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Project Status Update II R09230: Open Architecture, Open Source Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Imaging Systems

Project Status Update II R09230: Open Architecture, Open Source Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Imaging Systems. A. Benjamin Wager (ME) B. Michael Skube (ME) C. Matthew Greco (ME) D. James Hunt (ME) E. Stephen Sweet (ME) F. Joshua Wagner (ME). Project Status Update. Project Family

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Project Status Update II R09230: Open Architecture, Open Source Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Imaging Systems

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  1. Project Status Update IIR09230: Open Architecture, Open Source Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Imaging Systems A. Benjamin Wager (ME) B. Michael Skube (ME) C. Matthew Greco (ME) D. James Hunt (ME) E. Stephen Sweet (ME) F. Joshua Wagner (ME)

  2. Project Status Update • Project Family • Open Architecture, Open Source Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Imaging Systems • Family Number • R09230 • Start Term • 2008-2 planned academic quarter for Phase I • End Term • 2013-3 planned academic quarter for Phase IV • Faculty Guide • Dr. Jason Kolodziej (ME) • Faculty Consultant • Dr. Agamemnon Crassidis (ME) – Possible Consultant • Faculty Consultant • Dr. Mark Kempski (ME) – Possible Consultant • Faculty Consultant • Dr. P. Venkataraman (ME) – Possible Consultant • Primary Customer • R09560 - Open Architecture, Open Source Aerial Imaging Systems • Law Enforcement Agencies (Marijuana Eradication)

  3. Mission Statement Product Description /Project Overview The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle family of projects is intended to create an open source, open architecture platform to hold imaging systems for research projects and law enforcement. Key Business Goals/Project Deliverables The primary business goals of this product are to : Create a product that is more cost effective than existing solutions. Create a stable, easily controlled aerial platform. Create an open source UAV platform that can carry and control an imaging system. Primary Market / Project Opportunities The primary market for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is the RIT College of Imaging Science. It is intended as a tool to facilitate imaging research, and to enhance their image capturing abilities. Secondary Market / Project Opportunities The secondary market for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is Public Safety Officials. Primarily for Law Enforcement to increase their response capabilities, and decrease their reliance on manned aircraft, thus decreasing their aerial costs. This can also be used by fire departments to track wildfires or realtors who sell large tracts of land. Stakeholders Stakeholders in the design of our product include the following: • R09560 - Open Architecture, Open Source Aerial Imaging Systems • College of Imaging Science • Law Enforcement Agencies • Fire Departments • Realtors / Appraisers • The Communities in which our law enforcement customers reside

  4. Project Constraints & Assumptions • Constraints • State & Local Laws (FAA) • RIT Regulations • Engineering Standards • Project Compatibility • Assumptions • Use of needed labs, and other work areas • On time delivery of materials (with reasonable buffer time) • Team Cooperation • Team Competency

  5. Team Values • Professionalism • In all aspects of communication/interactions (email, presentations, phone calls, etc.) • Timeliness • Meet deadlines, Arrive on time, Communicate issues quickly, Conclude meetings on time • Respect • Everyone’s opinions/ideas count, Cultural differences, everyone is equal • Communication • Listen, No interrupting, Clear and Descriptive • Factual Evidence • Decisions are based in facts, Consensus on group decisions • Feedback • Continual feedback, Constructive feedback, Open door policy • Ownership • Take ownership of what you do and say, Offer solutions with criticism • Collaboration • No one man armies, Share information and knowledge • Discussion • No sacred cows, Confidentiality within the group interactions • Contribute • Everyone does something, Clear task expectations • Constructive • Take ownership for you contributions and actions, Don’t put ideas or people down • Ethical • Ensure to give credit to information sources • Thorough • Complete tasks so that they do not have to be redone • Accuracy • All work will be documented in a way that can be reviewed by the team

  6. Fostering Team Work • Team Meeting Structure: • Provide team lead with a list of what you did last week and what you plan to do this week, submitted via email before weekly meeting. Weekly meeting will begin with a round table discussion of what each member has done and plans to do to the entire group. This will also be a time to have presentations on new ideas, completed tasks, or other things relevant to the group, as well as time to ask for assistance on tasks that need additional attention. Meetings will be concluded by discussing any new or open action items and assigning action items to individuals, along with completion dates. • Keys to Team Building • Establish roles – A single leader and clear individual roles • Exploiting assets – Capitalizing on our strengthens to be productive • Establish a clear problem – Promote the understanding of the entire problem to each team member • Establish clear goals – Expectations and deadlines (direction) – roadmap • Welcome challenges to prevailing ideas – create an open environment • Spend time together – frequent informal and formal meetings • Establish expectations – Set the expectation of quality work, build ownership of the project, individual teams will set “values and norms” during the first week


  8. P09231 Airframe A • The Airframe A team will provide the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle family with a fleet of small, inexpensive, robust aircraft to be used in the design, testing, and iteration processes of all other sub-projects. All vehicles will be rooted in the Aero Design Team Laboratory Airframe, to ensure inherent flight viability and solid foundations for improvement. The team will engineer in accordance with the code of ethics while continually moving towards a new generation aircraft to be used in subsequent years by all interested parties. The team will endeavor to provide logistical contingencies in an effort to make a flying test bed available to other sub-projects at all times. Matt Greco

