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DUE Today! I have a sample you can view up close

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DUE Today! I have a sample you can view up close

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  1. Sra. Oddo ☻Tutoring Wednesdays in Room 2122 de deciembre2011 Español Dos = Spanish 2Objectivos = Objectives: To understand Spanish at a conversational level. Actividades = Activities: 1. Work Cited, no errors, due at the end of class. 2. Print your final draft and turn it in, begin to work on the 10 Spanish sentences or your final project once you complete your Works Cited.Tarea = Homework: Spanish Paragraph due Monday 12/12Recuerdo = FINAL PROJECT is due 12/14

  2. DUE Today! • I have a sample you can view up close • I will check the work cited at the end of class. Make sure you have the rubric. • Works Cited example: • Using Microsoft Word, type your citation according to the model. Jim Shoe Spanish 2 10/21/2011

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