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Unit 5: Light Search & Rescue

Unit 5: Light Search & Rescue. Unit 5: Light Search & Rescue Goals and Safety Considerations Hazards Tools and Resources Search Operations Rescue Operations Size-Up. Search and Rescue. Goals and Safety Considerations. Search and Rescue Defined.

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Unit 5: Light Search & Rescue

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  1. Unit 5: Light Search & Rescue

  2. Unit 5: Light Search & Rescue • Goals and Safety Considerations • Hazards • Tools and Resources • Search Operations • Rescue Operations • Size-Up

  3. Search and Rescue Goals and Safety Considerations Search and Rescue Defined A systematic approach for locating, rescuing (extricating), and providing initial medical treatment to victims trapped.

  4. Search and Rescue Goals and Safety Considerations Safety • Stay aware of your surroundings • Assume all downed wires are live • Stay coordinated and in communication with your team • Do not exceed your capabilities or training • Stay hydrated-take breaks • Watch for fatigue in yourself and your crew

  5. Search and Rescue Goals and Safety Considerations LCES • Lookout or safety person • Communication • Escape routes • Safety zones

  6. Search and Rescue Hazards Scene Hazards • Above Ground: • Electrical wires • Walls/cornices • Unreinforced chimneys • Ground Level: • Glass and debris • Below Grade: • Earth • Water • Hazardous Materials/sewage • Manmade structures • Propane

  7. Search and Rescue Hazards Damage Classification • Study the outward signs!! • Light Damage • Superficial to exterior, mostly interior • Moderate Damage • More apparent – cracking but no lean • Heavy Damage • Partial/total collapse

  8. Search and Rescue Hazards Light, medium, or heavy???

  9. Search and Rescue Hazards Signs of Structural Instability • Uneven windows • Cracked foundation and/or walls • Distinct lack of plumbness • Wood frames do well in earthquakes, but…

  10. Search and Rescue Tools and Resources Basic Tools Should Include • PPE • Go – bag • Duct tape • Extinguisher • Axe • Prying and various carpentry tools

  11. Search and Rescue Tools and Resources Forcing Doors and Windows • Feel doors for heat • Break a glass panel in a door, reach in, unlock…much easier • Pound directly on lock with sledge • Windows: • See if they’re open • Tools • Break • Glass types • Announce yourself • Try before you pry!

  12. Search and Rescue Tools and Resources Points of Entry • Front door • Open? • Keys? • Any window or glass door • Upper floor deck • Garage door…caution!

  13. Search and Rescue Tools and Resources Breaking Glass • Stand to one side • Keep hands above tool’s contact point • Start at top of window and work down • Clear frame of all glass and debris *Different glass

  14. Search and Rescue Tools and Resources Garage Doors • Same techniques as windows • Jam the door OPEN when going inside garage

  15. Search and Rescue Tools and Resources Ladder Safety • Ten feet from wires • Secure ladder • Correct ladder angle

  16. Search and Rescue Tools and Resources Box Cribbing *Improvised resources?

  17. Search and Rescue Tools and Resources Mechanical Advantage and Lifting • Levers • Jacks • Cribbing • Wedges and Shims

  18. Search and Rescue Tools and Resources Lifting Heavy Objects • See if you can lift the item without mechanical advantage • Use proper body mechanics BEND KNEES AND SQUAT KEEP BACK STRAIGHT KEEP LOAD NEXT TO BODY PUSH UP WITH LEGS

  19. Search and Rescue Tools and Resources Lifting Procedure • Have all materials ready • Everyone aware of plan including victim • Crib to object being lifted • Lift height of 1 piece of cribbing • Slide cribbing under object • Set object down on cribbing • Keep hands out from underneath object Repeat this process until victim can be removed

  20. Search and Rescue Tools and Resources Know Your Limits • Physical Condition • Mental Condition DON’T OVEREXTEND YOURSELF DON’T BECOME A VICTIM

  21. Search and Rescue Search Operations Search and Rescue Survival Rates Time of Rescue 30 Minutes 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days 5 Days Survival Rate 99.3% 81.0% 33.7% 36.7% 19.0% 7.4%

  22. Search and Rescue Search Operations Search Overview • Two teams of two • Exterior controls scene outside • Interior completes the search • Both should have utility shutoff tools, documentation items, and PPE

  23. Search and Rescue Search Operations Types of Collapses and Voids • Voids form due to collapse • Primary concern is your safety • Four basic collapses in order of least to most hazardous: • Lean-to • V-shape • Pancake • Cantilever

  24. Search and Rescue Search Operations V-Shape Collapse

  25. Search and Rescue Search Operations Pancake Collapse

  26. Search and Rescue Search Operations Cantilever Collapse (after support)

  27. Search and Rescue Search Operations Some Search Tips • Preplan the search • Be systematic – follow the same direction all the way around rooms • Have prearranged signal system with exterior team • Always stay in pairs! • Don’t become a victim! Play it safe and get out if you hear creaking, sense movement, or smell gas!

  28. Search and Rescue Search Operations Before Entering Building • Mark the outside of the building a diagonal line with paint or pen • Write the time and date • Write the CERT team name

  29. Search and Rescue Search Operations After Exiting Building • Mark the outside of the building another diagonal line forming an “X” • Write the time and date the search team left structure • Write hazards found and conditions found

  30. Search and Rescue Search Operations Building Marking Sample

  31. Search and Rescue Rescue Operations Rescue • Starts once victim is located • Size-up • Assess needed resources • Have a good plan and make sure all understand it! • Plan escape routes • Determine medical needs • Keep it simple

  32. Search and Rescue Rescue Operations Rescue

  33. Search and Rescue Rescue Operations Rescue

  34. Search and Rescue Rescue Operations Rescue

  35. Search and Rescue Rescue Operations Rescue

  36. Search and Rescue Rescue Operations Rescue

  37. Search and Rescue Rescue Operations Rescue

  38. Search and Rescue Rescue Operations General Rules • Always form a plan everyone understands • Designate a team leader and a safety officer • Full PPE • Have equipment ready for your assigned task • Always crib up to your object • Be ready to adapt if your plan is not working

  39. Search and Rescue Size-Up Size-Up Gather facts. Assess and communicate damage. Assess your resources. Establish priorities. Develop a rescue plan. Take action. Evaluate your progress.

  40. Search and Rescue Review Search and Rescue Review • Size-up your scene and know your situation. • Be safe! • Greatest good. • Establish a search process. • Rescue victims and treat as needed. • Teamwork and communications.

  41. Search and Rescue Size-up Size-up Scenario

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