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Chapter 10 Sample path sensitivity analysis. Learning objectives : Understand the mathematics behind discrete event simulation Learn how to derive gradient information during a simulation Able to verify the correctness of sample gradients Textbook :
Chapter 10 Sample path sensitivity analysis • Learning objectives : • Understand the mathematics behind discrete event simulation • Learn how to derive gradient information during a simulation • Able to verify the correctness of sample gradients • Textbook : • C. Cassandras and S. Lafortune, Introduction to Discrete Event Systems, Springer, 2007
Plan • Introduction • Perturbation analysis by example • GSMP - Generalised Semi-Markovian Process • Some mathematical basis of discrete event simulation • Perturbation analysis of GSMP • Correctness of gradient estimators • Applications to manufacturing systems • Sensitivity estimation revisited • Extensions of perturbation analysis
Sensitivity measures • Two types of sensitivitymeasures: • Derivatives : d J(q)/dq • Finitedifference : J(q+D) - J(q) • where J(q) is the performance funtion of a system atparameterq • Sensitivitymeasures are for • determination of the direction of change to take • optimization of a system design • performing "what-if" analysis
Sensitivity measures • Difficulties of sensitivityanalysis: • Unknown performance function J(q) • Estimation by simulation in most cases • Main ideas of perturbation analysis • Prediction of the behavior of perturbed system q+Dalong the simulation of the system q • Main steps of perturbation analysis • Perturbation generation: changes in quantitiesdirectlylinked to q • Perturbation propagation: changes in otherquantitiesgenerated by perturbation generation
Stochastic approximation • Stochastic approximation (gradient basedminimization) : • x(n+1) = x(n) - a(n)g(n) • where • x(n) : value of x atiteration n • a(n) > 0 : stepsize • g(n) : gradient estimation of a performance function f(x) • Round-Robin Theorem: Assume that f(x) iscontinuouslydifferentiable and thereexists a single x* suchthatdf(x*)/dx = 0. If • E[g(n)] = df(x)/dx • and • limn a(n)= 0, Sn a(n) = ∞ • thenx(n) converges withprobability 1 to x*.
An inspection machine • Products arrive randomly to an inspection machine • Each product requires a random number of tests • The inspection of a production requires a setup of time g • Each test takes q time units • Products are inspected in FIFO order • The buffers are of unlimited capacity • The system is empty initially • Performance measure = T(q,g), average time at the inspection station.
A G/G/1 queueing model Service time X = g + Lq Inter-arrival time A
Sample path Definition : A SamplePathis the sequence (event, state, time) of a simulation or experimentation. Example : (Start, 0, 0), (arrival, 1, A1), (arrival, 2, A1+A2), (arrival, 3, A1+A2+A3), (departure, 2, A1+X1), … Property : The samplepathcontains all information of the simulation.
An inspection machine • Each simulation run or a samplepathischaracterized by : • Li : number of tests of product i • Xi = g + Liq : service time of product i • Ai : inter-arrival time betweenproduct i and product i-1 • ti : time at the inspection station of product i (alsocalled system time) • Attention ti ≠ Xi
An inspection machine The best estimator of the average time at the inspection station: Under some regularity conditions Goal of perturbation analysis Evaluate ∂T(q, g)/∂ g and ∂T(q, g)/∂ q
Event-based system dynamics {e1, e2, ..., en, ...} : sequence of events with en{a, d} tn : occurrence time of en with tn = 0 qn : number of parts in the system at time tn+ with qn = 0 Dn : time in state qn En : set of active events at tn+ ren : remaining time till occurrence of event e at time tn+
