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    1. Practical Tips to Help You Prepare REGENTS WRITING EXAM

    2. The Regents Writing Exam is required by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. is a timed assessment of basic writing skills. One hour is allotted for students to write on one of four essay topics. is offered once a semester at GPC. extends ninety minutes to test takers with pre-approved, special circumstances.

    3. Regents Overview Continued

    4. Regents Overview Continued

    5. You may be exempt if you

    6. How the Test Is Scored Each exam is assessed by three raters; raters are typically instructors in the University System of Georgia. Raters independently rate each essay on a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 representing the lowest and 3 representing the highest level of writing competency. The essay must receive a grade of 2 or higher from at least two of the raters in order to pass.

    7. More Information on Regents Policies For detailed information on the Regents test and GPC Regents testing policies and procedures, please visit the following web sites: The Regents Exam at Georgia Perimeter College http://www.gpc.edu/~regents/index.htm The Regents Exam Website http://www2.gsu.edu/~wwwrtp/indstu.htm

    8. Basic Tips and Strategies for Success Bring the essential supplies. Blue or black pen (required) Dictionary, to be used only during the final 15 minutes Budget your time by devoting 5 10 minutes to topic selection and essay planning. NOTE: Do not skip this important part! 30 - 40 minutes to writing the essay. 10 15 minutes for revision. Write legibly. Write on every other line of the test booklet to facilitate editing. If you run short on space, use every line for the remainder of the essay. Neatly correct mistakes by drawing one line through any text you are replacing. Demonstrate your knowledge of good writing practices.

    9. Good writers... ? keep sight of the big idea of the paper, i.e. remember their thesis. ? narrow their topic so that expressing their perspective is a manageable task. ? organize their ideas into clear and well-supported introductory, body and concluding paragraphs. ? engage their readers by demonstrating knowledge, insight or sound research into the area being explored.

    10. Good writers also... ? offer concrete examples to clarify their ideas in the minds of readers. ? know and apply the fundamentals of grammar and punctuation. ? ALWAYS proofread and revise.

    11. Evaluate your writing skills before the test. ? I write too slowly. ? I do not keep track of the time. ? I veer off topic. I ? I do not include enough support. ? I dont allow time to revise. ? I make too many grammatical/spelling errors. ? I have poor organizational skills. ? I write repetitively.

    12. Common Question Types OPINION: Should something be done? Example: Should the death penalty be abolished? Discuss. EXPLANATION: Why does a situation occur or why do people do a particular thing? Example: Why are so many people over the age of twenty-one entering college? Discuss.

    13. DESCRIPTION: Explain the characteristics of something. Example: What are the essential characteristics of an effective leader? COMPARISON/PREFERENCE: Which do you prefer? Example: Do you long for the past or look eagerly toward the future? Explain. ACTION: What (specifically) should be/can be done or how can a certain thing be accomplished? Example: What can parents do to prepare their children for school? Discuss.

    14. Four Methods of Essay-Development NARRATION tells a story using characters, dialogue and or setting. DESCRIPTION uses descriptive language to form a picture in the readers mind. ARGUMENTATION persuades the reader through logical arguments. EXPOSITION informs the reader using comparison/contrast, facts, definitions, examples, and other literary devices.

    15. Pre-Test Preparation Seek help at the LTC or from your instructor. Attend LTC Regents Writing/Reading Studio sessions. Practice, practice, practice to build your skills. Get a good nights rest before the test.

    16. On Test Day Eat well before the test. Arrive with a positive attitude. Bring the right supplies. Carefully read the essay prompt. Determine what type of question is being asked before you begin writing. Integrate the question into your response. Organize and plan before you draft. Write neatly. Proof-read and revise.

    17. Preparation Resources Available in the LTC One-hour simulated Regents Writing Exams followed by advice from an English tutor Computer applications such as Allwrite and Learning Express Library to review and improve essential skills Regents Essay Makeover packets Intensives such as the Regents Reading/Writing Studio and Extended-Time Tutoring

    18. Visit us early and often! The LTC is staffed by knowledgeable and experienced tutors. In addition, we have a variety of print and electronic resources to help you improve your skills and do well on the Regents Writing Exam! Location SF-1200, in the Student Success Center On the web at: www.gpc.edu/~deciss

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