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A New Liberal Arts College to Serve China and the World

A New Liberal Arts College to Serve China and the World. Innovative Education. Pioneering. “UIC will create an innovative international education model for China. ” - Prof. XU Jialu

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A New Liberal Arts College to Serve China and the World

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  1. A New Liberal Arts College to Serve China and the World

  2. Innovative Education

  3. Pioneering “UIC will create an innovative international education model for China.” - Prof. XU Jialu Vice-Chairman Standing Committee, CNPC

  4. Pioneering “The cooperation between BNU and HKBU will set an example for the development of higher education in both Mainland and Hong Kong. UIC will become the cradle for talents in China.” ——Prof. Liu Chuansheng Secretary of the Party Committee of BNU “UIC starts a new phase of education cooperation between Hong Kong and Mainland.” ——Mr. Ding Qiuyu Director Office for Hong Kong, Macao & Taiwan Affairs Ministry of Education

  5. “UIC is the special zone of education innovation in China.” ——Mr. Zhang Tailing Deputy Director Department of Education, Guangdong “As the first cooperation in higher education between Hong Kong and the Mainland, UIC not only starts a new phase of education development, but also carries a mission of its time.” ——Prof. Ng Ching-Fai President and Vice-Chancellor of HKBU Pioneering

  6. Innovation English as the Medium of Instruction To localize Hong Kong Educational Model in Mainland China Internationalized Administration System International Teaching Faculty Internationalized Quality Assurance Mechanism Student Orientation

  7. Mission To Build a new model for liberal education in Mainland China and to nurture talented future graduates with international perspective

  8. Vision To create an innovative international education model for China that can contribute to the welfare of the people of the nation and the world

  9. UIC Foundation Ceremony Nov. 2005

  10. College Administration • Prof. XU Jialu UIC Council Chairman Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the CNPC • Prof. NG Ching-Fai President of UIC President and Vice-Chancellor of HKBU • Prof. Edmud Kwok Siu Tong Executive Vice-President of UIC World Renowned Historian and Essayist

  11. Academic Program & Quality Assurance • Thirteen undergraduate programs are currently being offered by three divisions. • Four Research Institutes have been built. • Procedure and mechanisms are in place to ensure that the academic standards of the degree courses offered by UIC conform to international standards.

  12. Research Institutes

  13. Internationalized Curriculum(Table below shows the curriculum of the Accounting Program as an example)

  14. Quality Assurance Mechanism

  15. Quality Assurance

  16. Teaching Quality Supervision Task Force External Examiner Chairman: Prof. Ng Ching-Fai President, UIC and Vice-Chancellor, HKBU Members: Prof. TSANG, Herbert Academic Vice-President, HKBU Dr. LAM, Robert Academic Registrar, HKBU Prof. KWOK, Edmund, Siu Tong Executive Vice-President, UIC Prof. ZEE, Sze Yong Associate Vice-President, Dean of Division of Science and Technology, UIC • An External Examiner system, consisting of HKBU staff, is formed to help maintain the academic standard of UIC courses. • Appropriate standards are set and followed. • Student performance is comparable to those taking similar courses of study at HKBU; assessments and examinations are fairly conducted.

  17. Academic Consultation Panel • In line with the practice at HKBU, UIC has set up an Academic Assurance Committee to monitor closely the academic planning and development of the college. • An Academic Consultation Panel (ACP) set up by HKBU will visit UIC periodically to review and assess the standards of UIC academic departments/ units. • In June 2007, HKBU Institutional Review was carried out to evaluate the teaching, academic research and management at UIC. In its report, the panel praised the achievements of UIC in the past two years.

  18. CPA Australia Accreditation Accounting Program of UIC was awarded the CPA Australia accreditation on Sep 3, 2007. Graduates of the Accounting Program can apply for Associate Membership with CPA Australia immediately upon graduation.

  19. Committees • Academic Development and Quality Assurance Committee • College Board of Examiners for Bachelor Degrees (Honours) • Committee for Experiential Learning • Committee of Academic Affairs • Committee of Cyber Campus (NEW) • Committee of General Education • Committee on Languages Enhancement (NEW) • Committee on Student Career Development Senate Committees • Course and Timetable Committee • Division Board • Entrance Examination Committee • High Table Dinner Program Committee • Library Committee • Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee • Senate • Staff and Students Relation Committee • Student Disciplinary Committee

  20. Non-Academic Committee • College Life Committee • College Wellness and Anti-Smoking Committee • Committee for Development, Publicity and Admission • Committee for International Development • Equipments Planning and Purchase Committee • Executive Committee of Administrative Affairs • Senior Executive Committee • Space Allocation Committee • Staff Review and Development Committee

  21. To Localized the International ExperienceHumanity Orientation Student Orientation Liberal Education • Whole Person Education • Four-Point Education

  22. Whole Person Education Four-Point Education Educational Approach Global Outlook

  23. Whole Person Education

  24. Whole Person Education Heavy emphasis in given to “learning through experience” and “learning through practice”, after which reflection and sublimation will naturally follow.