Event-based system dynamics en : sequence of events tn : occurrence time of en qn : number of parts at time tn+ Dn : time in state qn En : set of active events at tn+ ren : remaining time of event e Time to nextevent :Dn= Min (ren , eEn) Nextevent : en+1 = Argmin (ren , eEn) New state qn+1 = qn +1 if en+1 = a qn+1 = qn -1 if en+1 = d Update eventclocks ren+1 = ren - Dn En+1 = En -{en+1} Create new event Case e = a and lessthan N arrivals En+1 = En+1 +{a} ran+1 = An+1 Case e = d and qn+1 > 0 AND Case e = a and qn = 0 En+1 = En+1 +{d} ran+1 = g+Ln+1q
Event-based system dynamics en : sequence of events tn : occurrence time of en qn : number of parts at time tn+ Dn : time in state qn En : set of active events at tn+ ren : remaining time of event e Performance evaluation : Sn = total time of all parts in the system up to event n Sn+1 = Sn + qnDn T(q,g) = SV /N where eVis the departureevent of N-th part
Event-based system dynamics Simulation algorithm 1/ Initialization : q = 0, t = 0, E = {a}, generater.v. A, ra = A Na = Nd = S = 0 2/ Nextevent: e= Argmin (re, eE), D= re Statistics : Na = Na+ 1(e=a), Nd = Nd+ 1(e=d), S = S + qD 3/ State update : q = q + 1(e = a)-1(e= d) 4/ Update eventclocks: re = re - D, E = E -{e} 5/ Generate new events If e=a Na < N, E = E +{a}, generater.v. A, ra = A If (e=a q= 1) or (e=d Nd < N), E = E +{d}, generater.v. L, rd = g+Lq
Perturbation analysis • Typical question (What-If) : • Whatwouldbe the average system time • if the experimentationwereperformedwithparameterq+Dq? • Definitions : • Nominal system : the system withparameterq of the simulation • Perturbed system : the system withparameterq+Dq of the What-If question? • Nominal samplepath: samplepath of the nominal system • Perturbedsamplepath: samplepath of the perturbed system (preferablyunder the samerandom condition as the nominal samplepath
Perturbation analysis • Typical perturbation analysisanswer: • Perturbation generation • The perturbation of parameterqgeneratesdirectly a perturbation ∆Xi = Li∆q to eachproduct service time (recallthat Xi = g + Liq) • Perturbation propagation • The perturbation of the service time of a productwillbepropagated to otherproducts • Fundamental PA condition : the sequence of eventsdoes not change for smallenough perturbation Dq
Event-based perturbation analysis Nextevent : en+1 =e*= Argmin (ren , eEn) Time to nextevent : Dn= re*n , Dn/q= re*n /q New state qn+1 Update eventclocks ren+1 = ren - Dn , ren+1/q= ren+1 /q - Dn/q En+1 = En -{en+1} Create new event New arrival : En+1 = En+1 +{a}, ran+1 = An+1, ran+1/q= 0 New depart : En+1 = En+1 +{d}, rdn+1 = g + Ln+1q, rdn+1/q= Ln+1 Statistics : Sn+1 = Sn + qnDn, Sn+1 /q= Sn/q+ qnDn/q
Event-based system dynamics Simulation algorithm 1/ Initialization : q = 0, t = 0, E = {a}, generater.v. A, ra = A Na = Nd = S = 0, grad_ra = 0 2/ Nextevent: e= Argmin (re, eE), D= re , grad_D = grad_re Statistics : Na = Na+ 1(e=a), Nd = Nd+ 1(e=d), S = S + qD, grad_S = grad_S + q*grad_D 3/ State update : q = q + 1(e = a)-1(e= d) 4/ Update eventclocks: E = E -{e}, re = re - D, grad_re= grad_re- grad_D 5/ Generate new events If e=a Na < N, E = E +{a}, generate A, ra = A, grad_ra = 0 If (e=a q= 1) or (e=d Nd < N), E = E +{d}, generate L, rd = g+Lq, grad_rd = L 6/ If Nd < N, go to 2; otherwise, T = S/N, grad_T = grad_S /N, END
Busy period • Definition : • A busyperiod (BP) is a period of time duringwhich the inspection station isneveridle. • For a product i of the 1stbusyperiod (BP1): • arrival date : A1+A2 + ...+Ai • departure time: A1+ X1+X2 + ...+Xi • system time : ti = Xi + (X1+X2 + ...+Xi-1) - (A2 + ...+Ai) • Total system time of products of BP1
Busy period • EachbusyperiodBPmisinitiated by the arrival of a productthatfinds an empty system • Let km +1be the productthatinitiatesbusyperiodBPm • System time of the i-th product of BPm • Total system time of products of BPm • where nmis the number of productsinspected in BPm
Busy period • Total system time of products of BPm • where M is the total number of busyperiodsobservedduring the simulation • M is a random variable thatdepends on the simulation realization.
