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24-72 hours race to innovation. A method to prove it is possible to produce innovations 2014 03 19, Hans-Olof Stålgren. Starting in Leader+. Professor Kaj Mickos had a two days training course for the LAG managers.
24-72 hours race to innovation A methodtoprove it is possibletoproduce innovations 2014 03 19, Hans-Olof Stålgren
Starting in Leader+ • Professor Kaj Mickoshad a twodaystrainingcourse for the LAG managers. • ”An innovation is a surprisingnoveltythat has reached the market (i.e. come touse) Before it has reached the market it is only an invention.” • ”Wecannothave passive innovation systems just waiting for a happy coincidence. Wehavetoproduce innovation the same wayweproduce, for instancefood.” • Kaj Mickosparticipated as a lecturer in two Leader+ Contact Point conferences in Italy and in Austria
Collectgood problems, not brilliant solutions • ”Youshould not firstinvent a medicin and then try tofind a sicknesstocure it with. Do not collectgood solutions, search for the good problems” • In our 72 hours race with a foodtheme,localfood business companieshad sent in their ”good problems”
Proving it is possibletoproduce innovations • The 72-hours conceptwasdeveloped by prof. Mickostoproovethat it is possibletoactuallayproduceinnovations in a short time. • Therearenowalsoconceptsof 24 hours and 48 hours. • www.innovationplant.se • 24 hours race for entrepreneur-ship support
Small mixed innovation groups ”compete” • 3-4 individuals in each group, different age, gender, skills • One process coach in each group • A back office with about 15 experts • 50 more experts available on line • ”It was allowed to sleep” • A public exhibition in the end
The process • Collectgood problems, a brainstorming • Make a priority list • Back officeto check immaterialrights • Check technicaldetailswithengineers or other experts • New prioritylist • Process • Ask designers for helpvisualazing • Prepare the exhibition
Democratic innovation • ”Youhavetoallowmany and different people and skillstoparticipate in the innovation process. It is almost like ICT whereyou as a customercontributesto the software testing and development.” • ”Innovation is a team sport, it is not a game ofonesingle genius” • ”The best innovation team I havehadwas a voice coach, a plumber and a 13 year old girl” • ”The worst team iswhen it consistsentirelyofdevlopmentengineers.”
The market day, a public exhibition • A ”beehiveservíce” for beekeepers and forestowners • A simple tool for bakeriesto pack bread • The Truffletracker • Right Spirit todeterminewhatsleft in the bar´sbottles • ”Gutencils” chef toolswith a local design
Moreresults • Sugar madeofcarrots • Sweet Gotland, sweets madeoflocalproducts • Öllegard, a drylocal cider with a special storytelling • Baby food from localproducts • Smoking bag givingtasteto the barbeque • Grafical lids toadvertise on lunch boxes • Flexibake a mold for muffins enablingtoglace all the muffins in one step
The innovation coaches credo, webelieve: Network Network Network Network Network • that companies need constant renewal to stay competitive. • that it’s possible to influence the innovation process. • that the goal is to getnew products on the market. • that our customers are businesses as well as in society as a whole. • that most of the people contributing to renewal are amateurs who need help. • that innovation isn’t an individual task but a typical team effort. • that there’s not only a few but an infinite number of ideas that can be developed. • in professionalism in the innovation process. • in the importance of early guidance and counselling. • that it is hard, in an early stage, to determine if an idea will be successful or not. • that the success of a project mainly depends on the project leader. • that it is impossible to complete a project without money.
Conclusions • It is not necessarytohave the limit of 72 hours • Manydifferent stakeholders is a plus for innovation • The rural networkscan play an importantrole • The NRN:s, innovation brookers and the OP:s can form a permanent virtualbackoffice • Do not wait for the genius, and do not pick only the lowhangingfruits. Create an environment for productionof innovations. • Do not onlyprovide information connectingdatabases – create action. • Use the NRN:s and the ENRD