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Information for new degree students

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Information for new degree students

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  1. Information for newdegreestudents Faculty of Science and Engineering Master’sdegreeprogramme in BiomedicalImaging

  2. TheFaculty • Facultycouncil(governingbody) • DeanPatrik Henelius(chairsthecouncil) • Faculty Office • In the Axelia building (thirdfloor), Biskopsgatan8

  3. Student affairspersonnel at the Faculty Office • StudyAdvisors Simon Berg Jessica Lindroos Kerstin Fagerström Jonas Sandberg (in Vasa) fnt-studieradgivare@abo.fi • StudentAffairsOfficers Mary-Ann Hamberg-Ahola Maria Hertell-Jalava • AcademicAffairscoordinator Heidi Karlsson

  4. Master’sprogrammes • Master’sDegreeProgrammein BiomedicalImaging Othermaster’sdegreeprogrammes at the Faculty • IT: Master’sDegreeProgramme in Information Technology + three double degreeprogrammes (ESIGELEC, INSA Rennes and NISS) • ChemicalEngineering: Master’sDegreeProgramme in SustainableChemical and Process Engineering + double degreeprogrammeExellence in AnalyticalChemistry (EACH)

  5. Credits • All coursesaremeasured in credits (studypoints, ”sp”) • A creditunitcorresponds to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) • A full timestudyload for an academicyear is 60 credits (the master’sdegree, which is 120 cr, can be completed in twoyears)

  6. Academicyear, semesters, periods • The Academicyearstarts 1.8 and ends31.7 • The Academicyear is dividedintotwo semesters: autumn and spring and four periods, two in each semester: • Period I: weeks36-43, autumnsemester • Period II: weeks 44-51, autumn semester • Period III: weeks 2-11, spring semester • Period IV: weeks 12-21, spring semester

  7. Lecturehours at ÅAU • Lecture hours at ÅAU, if nothing else is mentioned, are: 8-10= 8.15-9.4510-12= 10.15-11.4513-15= 13.30-15.0015-17= 15.15-16.45 • Manycoursesare given according to the UTU lecturehours.

  8. The campus area Arken Agora ASA Axelia Gadolinia Gripen Kåren Biocity

  9. Activationofyour computer rights • Information on how to activate your ÅAU-username can be found in Selfservicehttp://www.selfservice.abo.fi/ • In order to activate your username electronically, you need Finnish bank codes, an electronic ID card or a mobile certificate. • Should you have problems, or if you do not have Finnish bank codes, please contact the Helpdesk:Phone: (02) 215 4777Email address: helpdesk@abo.fior visit the ASA building at Fänriksgatan 3 B, ground floor

  10. Study planning tool • student.abo.fi • With the study planning tool you can -create your study plan-register to courses and exams-generate a schedule • Mobile app Tuudo (iOS and Android)

  11. The study guide • studiehandboken.abo.fi • The study guide contains -the study structure of your degree -course descriptions (click on the course name) -at the top of the course description you'll find the course version with the course schedule

  12. Studyplanning-session in computer class • Will be arrangedin September • Students will be notifiedabout the date and time

  13. Courses from the University of Turku (UTU) • Manycourseswithin the BIMA programmeare University of Turku (UTU) courses • BIMA students will get a UTU study right, UTU username and passwordautomatically • The UTU coursesare not yetautomaticallytransferred to ÅAU • You must bring an UTU transcript to the Faculty Office for transfer. We’ll transfer all courseslisted in the Study Guide. Courses thatare not listedtherewill be transferred after Diana Toivola’sapproval.

  14. Academicwritingskills in English for masters students • 923800.0 Academicwritingskills in English for masters students, 3 cr • Mandatorylanguagecourse, requirescourseregistration. • The course starts week 36 (start date 6.9) in Arken (Atlas, G105) • Register to the courseviastudent.abo.fi

  15. Sourcesof information • The Orientationcourse for new international students 27.8-30.8.2019https://www.abo.fi/en/study/already-in-2/orientation-course-for-new-international-degree-students-and-exchange-students/ • Headofprogramme, programmecoordinators and teacher tutors: -Diana Toivola (Headofprogramme (ÅAU) and teacher tutor)-Raili Kronström(Programmecoordinator (ÅAU)) • Student Tutors: DorotejaBednjanec, DefneDinc • The Facultyoffice in Axelia • TheStudent Office and International Office in theGripenbuilding, Tavastgatan 13

  16. Reminders • Enroll as present, deadline on Friday 30.8 at 15.00 https://www.abo.fi/en/study/already-in-2/information-for-new-degree-students-enrollment-as-presentabsent/ • Please read your Åbo Akademi email account (@abo.fi) regularly!

  17. Goodluckwithyour studies!

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