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Long Valley Competition Cheerleading Squad Parents Meeting May 3 rd , 2012 Welcome to the 2012-2013 LVCCA Season!!! We are delighted you are here!!! We are looking forward to a fun and exciting competition season!!!
Long Valley Competition Cheerleading Squad Parents Meeting May 3rd, 2012 Welcome to the 2012-2013 LVCCA Season!!! We are delighted you are here!!! We are looking forward to a fun and exciting competition season!!! Introduction and General Information: Maria Mikol- 973-417-1162 mmikol@comcast.net Sarah Bartiromo – 732-485-3257 Sprincess1930@comcast.net
~Communication- Email will be primary means of communication ~ Important dates/competitions will be posted on our website www.lvcanj.com and on our Google calendar – we will e mail information on how to access ~ Contact List ~ Program Philosophy/Goal Setting ~ Code of Conduct – please review ~ Attendance ~ Parent Committees ~ Carpool – Juniors Team ONLY requiring 2 carpool days for the season. We will set up a sign-Up Genius
Competitions: The squad will have between 8- 10 competitions during the season. Competitions are generally held on Saturday or Sunday either every weekend or every other weekend, starting in December and ending with our National Competitions sometime mid to late March. Nationals: Location will be determined by December once the coaches are able to accurately assess the squads skills ability/performance and once competitions are posted.
YOUTH Dates to remember - Attendance at Stunt Evaluation, Stunt Clinic and Spirit Camp is Mandatory. The following are the dates, times and locations Stunt Evaluation – TBD Northern Elite Stunt Clinic – August 25-26 – Central Jersey All Stars-Time TBD Spirit Camp – Northern Elite Sept Sept Sept Practice Schedule Tuesdays /Thursdays: Thursdays– Starting Oct 24th - One day at a local school. Time will be determined after August 1st, but has been 6-8p Tuesdays from 4-6 starting after Rec has finished (Nov. 12??) Fridays – tumbling class 4-5 OR 5-6 at Northern Elite starting in November. Girls will be divided into groups based on what they are working on and assigned to a time session. This session may change during the season.
JUNIORS Dates to remember- Attendance at Stunt Evaluation, Stunt Clinic and Spirit Camp is Mandatory. The following are the dates, times and locations. Stunt Evaluation- June 6th 4pm – 7 pm – Northern Elite Stunt Clinic- August 25, 26 – Central Jersey All Stars – Time TBD Spirit Camp: - Northern Elite August 18 August 19 August 20 Practice Schedule: Mondays at Northern Elite 4-6pm (Starting September 16th) Thursdays 4-6 pm at Northern Elite Fridays – tumbling class 4-5 OR 5-6 at Northern Elite starting in November. Girls will be divided into groups based on what they are working on and assigned to a time session. This session may change during the season.
NO PRACTICE ON THANKSGIVING WEEKEND OR OVER THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY. Additional practices may be added as necessary and must take priority over other activities. These will be mandatory and every effort will be made to give ample time to make any arrangements. These additional practices are often necessary when nearing Nationals. Physical Forms Due: As soon as possible, but no later than August 1st, 2012 Uniform Fitting/Cost: Uniform fitting will be June 3, 2013 Flocktown Multipurpose room 6:00 p.m. You are responsible for payment at time of ordering of all uniform items, including: Top, briefs, socks, sneakers, hair bow warm up suit, practice t shirts and shorts. Approximate cost of Uniform is $250.00. (for basic items)
FUNDRAISING:In order to support the squad and assist families with the cost of our National competition, numerous fund-raising activities will be held throughout the year. Fundraising is split into two categories: Mandatory: These activities require participation of all members and help defray the cost of local competitions, seasonal expenses, as well the Nationals Trip for all members on an equal basis. Examples but not limited to: Business Sponsors Taste of the Town Cheer Fest Other fundraisers as deemed necessary by the coaches See Opt Out Option Utilizing a tiered fundraising system Minimal hours participation Ability to earn additional hours
Individual Choice: These activities are offered for those that want to defray the cost of registration or the trip to the National Competition. It will be each parent’s choice as to whether or not the cheerleader participates. If there is not enough participation, activity may be cancelled. Examples but not limited to: • Additional sponsorships. Any monies collected above the $100 mandatory amount will be split between the squad and the individual who collected the sponsorship • Poinsettia Sales • Mum Sales • Gift Card: Shop Rite and A & P • Casino Trip • Yankee Candle Sales
OPT OUT of Fundraising – if you choose to opt out of • Canning $150.00 • Car wash/Clothing Drive/Etc (4hr fulfillment options) $150 • Cheerfest $350 • Taste of the Town/Bunco $350.00
Business Sponsors –Each cheerleader must receive business sponsors totaling a minimum of $100.00. Anything above will be split between the organization and the cheerleader. (example) once you fulfill the 100.00 sponsorship and you receive another sponsor for 200.00 – 100.00 goes to the organization and 100.00 goes to the cheerleader. • All fundraising results in charitable donations to a 501C3 organization. Once donations are complete, they will be used to defray the costs of the cheerleaders’ attendance at National competition(s). Allocations to each cheerleader will be dictated by the type of fundraiser. Should allocations to each or any cheerleader exceed the cost to the National competition, it will revert back to the general fund and be used to support the mission of the competition squad as deemed necessary by the coaching staff with the oversight of the executive board of LVCA. At no time will funds be returned to a designated cheerleader. Should a cheerleader leave or be removed from the squad, any allocated fundraising will revert to the general fund. • Allocation of funds will be dependent on participation in fundraising events as deemed by the initial fundraising meeting to be held once the squad is formed.
