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Intensive Care Unit. Glasgaw 意識分級表 (Glasgow Coma Scale) (Normal: 15 points ; Nearly die: 3 points) 一、 張眼反應 (Eye opening) 4. 自發性 (Spontaneous) 3. 對說話 (To speech) 2. 對疼痛 (To pain) 1. 不能張眼 (No eye opening). 二、 運動反應能力 (Motor response)
Glasgaw意識分級表(Glasgow Coma Scale) (Normal: 15 points ; Nearly die: 3 points) 一、 張眼反應(Eye opening) 4. 自發性(Spontaneous) 3. 對說話(To speech) 2. 對疼痛(To pain) 1. 不能張眼(No eye opening)
二、運動反應能力(Motor response) 6. 遵照命令(Obey commands) 5. 反應剌激部位(Localize to stimili) 4. 縮回反應(Withdrawal) 3. 屈曲反應(Flexion, Bending) 2. 伸展反應(Extension) 1. 癱瘓(Flaccid)
三、說話能力(Verbal response) 5. 對話適當(Appropriate conversation) 4. 對話昏亂(Confused conversation) 3. 說話不適切(Inappropriate speech) 2. 說話不可理解(Incomprehensive speech) 1. 不會說話(Mute)
Intelligent Modelling and Control in Neurosurgical ICU Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Measurement
The Monitoring Clinical Signs in Neurosurgical ICU HP Monitor INVOS 3100 PC
A Three-layer ANN for Modelling of ICP via Non-invasive Clinical Signs Input Layer Hidden Layer Output Layer rSO2 MAP Training Output HR EtCO2 Desired Output (ICP) Bias
The intracranial pressure control of patients using fuzzy logic applied in neurosurgical intensive care unit
Patients and Methods: Patients: Seventeen patients with head injury Three control types: Group A: RBC (rule-base controller) Group B: FLC (fuzzy logic controller) Group C: SOFLC (self-organizing fuzzy logic controller)
Vital signs Real time display History data Fig. 5 Computer interface in NICU using VB program
The Controlling ICP Signals in Neurosurgical ICU HP Monitor Graseby 3500 Artificial Ventilation Patient
Moving Average • 5 min: ICP (Current) • 30min: ICP (B_line) • If Error > Tolerance then Inf. Rate↑
Autoregulation Mechanism NoteBook