  25. Language CultureCross Cultural CommunicationChinese-English Bilingual

  26. Experiential Development Develop Potential & Teamwork Skills

  27. VoluntaryService Foster Servant Leadership & Sense of Social Responsibility

  28. Summer Program 2007 Qinghai-Tibet Trip Number of Participants: 90 Duration: 2007.7.8.— 2007.7.31. Activities: Team A: Mountain Climbing(Yuzhu Mountain, Qinghai, 6178m above sea level); Team B:Voluntary Service (Education Supporting Service in the vicinity of Qinghai Lack); Team C: Environmental Research(Kekexili,the source of Yangtse River)。 Three teams assembled in Lhasa after finishing the team assignments for society study and cultural experience. Voluntary Service in Guizhou Number of Participants:20 Duration: 2007.7.2. —2007.7.29. Activities:Teaching and cultural exchange in Mochong Primary School of Dujun, Guizhou. Voluntary Service in Yunnan Number of Participants:20 ( Duration: 2007.7.6.— 2007.7.31. Activities:Education supporting service and community service in Yunnan.

  29. Voluntary Service Overseas

  30. Sports & Culture Trainings for Physical Strength and Stamina with Emphasis on Sportsmanship & Cultural Experience

  31. High Table Dinner Social Etiquette Societal Focus Academic Tradition

  32. Fund-Raising Fair for Procapra Przewalskii Conservation UIC Students organized a fund-raising fair in front of a shopping mall near Jiuzhoucheng, Zhuhai on Dec. 2008 in aid of the Procapra Przewalskii conservation effort.

  33. Integrated Education on Contemporary and Traditional China • As a pioneer in the reform of higher education, UIC integrates cultural courses with innovative practices, such as High Table Dinner and cultural lectures, to create an attractive approach for literature and cultural study which inspire graduates to acquire profound knowledge and outstanding social skills. • Patriotism and Global Outlook • Learned and Noble-minded • Interactive and Flexible

  34. The First Chinese Culture Seminar • The first Chinese Culture Seminar was opened at UIC on Dec. 1, 2007, inviting scholars from Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China for cultural dialogs.

  35. Leadership Development Programs

  36. Four-Point Education The responsibility of modern higher education lies not only with universities, but also with families and society. Therefore, UIC employs the Four-Point Education Model to unite these forces. With students at the core, the resources of the college, the families and society are forged to bring about their healthy development.

  37. Four-Point Education Network • Four-Point Education Office was Established. • Parents’ Club will be launched nationwide; Beijing Parents’ Club was launched in Oct. 2007. • Family Letters from Zhuhai – A dialog between the Executive Vice-President and Parents. • Entrepreneurs’ Club :To provide internship and employment opportunities

  38. First Step in FourThe First UIC Newsletter

  39. Four-Point Education Carnival

  40. Teachers Students Parents

  41. Four-Point Education Parents’ Forum 2007

  42. Beijing Parents’ Club Founded Oct. 2007

  43. Newsletter for Parents

  44. A Website for Parents

  45. Corporation with Enterprises

  46. Four-Point Innovation Laboratory • Four-Point Innovation Lab was founded by famous statistician Prof. Fang Kai-Tai in Sept. 2007. • In mid-September and early October, the Four-Point Innovation Laboratory (FPIL) had their first collaboration program with a famous local enterprise, the Zhuhai Jiuzhou Port Administration Group Co., which provided a wide-range service in tourism.

  47. Four-Point Education Trip • Organizer: UIC Four-Point Education Office • Duration: Dec. 15, 2007- Jan. 5, 2008 • Destinations: Nanjing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing Guiyang • Purpose: Four-Point education concept promotion, solidify the connection between UIC and parents, local education authorities, secondary schools as well as the media.

  48. Secondary Schools Alliance • On Jan 16, 2008, UIC signed cooperation agreements with representatives from 21 key secondary schools. The Alliance of Secondary Schools was officially established.

  49. Public Activities • Executive Vice-president of UIC, renowned historian Prof. Kwok Siu Tong was invited to give a lecture at “Zhuhai Culture Forum”. Prof. Kwok’s topic at the lecture on Jan 26 was “The Journey of Life: Culture, Living, Life and Death”.

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