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UK HEI income 2003-4 (1)

Higher education income Stephen Court AUT senior research officer AUT LA Presidents’ briefing 7 July 2005. UK HEI income 2003-4 (1). UK HEI income 2003-4 (2). UK HEI income 2003-4 (3). UK HEI income 2003-4 (4). UK HEI expenditure 2003-4. Level of surplus.

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UK HEI income 2003-4 (1)

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  1. Higher education incomeStephen CourtAUT senior research officerAUT LA Presidents’ briefing7 July 2005 AUT 2005 - HE income

  2. UK HEI income 2003-4 (1) AUT 2005 - HE income

  3. UK HEI income 2003-4 (2) AUT 2005 - HE income

  4. UK HEI income 2003-4 (3) AUT 2005 - HE income

  5. UK HEI income 2003-4 (4) AUT 2005 - HE income

  6. AUT 2005 - HE income

  7. UK HEI expenditure 2003-4 AUT 2005 - HE income

  8. Level of surplus • The operating surplus for UK HEIs remained at a very similar level in 2002-3 and 2003-4, at around 1.5% of income. • The historical cost surplus for UK HEIs in 2003-4 increased from 2.5% to 3.2% of income. AUT 2005 - HE income

  9. AUT 2005 - HE income

  10. AUT 2005 - HE income

  11. HEIs in deficit • In 2004, out of 170 HEIs, the proportion with an operating deficit in the UK was 24%. • The largest deficit was nearly £9m at Cambridge, followed by Aberdeen (£6.7m), Leeds Metropolitan (£4.9m) and Glasgow (£4.4m). AUT 2005 - HE income

  12. HEFCE grant • Grant allocations by the Higher Education Funding Council for England, plus fee income, for English HEIs increasing by 5.8% in 2005-6 AUT 2005 - HE income

  13. AUT 2005 - HE income

  14. English HEI forecasts • The forecasts of HEIs* in England for increase in grant and fee levels are considerably lower. * (made in June/July 2004 before the outcome of the 2004 Spending Review, and not including the impact of variable fees from 2006) • HEIs are forecasting a 5.6% increase in staff costs in 2005-6, followed by 4.7% in 2006-7 and 4.4% in 2007-8. AUT 2005 - HE income

  15. AUT 2005 - HE income

  16. Top-up fees in England AUT 2005 - HE income

  17. e.g. Exeter AUT 2005 - HE income

  18. Funding for Wales • Planned funding for HEFCW is to increase by 5.8% in 2005-6 - considerably above forecast RPI inflation. • Much lower levels of increase after 2006 – but these exclude any Supplementary Income Stream or top-up income for 2007-8 AUT 2005 - HE income

  19. AUT 2005 - HE income

  20. HEFCW grant • The 2005-6 HEFCW recurrent allocations to Welsh HEIs are increasing overall by 4.95%. (HEFCW W05/12HE) • The five main pre-92 HEIs are to receive an increase in HEFCW grant of between 3.3% and 7.8% - the latter being the increase for Lampeter. AUT 2005 - HE income

  21. AUT 2005 - HE income

  22. Funding for Scotland • Funding for SHEFC for the period of the 2004 Spending Review is generous, rising by 8.3% in 2005-6. • Total grant and fees for Scotland rising by 7.2% in 2005-6, then 10.6% in 2006-7 and 6.5% in 2007-8. AUT 2005 - HE income

  23. AUT 2005 - HE income

  24. SHEFC grant • The grant allocations to Scottish HEIs by SHEFC (SHEFC HE/08/05), show a lower rate of increase for 2005-6, of 3.4%. • There are various reasons for this: the recurrent grants to institutions do not include all the funding SHEFC will allocate; the funding for SHEFC is in financial years, while the funding by SHEFC is in academic financial years. • AUT(S) says there are various elements of funding made during the year which bring the level of funding increase to HEIs to ~6.5%. AUT 2005 - HE income

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