  9. Target Specifications • Understand and construct multiple Aero Design Team Laboratory Airframes • Outfit 2-3 airframes with complete off-the-shelf control systems and means of propulsion • Train pilots on basic flight operations and procedures. • Iterate airframe design for ease of interchangeability, control, and robustness P09231

  10. Staffing Requirements P09231

  11. Work Breakdown Structure P09231

  12. Resource and Budgetary Needs • Aero Design Laboratory for Fabrication • Machine Shop for Interfacing of Components to Airframe • Access to Electrical Engineering Laboratories for Circuit Design • Budgetary Considerations: P09231

  13. Risks Assessment P09231

  14. Final Project P09231

  15. P09232 Airframe B Joshua Wagner

  16. Mission Statement • The Airframe B project will be an iteration of the "Split Decision" aircraft originally designed and built by the RIT Aero Club.  This craft must be in compliance with all anticipated modifications generated by the other senior design projects in this family.  The goal of this project is to create a stable, robust, and light-weight aerial platform for the other groups.  This project plans to achieve four successful flights to prove the airframe's viability. P09232

  17. Resource & Budget Needs • Aero Design Laboratory for Fabrication • Machine Shop for Interfacing of Components to Airframe • Access to Electrical Engineering Laboratories for Circuit Design • Budgetary Considerations: P09232

  18. Staffing • 2 Aerospace Engineers • - Research appropriate airfoils • - Locate components for optimal lift vs. drag • - Balance craft for stable flight • 2 Mechanical Engineers • - Design for structural integrity • - Improve existing framework • - Reduce current weight • 1 Electrical Engineer • - Servo selection • - Controller selection • - Wiring P09232

  19. Preliminary Work Breakdown Structure P09232

  20. Risks Assessment P09232

  21. Final Product P09232

  22. Flight Parameter MeasurementsMichael SkubeP09233 http://www.sensors.goodrich.com/prodo.shtml

  23. Mission Statement • The mission of the Measurements group is to provide a means for measuring and calculating all the necessary parameters for the flight of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, primarily through the use of superior measuring devices and accurate dynamic characterizations. We strive to provide accurate data from our measurement systems for in-flight control and monitoring. We strive to exceed engineering standards while encouraging a environment for intellectual growth.

  24. Target Specifications • Measure required parameters to characterize a test frame’s surrounding conditions as well as its internal conditions • Provide accurate, relevant and continuous data for the Roadmap Project • Additional measurements of onboard systems that require continuous measuring/monitoring • Exact design number and type of measurements, as well as the expected range of this data is still undetermined, but has been rudimentarily discussed • Customer needs: Require reliable airframe, low maintenance P09233

  25. Staffing Requirements ** Fabrication from all Engineers P09233

  26. Preliminary Work Breakdown Structure P09233

  27. Resource & Budgetary Needs • Access to the wind tunnel for testing • Access to necessary calibration tools • Machine shop for mounting fabrication • Budget Items: P09233

  28. Risks Assessment P09233

  29. Final Project P09233

  30. P09235- Payload Group Steve Sweet Image Source: http://www.geocities.com/co366thaw/VB-5/Vigilante_Payload.gif

  31. Mission Statement The Payload Group provides the interface between the Aircraft and the Imaging System, and protection for the Payload that is aboard the Aircraft. These goals will be accomplished through communication between the Aircraft Group and the Imaging System Team along with effective design solutions. It is important to create simple, lightweight, and rugged designs while creating an educationally enriching experience.

  32. Project Goals • Finalize Aircraft “B” payload specifications • Protect imaging equipment • Reduce aircraft drag due to exposed imaging system • Implement a forward looking camera • Create rugged, lightweight, and simple designs

  33. Resources • Computer Labs with CAD, FEA, and CFD Software • Machine Shop for fabrication of concepts and final design • Aircraft “A” to test concepts • Wind Tunnel to test aerodynamics of designs • Aircraft “B” to implement final designs

  34. Staffing

  35. Work Breakdown Structure

  36. Risk Assessment

  37. Final Product • Image Source: http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/images/AIR_F-16A_Pakistan_Bombing_lg.jpg

  38. P09234 Controls Jimmy Hunt Ben Wager

  39. Mission Statement The mission of the Controls group is to provide a plant model along with controllers to control to the UAV in flight. This will be done through wind tunnel testing to find and calculate the aerodynamics of, at first a model R/C plane. Then be able to apply what is learned through that testing to the actual airframe that is designed by the Airframe group. Also simple controllers will be designed and tested on the airframe itself to check the plant model of an actual airframe. With all of this happening in an intellectual and friendly environment. P09234

  40. Project Goal • Develop a functional Plant Model of the Aircraft • Develop methodology of determining Aerodynamic Coefficients • Develop simple control system for stabilization • Account for sensor delay from Plane-to-ground-to-PC-to-Plane • Research embedded Control • Customer Needs • Stable Aircraft • Maneuverable • Cheap • Easy to Manufacture and Repair • Modular P09234

  41. Staffing Requirements P09234

  42. Preliminary Work Breakdown P09234

  43. Primary Budget Needs • Resources • Computer Labs with MATLAB • Electronics Labs for Controller Fabrication • Wind Tunnel for Aero Coefficients • Gauges for Wind Tunnel Measurements P09234

  44. Risks Assessment P09234

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