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SHAW induction for directors and senior managers. This package may take up to 30 minutes. Please click arrows (bottom right) for next/previous. Content support from Safety, Health & Wellbeing Services ext 3521. ICT support from ISS Customer Services ext 2862. Welcome.
SHAW induction for directors and senior managers This package may take up to 30 minutes. Please click arrows (bottom right) for next/previous. Content support from Safety, Health & Wellbeing Services ext 3521. ICT support from ISS Customer Services ext 2862.
Welcome The Safety, Health And Wellbeing Service (S.H.A.W.) is based in the Challenge building in Hatherton Street. The team has 7 safety advisers and 3 nurses as health advisers. We also have a part-time consultant occupational health physician and contracted physiotherapy services. A 24 hour telephone based employee assistance programme completes the service team. This presentation will familiarise you with your legal responsibilities as a director or senior manager and with our Occupational Health & Safety Management System. You will need Windows Media Player & a soundcard to access the audiovisual elements of this package.
Health: 11% absence rate, including stress and musculoskeletal problems, tackled through effective health management Safety: Fewer incidents lead to less downtime, less management time in investigation, less litigation. And Wellbeing: Balancing home and work priorities through supportive management and flexible working practices, reduces accidents, absenteeism, presenteeism and drives service delivery quality up. Why S.H.A.W.? Employee Engagement
“It’s tempting to believe ‘It’ll never happen to me’. However, sometimes it does. We owe it to our families and partners to make sure that we come home from work, And that we come home healthy and safe” Timothy Walker, Director General, HSE “It’ll never happen here” The press cuttings are from 1997 & 1999, Walsall MBC. £12,000 + costs £40,000+costs
Director’s Responsibilities There are 5 Action Points for Executive Directors from the Health & Safety Commission: ACTION POINT 1: EMT needs to accept formally and publicly its collective role in providing health & safety leadership in the organisation ACTION POINT 2: Each director needs to accept their individual role in providing health & safety leadership in the organisation ACTION POINT 3: EMT needs to ensure that all board decisions reflect its health and safety intentions as articulated in the health and safety statement ACTION POINT 4: EMT needs to recognise its role in engaging the active participation of workers in improving health and safety ACTION POINT 5: EMT needs to ensure that it is kept informed of, and alert to, relevant health and safety risk management issues. It is recommended that the board appoint one of your number to be the ‘health & safety director’. And of course this will be policed with the big stick of the Corporate Killing Bill
POSITIVE ASSURANCE Corporate Health & Safety Policy RISK A S S E S S M E N T Corporate Health & Safety Action Plan (Annual) Topic based Safety Management Standards(SMS) Service Area Health & Safety Annual Action Plan Service Area Arrangements & Procedures RoSPA QSA Audit Programme Our H&S Management System Please check our intranet sitefor policy and standards documents
Management Competency Framework Managers’ Health & Safety technical competence will be achieved through successful completion of the IOSH Managing Safely Course. A range of training delivery methods exist , and may be delivered by self-directed computer based learning or in-house by our licensed IOSH health and safety trainers. Validated by IOSH – Europe’s Largest Chartered body for Health and Safety Professionals. • The 7 modules are: • Safety management • Reactive monitoring • Risk assessment and risk control • Active monitoring • Review and audit • Health and safety legislation • Hazards - general
POLICY Effective health & safety policies set a clear direction for the organisation to follow: National Policy & Standards WMBC Standards Local site arrangement • ORGANISING THE SYSTEM • An effective management structure & arrangements are in place for delivering the system elements: • Responsibilities Standard documents Communication Control Systems Competence Co-Operation INITIAL & PERIODIC STATUS REVIEWS A strong commitment to continuous improvementthrough development ofthe system and techniques of riskcontrol ACT PLAN AUDITING WMBC learns from all experiences and applies lessons learnt: QSA Audit WMBC Internal Audits Quarterly Safety Plan Reviews DO CHECK • PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION • There is a planned and systematic approach outlining: • Risk Assessment Workplace Precautions Risk Control Systems Management Arrangements • MEASURING PERFORMANCE • Performance is measured against standards: • MMBWA Felt Leadership Near Miss Reports Incident Analysis Proactive & Reactive monitoring Measures of Failure & the Causes of Failure 36 Safety Management Standards (SMS) • Each SMS will detail national legislative requirements, relevant BSi or ISO standards, best practice standards, & in some cases our internal standards • Each standard follows BS:8800 within a (Deming based) quality management framework
Where Do I Go Next ? • You need to learn your fire route • Fire routes have been allocated in order to prevent congestion and minimise evacuation time. • Your primary fire route should be communicated to you today • A secondary route is available in event of primary routes being unavailable. • In the event of an evacuation, you must follow the instructions of fire wardens and assemble at the Assembly Point. • First Aid Box location and accident reporting procedures can be explained by your PA. • We will be happy to see you on a Managing Safely course – or offer you a self directed e-learning option by CD-ROM. • There is a corporate health indicator (CHL7) that monitors managers above service manager level who have this safety qualification
Any Feedback? Thank you Thank you for taking the time to work through this presentation. Please visit our intranet site for details of our safety management standards and other safety support facilities. Contact the team on ext 3521 If you require further details