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FAA AWRP Icing. Tasks and POP. Our FY2013 is Jan’13 through Mar’14 (15 mo ) Tasks: MICRO IPA CIP/FIP- HiRes Dual-pol NEXRAD. MICRO. Accomplishments so far First case study proving to be useful for many, many applications “pseudo climatology” Testing data inputs
Tasks and POP Our FY2013 is Jan’13 through Mar’14 (15 mo) Tasks: • MICRO • IPA • CIP/FIP-HiRes • Dual-pol NEXRAD
MICRO Accomplishments so far • First case study proving to be useful for many, many applications • “pseudo climatology” • Testing data inputs • Testing accretion codes for cloud and large drop icing aloft and at the surface (yes, we know…) • Completed draft development plan • Gathering data for additional case studies – in collaboration with our Xcel Energy and AWRT work • Corrected satellite icing product (part of MICRO input) • Completed metar_mapperupgrades (needed for high-resolution MICRO) • Completed draft ConOps (discussion tomorrow)
MICRO • Plans (thru 3/31/14) • Get a near-real-time version running at NCAR • Output available internally for “eyeball time” • Complete 2-4 additional case studies • These are still needed to assess which data and model inputs produce greatest improvements in icing diagnosis • Determine priority data ingest upgrades and commence work on those • Actually, progress is a mix of priorities, bang-for-the-buck and opportunities • Many problems with staff allocations among all our icing projects
MICRO • Issues • Need to determine (with input from ISG and others) what outputs are needed and desired • Primary • Appendix C/O conditions? Exceedance of those conditions? • And probability of above? • “Standard” accretion rate? • Secondary • Liquid water content? Drop size metric? • Additional severity information? • We need in situ data in the 2-3 year time frame (Wednesday’s discussion)
Monitor CIP/FIP-HiRes • FY13 Accomplishments • Delivered 40-km CIP-HiRes output and bug fixes to AWC in April • Developed upgrade list and schedule and are working to that • Quality Assessment PDT verified winter 2013 data set and compared with operational CIP/FIP • Technical Review Panel 15 November
Monitor CIP/FIP-HiRes • Plans (thru 3/31/14) • Release upgraded version end of November • Internal release only (V1.1) • Work on high-priority upgrades for April release (V1.2) • Issues • Need migration plan for CIP/FIP -> MICRO • Do we?
Dual-Pol NEXRAD • FY13 Accomplishments • Codebase refactored to split off 'dual-pol' and 'single-pol' streams, extensively tested, delivered code description document • ~20 cases vetted and most input data collected • ~5 cases processed through new code with initial analysis • Wiki page shows details of the cases and summarizes results • Plans (thru 3/31/14) • Incorporate input into CIP cases to assess improvements
Misc. • Just submitted six abstracts to the AIAA 2014 Aviation and Astronautics Forum • Are working closely with NSSL on MRMS Aviation Hazard product (AWRP work) • Are working not-so-closely with MIT-LL on IHL deployment • Work Mark M’s airborne sensor work into MICRO? • How can we get icing (and other small-end GA concerns) back in the forefront of public discussions (such as FPAW)?
FY2014 Proposal FY2014 Our FY2014 is Apr’14 – Mar’15 Tasks: • MICRO • IPA • Outreach • CIP/FIP-HiRes • Dual-Pol NEXRAD • Global CIP
MICRO FY2014 Improve Numerical Weather Prediction Models (NWP) by developing means to estimate icing-related parameters, construct a baseline clear sky satellite mask and research statistical bias correction methods. Develop a better algorithm structure that is data-driven, flexible and agile. Develop a means, coordinating with the Quality Assessment Product Development Team (QAPDT) and Aviation Weather Demonstration and Evaluation (AWDE) services, to evaluate upgrades and link to quality assessment evaluation tools. Prepare an experimental version of the MICRO algorithm for the Aviation Weather Test-bed (AWT) to be displayed winter 2014-2015. Output will be made available to the QAPDT for evaluation. The algorithm will be run either at NCAR or AWC, depending on resources. Coordinate with AWDE services to determine what type of evaluation would be needed from AWC forecasters. Ensure coordination of MICRO research with TAIWIS and HIWC efforts.
IPA FY2014 Continue development of IPA Diagnosis and Forecast product and have experimental version ready for testing at the AWT or Alaska Aviation Weather Unit (AAWU), and in-house at NCAR for the winter of 2014-2015. Recommend the final operational platform for the product (AWC and/or AAWU), the pathway to operations, and coordinate integration with AAWU operations. Working with QAPDT, plan and support QA assessment of IPA Forecast product. Consider Human Factors Assessment to determine optimum way to display IPA product. Ensure coordination of IPA research with TAIWIS and MICRO efforts. If 2013 research proves successful, begin incorporation of high resolution modeling (HRRR-AK) and Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite (POES) data into product (Depending on funding availability could be Lower Priority than 1-5)
Outreach FY2014 Determine who the users are, what their needs are, and what additional icing applications could benefit from inclusion in MICRO and IPA development (e.g. TAIWIS, wind energy, other structural icing, etc). Study viability of conducting an In-flight Icing User’s Technical Interchange Meeting to include Internal and External NAS Users to assess needs of icing community. Conduct In-flight Icing User’s Technical Interchange Meeting Collate input from meeting and determine which ideas and concepts are feasible for future product development Incorporate input into products as appropriate
Outreach FY2014 14.4.3.E1 Jun’14 Establish time and location for In-flight Icing User’s Technical Interchange Meeting 14.4.3.E2 by Sep’14 In-flight Icing User’s Technical Interchange Meeting (if determined feasible) 14.4.3.E3 by Sep’14 Informal gathering of user information (if meeting is determined not feasible) 14.4.3.E4 Mar’14 Progress report
CIP/FIP-HiRes FY2014 Resolve any further software problems uncovered in AWC testing Upgrade software as needed to run under changing operating systems or add new data sets Identify components of other on-going icing research that will improve CIP/FIP HiRes and determine how to migrate those components to CIP/FIP HiRes.
Dual-PolNEXRAD FY2014 Work with AWRT PDT to define requirements and integrate Dual-Pol icing data into MRMS. Evaluate if Dual-pol icing data will improve CIP/FIP and integrate dual-pol icing data into CIP/FIP HiRes. Begin to utilize Dual-Pol data into MICRO development. Ensure coordination of Dual-Pol research with TAIWIS and HIWC efforts Add features from Dual-Pol icing research into original IHL algorithm. (Depending on funding availability, considered Lower Priority than 1-4) Implement any further fixes to problems discovered in AWC testing
Global CIP FY2014 Collaborate with AWC and UK Met Office on what R&D is needed for Global Icing Diagnosis Product Plan for GCIS development including critical areas, available data sets determination of NWP models, other icing diagnostics, and verification methods Develop preliminary offline example Global Icing Diagnostic for a limited, selected region
wikis https://sdg/confluence/display/aap/Inflight+Icing https://wiki.ucar.edu/display/icinghazardlevel/Home https://wiki.ucar.edu/display/xcelwindsolar/Xcel+Wind+Solar