15. HOMININ EVOLUTION Page 565 - 619. Classification Hierarchy. Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order Primates Family Hominidae Genus Homo Species sapiens. A MAMMAL:. Humans are Primates.
Chapter 15 HOMININ EVOLUTION Page 565 - 619
Classification Hierarchy Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order Primates Family Hominidae Genus Homo Species sapiens
Humans are Primates • No single feature is diagnostic of a primate but, taken together the following features identify a primate:- • Hands and feet typically have five digits that can grasp or curl objects, and thumbs and/or toes are opposable. • Flat nails on their digits with the tips of their digits able to gain information through the sense of touch.
PRIMATES • Large forward facing eyes that give 3D vision as well as colour because they have cones in the retinas of their eyes. • A protective bone at the outer side of the eye socket. • Flexible skeletons. • Large brains compared to body size. • Social animals and live in groups. • Relatively long gestation period.
Early Primates • Prosimians (65mya) • Monkeys (35mya) • Apes (23mya) • Hominids (5mya)
PRIMATE FAMILY TREE Crown lemur Orangutan
PRIMATE TRAITS • Common physical primate traits: • dense hair or fur covering • warm-blooded • live young • suckle • infant dependence • Common social primate traits: • social life • play • observation and imitation • pecking order Common Primate Traits
Evolution of the primate • Living primates have evolved form an ancestral species over a period 65 – 85mya. • During primate evolution, lines that gave rise to different groups of modern primates diverged at various times. • It is estimated that the line that led to modern humans diverged from the line that led to modern chimps about 5 – 7 mya. • Times of divergence are estimated using DNA sequences.
EVOLUTION OF PRIMATES • The evolution of primates is characterized by trends towards: • mobile limbs • grasping hands (with opposable thumbs) • a flattened face • binocular vision • a large, complex brain (for learned behavior) • a reduced reproductive rate
PRIMATE LIMBS • Most primates have flat nails as well as sensitive pads on the undersides of fingers and toes. • Many also have both an opposable big toe and thumb. • Mobile limbs and clawless opposable digits allow primates to • freely grasp and release tree limbs.
PRIMATE VISION • Stereoscopic vision and resultant depth perception allows primates to make accurate judgments about distance and position of adjoining tree limbs.
EVOLUTION OF PRIMATES • Prosimians were the first type of primate to diverge from the ancestral primate line. • Surviving anthropoids are classified into three superfamilies. • New World monkeys • Old World monkeys • Hominoids
New World Monkeys HOMINOIDS
Primate Family Tree Crown lemur Orangutan
Pre-Hominin Evolution • Ardipithecusramidus4.4 - ? mya • A. anamensis 4.2 - 3.9 • A. afarensis 4.2 - 2.5 • A. bahrelghazali 3.5 - 3.0 • A. africanus 3.5 - 2.5 • P. aethiopicus2.7 - 2.3 • A. garhi 2.5 - ? • P. boisei 2.3 - 1.3 • P. robustus 2.0 - 1.0 • Bipedalism • Tools • Language Reconstruction of Australopithecine
Hominoid (Man/ Apes) Evolution • Proconsul is believed ancestral to hominins.
Humans are hominins • Modern classification places the humans in the taxonomic group known as the tribe Hominini, that is humans are hominins. • It is only at this level of classification that humans are separated from all other great apes.
Classifications can change • Prior to 1980 the accepted classification scheme identified humans as the only member of the family Hominidae. • The classification was based on comparative anatomy and physiology. • Molecular analysis has identified a much closer relationship between humans and other great apes.
What is a hominin? • In the past the term ‘hominid’ referred to humans and their erect-walking ancestors. • Hominin is now the preferred term that refers to this group. • The only living hominin species is the modern human, Homo sapiens. • Hominins both living and extinct are distinguished by their ability to walk upright.
Where did the human evolution begin? • In the 19th century fossils showed the origin was in Africa. See table 15.3 (pg 582).
