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PERSONAL SAFETY. S.J. Pulis - 2009. S.J. Pulis - 2010. Importanti li nkun naf…. 1. Jien spe ċ jali, anke int ! 2. G ħ andi dritt li nkun safe 3. Ħ add ma jista’ j missni fil-private parts 4. Nista’ nsaqsi g ħ all-g ħ ajnuna. 1. Jien spe ċ jali , anke int!.
PERSONAL SAFETY S.J. Pulis - 2009 S.J. Pulis - 2010
Importanti li nkun naf… 1. Jien speċjali, anke int! 2. Għandi dritt li nkun safe 3. Ħadd ma jista’ jmissni fil-private parts 4. Nista’ nsaqsi għall-għajnuna
1. Jien speċjali, anke int! Importanti fantastiku bomba! uniku tal-[enn wow! e``ellenti
The sky's the limit! jien! rispett Ħbieb, familja Kenn, sigurta’ Ikel, ilma, irqad, irdoss
? Ejjew nistaqsu? • X’inhu sigriet? • Għandkom sigrieti? • Min qalilkom biex iżżommu dawn is-sigrieti? • Tafu li hawn tipi differenti ta’ sigrieti?
X’inhu sigriet? • Sigriet hu xi informazzjoni dwar xi ħaġa li saret jew li se ssir u li ma tistax tikxef. Tħoss li trid iżżommha għalik. • Hemm differenza bejn sigriet u sorpriża. • Mal-ġenituri żżommux sigrieti.
Hemm żewġ tipi ta’ sigrieti • L-aħjar mod biex tagħraf sigriet hu li tara kif qed tħossok. Meta jkollok sigriet tajjeb, tħossok ferħan u kuntent. Per eżempju, qed tippjana li tagħti rigal sabiħ lil sieħbek għal għeluq sninu.
Ejjew nistaqsu… • Tistgħu tagħtu xi eżempji oħra ta’ sigrieti tajbin (sorpriżi) ? • Taħsbu li għandkom tikxfu dawn it-tipi ta’ sigrieti (sorpriżi)? • Għalfejn?
Sigriet Ħażin • Pero’ meta s-sigriet iweġġgħek, u jġegħlek tħossok imdejjaq jew imħawwad, allura dan hu sigriet Ħażin. Ma tistax iżżomm dan it-tip ta’ sigriet. Dan is-sigriet trid tikxfu ma’ persuna li int tafda, bħal ommok, jew missierek jew adult ieħor li int tista’ tafda.
Eżempji ta’ sigrieti Ħżiena • Eżempju ta’ sigriet Ħażin li qed iħawdek hu meta xi Ħadd imissek fejn tgħattilek l-malja. • Eżempju ieħor hu meta sieħbek l-iskola qed jagħtik websajts Ħżiena fejn hemm stampi pastażi, eċċ.
Aħsbu ftit….? • Tafu b’xi eżempji ta’ sigrieti ħżiena oħra? • X’jiġri meta żżommu dan it-tip ta’ sigriet?
FTAKRU… • Aktar ma tiftħu qalbkom mill-aktar fis ma’ persuna li tafdaw u li tixtieqilkom il-ġid, aktar tħossukom aħjar.
There are two kinds of secrets… I wonder if you’re worried About what I will say. Please trust me, it’s easy To learn it this way. A good secret that’s your friend, And I wish they were all such, Feels so good on the inside That your heart could just purr.
Bad secrets…. But a secret that’s hurtful Is the kind that’s your foe. It makes you feel confused, And scared and mad and low. You can’t keep this kind, If it makes you feel sad. These secrets you tell! These secrets are BAD!
There are two kinds of secrets… A party you’re planning To surprise your best friend Or a present you’re making For grandma to send. There are the secrets that You’ll want to keep, Because they’re such fun That your heart wants to leap!
Did you see something scary? You saw a big bully Take your buddy’s lunch money. Your friend was left crying, The meanie thought it was funny. The bad boy threatened you, ‘You better not tell!’ You’re scared now, you’re mad, Your stomach’s not well.
The challenge … You know you should tell, But now you’re afraid The bully could hurt you. A challenge was made! You need to tell someone – I tell you – you must! Find a teacher or parent – An adult you can trust.
Make a bad secret go away… To make a bad secret Just go away It has to be told -not tomorrow – TODAY! What really hurts you Is the fear that’s inside. Once the secret’s let out, It has no place to hide!!!
Confide in someone you trust.. And the bully whose secret’s Been let out of the bag Gets dealt with by grown ups – You bet – he won’t brag! A secret’s a secret, But there are some you can’t keep, Like the kind forced upon you, By some big creep!
You’re smart, you learned what you should do… The others are the kind That make you happy inside – You keep them as long As your smile is wide! See – you’ve learned it already! You see the trend! A bad secret’s your foe, A good secret’s your friend!