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Adolf Hitler And the nazis , and, commosuim ?! other information. North Korea…. By Emerson Mallery . Intro!. Now, we all who Adolf Hitler was… And we also know he did some bad things, like, hating the Jews for many reasons.
Adolf Hitler And the nazis, and, commosuim?! other information. North Korea… By Emerson Mallery.
Intro! • Now, we all who Adolf Hitler was… And we also know he did some bad things, like, hating the Jews for many reasons. • But, did you know HE did some really good and cool things, in fact, he is better than you think! • So, I made this to show the good things that I thought were cool. • And, to tell you about some “interesting” facts about him, and some things, we, as america have done that makes us not any better than the camps the jews were brought to. • All Information is ture. • As well, I am not saying that Anyone is good or bad! • As well, I give some information about National Socialism. (Nazis) • NOT SAYING ANYONE IS BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE!
I know it is offence to many. • Yes, I do Adolf Hitler, and the Nazis killed many jews, and in some bad ways… but, I am NOT bring offence to ANYONE in this! It’s ment to SHOW, not bring OFFENCE. • So, with that clear, let’s begin with the presentation.
Good things, slide1 • Well, Adolf Hitler, when driving, he was tired of short cuts, crossways, it made is imposable to drive, and caused lots of road rage. So, he and some others invented the highway system. • As well, the first no speed limit highway! • Speaking of roads, he also made a new type of car. He called it the “peoples car” or the volkswagon. Aka, the modern day slug bug, which we all punch our friends on the shoulder when ever we see one! YAY You can now slug your friend… NOW!
Good things Slide2 • Hitler wanted everyone who supported him to have a job, even females! After world war one, Germany was in a sad state, well, he gave everyone a job. (He was NOT sexist!) • He invited, and some help from really smart scientists. He created the jet engine, and worlds first Jet Fighter. As well making liquid and soild fuel rocket engines that we use today. • Here is a picture of the worlds first jet/jet fighter! WEEEE!!!!!! He was also close to make even more…
Good Things Slide3 Germany was poor after world war one, so he gave everyone a job and Germany was rich! • He did explain everything, and his views, and things for the better in announcements, and he gave the people what they wanted. • He created more jobs, better education, and was far ahead on future technology. He was far in the future. Every one gets a job!
Good things slide4 • Hitler hated smoking, less people smoked in Germany than America. (Germany is 1, and America, 4.) ¼Americans smoked 3000 per smoke, and Germany 700 per smoke. Only a certain amount of animals could be killed per year! And Hitler loved animals and whould NEVER hurt any animal. NEIN!!!!!! They lead smoking to cancer.
Interesting Funfacts1 • Adolf Hitler would NEVER hurt any animals, as well he loved them and nature it’s self. • “A theory is, it made him crazy. Which is a theory, which isn’t true!!!!!. (Don’t believe everything you read or see!)” • In Berlin, he decided for there to be coliseum. And he hosted the oyompics, twice! • Adolf Hitler was a vegertarn, but also really loved chocolate, eating 2 pounds of it a day, but he wasn’t fat. • He was voted times number 1 in 1938.
More Intersting facts about Hitler! • He only had testicale… he lost one of them during war… and this should not happen to ANYONE! It’s like losing a breast, kidney, something valuable! • And, if you didn’t know, he was NOT sexist! He did like children, also had a since of humor. He also had a dog, and did get married. He played jokes on his generals! For fun, nice pranks! He could never undress, even for a docter, later years. He whouldn’t take off his coat, even in the worst of weather! He was only human, he had emotion and thought
What Happened in his past • You might be thinking: But he killed millions of jews and was racist. Because you don’t know about him, and your simple minded, and can’t see from different views, some bad things happened in his past. His dad died when he was 13! And his mother of breast cancer when he was 15! His girlfriend killed her self, he wasn’t accepted into art school, fired from being an engerner. He lost one of his testicales in war, nearly died from a gas attack. • A lot happened in his past life. Think different a little, you can still hate him, but please understand!
Facts about National Socialism. Facts about the Nazis!
Nazis! Who and what? Beliefs?! • They were and are a political group, which Hitler created. They reject Jews, and wanted races to be ‘separated’ as well, wanting a great race of whites! People with bold hair, blue eyes, white skin fit those. Well, anyone who has light hair, and white skin. If you had black hair, you were a white still…. Racist, byist. What ever you say, it is what they think! • As well having the swastika. That symbol Hitler made himself of a stage looking cross I believe. • Whites were the greatest race, aka, Aryan Race! Whites, with blond/light hair! Not that sure about this part…
What they stand for • White people rights! Hitler was the greatest leader ever. The Jews suck, they thought. • Rights for Whites! Hitler Rules! • The Jews Suck…
Today?! American Nazi Party?! (ANP) www.americannaziparty.com Yes! Even today, the nazis live. But they have changed, today, their a politocal party. They want a better, whiter america. Wanting clean Energy, freedom of speech, for the mexigans to get lost! Really, they want a contry for whites, one for blacks, and one for asians. (renumber, japan was germanys greatest ally!) They are better now, and no, there not those stupid Neo Nazis! The ANP is a poltical group for whites. There belifs are a different, contrys for the three races. And they don’t care if you have a religon or not, you just need to be white, and suport them. They are not evil or vilointe. There a politcal party! The evilness is left for the idiotic, evil skin heads.
