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Differentiating Core instruction by knowing the learner. I3 + C3 = RtI Success Brie Beanne , Melissa Deacon , Sherrard Lewis, Vikki Stevens. Opening Tasks. Just kidding!...Opening Tasks.
Differentiating Core instruction by knowing the learner I3 + C3 = RtISuccess BrieBeanne, Melissa Deacon, Sherrard Lewis, Vikki Stevens
Just kidding!...Opening Tasks • Make sure that you are signed into TNL Course #12191 and the appropriate session-morning or afternoon. • Go to the i3 + C3 wiki i3c3.pbworks.com • Think about what kind of learner you are: visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. • Take a dot from your table and post it to the board under the “Pre” column for how you think you learn best. Red=VisualGreen = AuditoryYellow=Kinesthetic
Learning Objectives • Identify your particular learning style • Understand your particular learning style and how to best meet the needs of student with that learning style. • Recognize student behaviors in the learning environment • How to provide opportunities for students to select and use the most effective learning style as they are working and learning.
Pick an Inventory • Go to the wiki: i3c3.pbworks.com • Select a “Learning Styles Inventory” from those listed
SAY, write, do • Now that you know your learning style: • SAY: Tell a partner what you learned about your learning style. • WRITE: On your table’s chart paper, write one sentence about EACH learning style. • DO: Draw a picture on the chart paper for each sentence that symbolizes the meaning of the sentence you wrote.
DIFFERENTIATION Curriculum: Content/Process/Product/Environment Student: Readiness/Interest/Learning Style
Learning Styles • What works well for you may not work well for some (or even most!!) of your students. • Knowing something about learning styles in general and your own learning style in particular can help you to plan assignments and activities.
To share with students: • You will learn more easily and with greater success once you have unlocked your learning style and discovered the best methods for helping you learn. • You may be surprised to discover just how well you can flourish in the classroom, even in subjects that you previously found difficult!
Did you know… Grades K-2 are primarily taught kinesthetically Grades 3-6 are primarily taught visually Grades 7-12 are primarily taught auditorily
Did you also know… Statistics reveal that most high school dropouts are kinesthetic learners. 80% of prison inmates are high school dropouts. - Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (NWREL)
But, What are Learning Styles? • Your modality indicates what you need to be able to: • Concentrate • Learn • Process • File Information
Wiki Time! Please visit the i3 + C3 wiki and click on Visual Learners Please number off 1, 2, 3 at your table and read/click through the resources in your numbered section.
Say, write, do • SAY: Tell a partner what new information you have learned about VISUAL LEARNERS. • WRITE: On a sticky note, list the ways that visual students may appear to be “off task.” • DO: Using the items on your table, what could you ask visual students to create to show their learning from yesterday’s lesson?
Wiki Time! Please visit the i3 + C3 wiki and click on Auditory Learners Please number off 1, 2, 3 at your table and read/click through the resources in your numbered section.
Say, write, do • SAY: Tell a partner what new information you have learned about AUDITORY LEARNERS. • WRITE: On a sticky note, list ways auditory students may appear to be “off task.” • DO: Using the items on your table, what could you ask auditory students to create to show their learning from yesterday’s lesson?
Wiki Time! Please visit the i3 + C3 wiki and click on Kinsethetic Learners Please number off 1, 2, 3 at your table and read/click through the resources in your numbered section.
Say, write, do • SAY: Tell a partner what new information you have learned about KINESTHETIC LEARNERS. • WRITE: On a sticky note, list ways kinesthetic students may appear to be “off task.” • DO: Using the items on your table, what could you ask kinesthetic students to create to show their learning from yesterday’s lesson?
MODALITY MOMENT • Based on YOUR modality: • Visually • Auditory • Kinesthetically • On your paper plate: Record/capture/note your overall learning or “a-ha” moments from this session.
Reflecting/conclusion • How did the regular “SAY, WRITE, DO” segments increase your engagement and understanding? • How might you use “SAY, WRITE, DO” in your classroom this week?
Task Cards How could you teach that concept or skill to a: • Visual Learner • Auditory Learner • Kinesthetic Learner
Lesson Planning How could you differentiate next week’s lesson content for a: • Visual Learner • Auditory Learner • Kinesthetic Learner