Parent Committees: we are looking for volunteers to coordinate certain fundraisers. If you are interested and can be of assistance we would greatly appreciate any time you can dedicate. Without your full support our goals would be very difficult to achieve. Also able to earn volunteer hours. • Team Mom/Dad • Apparel Committee: (1 for Juniors, 2 for Youth) • Cheerfest : Chair & co -chairs • Taste of The Town/Bunco/Competition: chair & co –chairs • Car Pool Coordinator: • Canning Coordinator: • Yankee Candle Coordinator: Sarah Bartiromo • Shoprite Card ordering/processing : Deb Olsen • Clothing Drive : Denise Mandala • Car Washes : • Mums Coordinator: • Poinsetta Coordinator: • Pasta Fundraiser: • Scarf Table Coordinator: • Sponsorship Coordinator: Deb Olsen • Open Tumbling Coordinator: Denisa Hall
Financial Breakdown – JUNIORS this is an ESTIMATE ONLY Registration/Insurance and Stunt Clinic approximate $1800.00 Nationals (one child and one parent) approximate $1800.00*** Uniform cost approximate$250.00 - $400.00 APPROXIMATE COST WITHOUT FUNDRAISING $4000.00 (prior year Nationals cost did not exceed 1000.00)*** We do accept credit cards and we will be sending out monthly statements. Your Registration Balance can be broken down into 7 payments (approx. 186.00/mo) First Deposit Due tonight – Deadline :May 6th (in order to ensure a spot on the team) $ 500.00 Credit Card processing fee of $35.00 will be charged to your first transaction only. Credit Cards will only be accepted for registration, clothing and nationals payments only.
Financial Breakdown – YOUTH this is an estimate ONLY Registration/Insurance and Stunt Clinic approximate $ 900.00 Nationals (one child and one parent) approximate $ 1800.00*** Uniform cost approximate$ 250.00 - $300.00 APPROXIMATE COST WITHOUT FUNDRAISING $2950.00 First Deposit Due tonight – Deadline :May 6th in order to ensure a spot on the team) $ 300.00 Checks must be in Maria’s Mailbox by 8pm on May 6th 3 Kings Ridge Rd We do accept credit cards and we will be sending out monthly statements. Your Registration Balance can be broken down into 7 payments Credit Card processing fee of $35.00 will be charged to your first transaction only. Credit Cards will only be accepted for registration, clothing and nationals payments only.
Fundraising Rules All members must participate in the following fund raisers • At least 2 canning events per cheerleader during summer 2013 (this requirement has an opt out option of $150 due June 30) - no hrs earned • 4 hours of time for each cheerleader at one of the following general fund raisers (this requirement has an opt out option of $150 due June 30) no hrs earned a - car wash 2 dates will be offered in summer 2013 b - open tumbling at Northern Elite 1-2 events to be held summer/sept 2013 c - Clothing Drive to be held in fall 2013 d - work scarf sale table at RSP during home games Sat and Sun • there is a minimum requirement of 25 volunteer hours required on behalf of each cheerleader during the 2013-2014 season At least 20-24 hours of the total 25 hours must be from 2 of major fund raisers (defined below) on day of or day prior to event Hours tracking • 15 hrs by Dec 31, 2013 and 10 hrs by February 15, 2014 • opt out option of $350 for each period due September 1, 2013 and January 1, 2014 respectively
List of other possible contributions of time - carpool from LVMS to Northern Elite 1hr per shift - car wash coordinator 5 hrs - canning coordinator 10-12 hrs - Shop Rite coordinator - 1 hr per month - Yankee candle coordinator 3 hrs - Business sponsor coordinator 2 hrs - Open tumbling coordinator 2 hrs per event - Clothing drive coordinator 2hrs - Pasta coordinator 3 hrs - Mums coordinator 3 hrs - Poinsettia coordinator 3 hrs - Scarf coordinator 3hrs - Car pool coordinator 12 hrs - Chair of Major fundraisers defined as Cheerfest, possible Competition fundraiser, possible tricky tray fundraiser, possible bunko fundraiser, possible Taste fundraiser 30 hrs per event (Sub-committe chairs to be defined with maximum 15 hrs per subcommittee chair) - Head Coaches 50 hrs - Assistant Coaches 30 hrs - Treasurer 25 hrs - Time keeper 12 hrs
Donations and sponsorships All cheerleaders are required to obtain a business sponsor for a minimum of $100. In addition each cheerleader must either solicit or donate a basket with a retail value of $50 towards Tricky Tray. Carpool All cheerleader families participating in LVMS carpool are required to sign up for 2 carpool dates per cheerleader during the 2013-2014 Season. Hours will be tracked in sign-up Genius. All participants are responsible for finding a substitute if unable to meet commitment. Each shift will earn 1 hr towards volunteer hours. There will also be a PENALTY of 5 hrs per carpool for those not meeting minimum of 2 carpools.
Allocation of Major Fund Raiser Events • Division of funds from major fund raisers and opt out monies from volunteer requirement • 70 percent of funds allocated to all cheerleaders meeting 40 hr requirement and/or electing opt out option • Additional 30percent to be allocated to those contributing significant hours in excess of minimum requirement
Example –This is for illustrative purposes only – final distributions and allocations are dependent upon amounts raised from our major fundraisers • (See handout)