Types of Nazis (ANP NOT included) ANP stands for American Nazi Party. Skin Heads Opposite of skin heads • Rasict, very, very, very rasict. They sometimes shave their heads, they love heavy metal. Beat up people with spiked boots and base bats, killing. They beat up Blacks, asians, homeless people, even-other-whites! Think some war about whites vs other races. • Not rascits, kind, nice, hate skinheads/boneheads! Charaity.
Neo Nazis • Yes, Neo Nazis! They are like Hitler’s nazis, but are still existing, there real and want their belifs to become real. They want their name to be shouted, and for America to ‘relaze’ what there doing, so, they are like Htiler’snazis, but are in america. Yes, they do strike out, with sometimes force of wepons. Or have meetings. I don’t know too much.
What America Has Done Japan and germany What else • We have done some things to japan. We have droped TWO nukes on TWO citys, which killed tons and tons of inoccent people, to force japan to surender! And during WW2, we put not only japaness but all asians in america into camps as well! In fear of spies, and we, america, took away every, they were thin, not allowed to leave, do normal things, and they lost EVERYTHING! We didn’t give them tasty food, not very much water, and the beds were terrably bad! Little pravicy, it was like a preison for them • And for any german-americans, they were mocked, called evil, and blamed for the war. The thing was, Japan never made camps for americans or whites! It was race based, America was once much more rasict than today. • First, when we came here, we kicked out the indans, then hated African Americans, then all japaness and german people, and now, the mexigans, and people from the middle east, and what we have done to the poor African Americans. And we got rid of the indans. We put Native Americans in camps. Yes they did starve. • We have done very bad things, but we have done lots of good things too.
People like Hitler. Commousiom Osoma and leader of iraq • Commoisum is bad, and huge, well, was huge… it’s not even a person, but a whole bunch of people and contrys. It has killed 20 millon and more people when is was large! It was like dictator ship. Hitler hated it, and fought against it, as well as the U.S.A, england, and japan. ITS EVERYWERE!!!!!! • The most recent… Osomabinliten. Yes, he caused 9-11, planes were hijaced and flown into the twin towers. He caused a hijacked plane to also crash into the pentagon. Almost exspolded and subway station. We was killed in 2008. I belive he should be blamed! 9/11! • The leader of iraq caused a 20 year war on us, we deaffeated him. He was evil, killed tons upon tons of people! Anti american, did tourture people. Bad bad man, killed many, insane!
What is communism?! The soviet union, and what communism is today. And even for me, it is a huge process to explain. It’s like opposite of caplaisum (democracy is opposite of this, well sorta)
What and were is it?! Soviet union China • Once owned Russia, Russia was larger back then, they had a very powerful leader and army. They went to war with Hitler him self, almost lost, won because of America. They also killed 40 million people! 40 MILLION PEOPLE!!!!! And I think they tried to eliminate religon… and at one point, I think they were allied with Hitler before they went to war and allied with america, then went to war with america and lost. • Yes, maybe my favorite country, they are huge and rich, they are very powerful, they have a large, well trained military, and LOTS OF NUKES! And china does allow some religon, 5% are buddiast, 3% are chrisan, 1% are mormon, islam, and no jews! The rest are undecided or don’t belivenreligon. Many other contries are based from it, North Veitam, which won. And North Korea, and many other contries were based from it.
What is North korea?! I explain about North Korea and who is Kim Jong Un
What is the country?! Basic info Kim jong un • Not much is know, because they don’t give off much information. But what I do know is: North Korea was based upon the soviet union when the conturysplitedand went to war. The war was a tie. When the soviet Uion when away, North Korea became poor. North Korea has very good education, good as the United States and more than china, india, and japan! • North Korea is very poor, with not much food, bad power. And it is very secretive as well strict laws. Not very much Human Rights. • They have the 4rth largest army in the world! • He is the leader of North Korea right now. He is only 28. But he does have ideas. He has threatened nukes upon America, four times… To get the attention of his people, he also he making food much better. • He loves basketball, and would get in trouble during school when a kid drawing Dennis Rodman, which he has meet. He went to a secret school in Switzerland, and hid his ID entry. • What he wants most from us is for Oboma to call him, so they can talk some stuff over! Also, he doesn’t want war, as well not liking the camps from which his father created. He does want a better North Korea. He has good ideas. And, the guy is 31!
Conculsion • What I have showen is VAILD information, it is not lies, I did information from videos, and many websites… • If you dislike: THIS IS NOT MENT TO OFFEND YOU, I WAS SHOWING A PERSONTION ABOUT SOME THINGS, AND I DID RESEARCH! • I added the picture of the children to calm your nervers if you think this is lies or propogna which it is not! I have shown you the many things Adolf Hitler has done (we all what he did to the jews!) that were good, we learned some facts about him. Then I showed you some bad things America has done, which were still ashamed of. Then I tell you some facts about commuisum. From there, to North Korea. But hey, no country is perfect after all! • Now, I hoped you have enjoyed my presontation on Adolf Hitler, the Nazis, and some other things!
Das ende, the end Thanks for enjoying this! Or listing… Resources: www.amercannaziparty.com www.youtube.com/goodthingshitlerdid www.googleimages.com