Busy period-based Perturbation analysis • Busyperiodsremain the samednder the fundamental condition. • System time in the perturbed system • As a result,
Busy period-based Perturbation analysis • To summarize, for Xi = g + Liq,
Busy period-based Perturbation analysis Perturbation analysisalgorithmduring the simulation 0) Initialization: gradXq = 0, gradtq = 0, gradTq = 0 gradXg = 0, gradtg = 0, gradTg = 0 1) During the simulation : If the end of service of productwith L tests, 1.1) Perturbation generation: gradXq = L and gradXg = 1 1.2) Perturbation propagation (system time) gradtq = gradtq+ gradXq (Total system time) gradTq = gradTq + gradtq gradtq = gradtg+ gradXg gradTg = gradTg + gradtg 1.3) If the system isempty, then gradtq = 0 and gradtg = 0 2) At the end of the simulation, ∂T/∂q = gradTq/N and ∂T/∂q = gradTq/N
Validation of the results Unbiasedness Consistency
GSMP - Generalised Semi-Markovian Process A general framework for representation of Discrete event systems
Basic concepts • States : a state is a possible system configuration • Ex : number of products to inspect • Events : the system state changes only upon the occurrence of events • Ex : arrival and end of inspection of a product • Transition probabilities : which rule the change of the state when an event occurs • Ex : routing probabilities among multiple alternatives • Clock : which indicate the remaining time to occurrence of events. • A clock is set according to some random variable when it is activated • It then decrements as long as it is active. • An event occurs when its clock reaches zero. • Attention : Remaining processing times of products are associated with clocks of related events and not in the definition of the state
GSMP • A GSMP is defined by : • S : set of states • E : set of events • E(s) : set of events that are possible at state s • p(s'; s, e) : probability of jumping to state s' when event e occurs at state s • Fe : probability distribution of a new clock of event e • Example (Station d'inspection) : • S = {0, 1, …} : number of products waiting for inspection • E = {a, d} with a = product arrival, d = product departure • E(s) = {a, d} if s > 0 and E(0) = {a} • p(s+1; s, a) = 1, p(s-1; s, d) d 1 • Fa = distribution of inter-arrival time, Fd = distribution of service time
GSMP Non-Interruption (NI) condition : " s, s' S and e E(s), p(s'; s, e) > 0 E(s') E(s) - {e} The NI condition implies that, once activated, an event remain active till its occurrence.
Simulation algorithm of an GSMP 1. Initialization : • Number of events : n = 0 • Set initial state : S0 • Set clocks of activated events : C0(e) = X(e, 1), "e E(S0) • Set event counter : N(e, 0) = 0, " e E 2. Determine the next event : 3. Sojourn time at Sn : tn+1 = Cn(en+1) 4. Update the event counters :
Simulation algorithm of an GSMP • 5. Update the system state : • Sn+1 = F(Sn , en+1 , U(en+1, N(en+1, n+1))) • where • Fis a functionsuchthat P{F(s, e, U) = s'} = p(s'; s, e) • U is a random variable withuniform distribution on [0,1]. • Update existingclocks : • Cn+1(e) = Cn+1(e) - tn+1, "e E(sn) -{en+1} • Generate new clocks : • Cn+1(e) = X(e, N(e, n) +1), "e E(sn+1) - (E(sn) -{en+1}) • 8. If the end of simulation, stop. Otherwise, n:= n+1 and go to step 2
Simulation algorithm of an GSMP Routing mechanisms • Each active eventeisassociated a uniformrandom variable U(e), calledroutingindicator • Step 5 of the GSMP simulation algorithmisdecomposeintotwosteps: • 5.1. Generation of the routingindicator : U(en+1,N(en+1, n+1)) • 5.2. Determination of the new state : • Sn+1 = F(Sn , en+1 , U(en+1,N(en+1, n+1)) ) • whereFissuchthat P{F(s, e, U) = s'} = p(s'; s, e). • Example of F : • Let S = { s1, s2, … , sm }. Sn+1 := sisuchthat :
Simulation algorithm of an GSMP Performance measures • Let • Zt : be the state of the system at time t and • f(Zt) : the costassociatedwith state Zt. • The following performance measures are considered • where T is a given constant • where N is a giveninteger and tNis occurrence time of N-th event, i.e. tN = t1 + t2 + ... + tN ; • where T(a,k) is the time of k-th occurrence of event a .