Time Distribution. • No fossil eveidence of hominins of the genus Homo before 2.4mya. • Fossils of hominins, such as Ardipithecus and Australopithecus appeared millions of years before Homo. • When the time distribution of one group occurs after that of the second group, the later group cannot be ancestral to the earlier group. • When the time distributions of two species coincide, they cannot have an ancestor-descendant relationship, eg. H.habilis and A.robustus.
Australopithecus • Two forms of the genus: graciles and robusts. • Table 15.5 show the different species in the genus • Australopithecus. The robusts are placed by some scientists into another genus, Paranthropus. • This means that Australopithecus robustus is sometimes called Paranthropus robustus.
Gracileaustralopiths • Several lines of evidence, including their jaw and teeth structure, support the conclusion that the graciles could be ancestral to the first Homo species.
Robust australopiths • Robust australopithians have heavy built skulls, heavy brow ridges, very large molar teeth, and in males a bony crest on the top of the skull.
Australopithecus vs. Modern Australopithecus, 4-3 myrs ago Modern human Chimpanzee
Changes in the skull in the evolution of modern humans • Recognizable changes in the skull which occurred during the evolution of modern humans include: • Change in the arrangement of the teeth, from the rectangular arrangement of the apes to a parabolic shape in hominids, loss of the gap between front and back teeth. • Reduction in the size of the front teeth, especially the canines.
Cranial Comparisons Homo ergaster H. neanderthalensis Homo Sapiens
Cranial Comparisons • Loss of the large bony ridges (supraorbital ridges) above the eyes. • Larger brain size. • Flatter faces.
SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN AUSTRALOPITHS • Sexual dimorphism - where differences exist between the adult males and females in average height, body mass, or other features.
How did early hominins live? • Social organisation – group of related males who control and defend a group of females. • Inferring diets – relative size of teeth, microscopic examination of tooth wear, jaw size and jaw musculature. • Waistline – digestive tracts of herbivores are much longer than carnivores.
How did early hominins live? • Habitat – examining fossils of plants and animals found in association with australopithecine fossils give us an idea what type of habitat was inferred. • Other evidence of habitat includes analysis of pollen. • Presence of water animals and plants indicate the presence of water.
MODE OF LOCOMOTION • Although australopithecenes are capable of bipedal it would not be the same as humans today. • Also show adaptations to tree climbing. • The early hominins would have walked erect, however retreated to the trees at night. • Culture – basic tools used as well as sticks.
THE GENUS HOMO Early homo species were different : - reduction in size of teeth • increase in brain size. It is reasonable to hypothesise that increasing brain size resulted from natural selection favouring greater intelligence.
The earliest human species is generally accepted as Homo habilis. • The genus Homo also includes H.erectus, H.heidlebergensis, H.neanderthalensis, and H.sapiens. • Scientists often disagree with the number of species, which is a reminder that even if they examine the same fossil material, scientists may differ in their interpretation and conclusions.
Fossil discoveries support a multi-branched human evolutionary line. Q. phyletic or branching evolution?
About 10,000 to 12,000 years ago evidence of agricultural practices first appeared in the Middle East. • Nomadic lifestyles involved small groups of cooperative hunter-gatherers. • Sedentary lifestyles involved food production through domestication of animals and cultivation of wild plants. • Increased population size is related to a sedentary lifestyle.
HUMAN BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION • Biological Evolution describes the changes in human population that have resulted from natural selection acting over generations on inherited phenotypes and producing differential survival and reproduction under a particular set of environmental conditions.
Genetic diversity exists in human populations, both discrete polymorphisms and clinal graduations. • Biological evolution, cultural change and technological evolution interact. • Cultural change in many ways is based on technological evolution. • Technology extends human capabilities.
Cultural Evolution • With the appearance of Cro-Magnons, • human evolution has become almost entirely cultural rather than biological • Humans have spread throughout the world • by devising means to deal with a broad range of environmental conditions