Random Number Generation The linear congruential technique • Goal: • Generate samples of U[0, 1] distribution • The linear congruential technique : • Xk+1 = (aXk + c) mod m, k = 0, 1, ... • where • a = multiplier, c = increment, m = modulus • X0 = seed • Quality strongly depends on the selection of parameters a, c, m. • The "pseudo" random samples have cycle of length at most m. • m = 2n , as large as possible with 231 for 32-bit computer, is often used to maximize the cycle and to ease to the modula arithmetic
Random variate generation The inverse transform technique • Goal: • Generate samples of probability distribution F(x) • The inverse tranform technique : • Generate a sample U of distribution U[0, 1] • Transform U into X with X = F-1(U) • Online proof • Examples : • EXP(l) with F = 1 - exp(-lx) • Weibull with F = 1 - exp (-(l(x-g))b) • Drawback: • The computation of the inverse transform can be time consuming.
Random variate generation Acceptance-rejection technique • Majorizingfunction: • g(x)suchthat g(x) ≥ f(x) • Densityfunctionrelated to g(x) • Acceptance-rejection technique : • Select a majorizingfunction g(x) and itsrelateddensityfunction h(x) • Generate a randomvariate Y withpdf h(x) • Generate a randomnumber U[0,1] independentlyfrom Y • If U ≤ f(Y)/g(Y), • then set X = Y. Otherwise, repeatstep 2. • Criteria for selection of majorizingfunction: • Ease of generation of distribution h(x) • Small rejection points, i.e. small surface between g(x) and f(x)
Terminating simulation output analysis Point estimation • Observations: • X1, X2, ..., Xn : simulation observations of true but unknown performance q • Sample mean • Unbiasedness: • For iid observations X1, X2, ..., Xn, • Sample variance: strong law of large number
Terminating simulation output analysis Interval estimation Central limit theorem tends to a standard normal distribution as n goes to infinity. (1-a)-percent confidence interval (why): • where • za/2is a defined on a standard normal distribution F(z). • s2isevaluated by sample variance • Student's t distribution isalsoused to avoidchecking how large n is for normal distribution approximation
Nonterminating simulation output analysis Problem setting • Observations: • X1, X2, ... : simulation observations of a nonterminating simulation • Unknown steady state performance : • Time average: • Under ergodicity condition
Nonterminating simulation output analysis Replications with deletions • I. • Simulation for a time horizon of m+r steps • Ignore data of the first r steps • Estimation with data of the remaining m steps • II. • Perform K replications of I • Use point estimation methods to evaluate the performance • Key questions : • How long should the warmup interval r be?
Nonterminating simulation output analysis Batch means • Based on a single but long simulation run • Observed data X1, X2, ... are grouped into Batches • Assume batches of equal length m with a warmup period of length r • Batch mean Bj is estimated • Batch means are then used in point estimation
Nonterminating simulation output analysis Regenerative simulation • Assumption: • There exists some regenerative state (regeneration point) after which the system is independent of past history • Regeneration cycles • R1, R2, ... : regeneration times • [Rj, Rj+1) : regenerative cycle or period • Cycle total (Lj) and cycle length (Nj) of cycle j • Steady state mean
Functional GSMP • System paramets : • Assume that the probability distribution of new clocksdepend on a continuousparameterq. • Let : • Fe(x; q) : distribution of new clocks of evente • Xq(e, n) : n-th clock of evente • Hypothesis (H1) : • "e and q, Fe(x; q) iscontinuous in x and Fe(x; q) = 0. • Hypothesis (H2) : • "e and q, Xq(e, n)iscontinuousdifferentiable in q. • Remark: • Under H1, the probabilitythattwoclocksreachzeroat the same time isnull
Perturbation generation Remark : U = Fe(Xq(e, n); q) est une v.a. uniforme dans [0, 1] The inverse transform technique for generation of eventclocks X : Generate a random variable U uniformlydistributed on [0, 1] Xq(e, n) = Fe-1(U, q) Property : When the inverse tranform technique isused for generation of eventclocks, the followinginfinitesimal perturbations are generated :
Perturbation generation Special cases : • scaleparameters : Fe(x; q) = Ge(x/q) dXq(e, n) / dq = Xq(e, n) / q Ex : a exponentiallydistributedrandom variable withmeanq • location parameters : Fe(x; q) = Ge(x - q) dXq(e, n) / dq = 1 Ex : X = g + L qwheregis a location parameter