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Agricultural and Rural Households Income Statistics in Countries in Less-Than-Ideal Conditions: an Insight Thinking to African Countries. ICAS-V Fifth International Conference on Agriculture Statistics Kampala, Uganda - October 12-15, 2010. By EDOARDO PIZZOLI (ISTAT) NAMAN KEITA (FAO).

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  1. Agricultural and Rural Households Income Statistics in Countries in Less-Than-Ideal Conditions: an Insight Thinking to African Countries ICAS-V Fifth International Conference on Agriculture Statistics Kampala, Uganda - October 12-15, 2010 By EDOARDO PIZZOLI (ISTAT) NAMAN KEITA (FAO)

  2. Outlines ICAS-V • Introduction • Indicators and Tools to Calculate Rural Households Income Statistics • Data Availability in African Countries • Analysis of indicators calculated on available data (WDI database) • Study Cases in M&E Sourcebook • Concluding remarks Kampala, 12-15 October 2010

  3. I. Introduction ICAS-V • Agricultural and rural household income indicators: • key indicators, among the economic indicators • to monitor and evaluate the results of development Policies • Problems: • Technical difficulties • limited availability of data • Investigation in African countries: • real data availability • some technical difficulties (less-than-ideal conditions) Kampala, 12-15 October 2010

  4. II. Indicators and Tools ICAS-V • Core indicators are suggested at international level for M&E in ARD programmes in less-than-ideal conditions (FAO at al.,2008) • Subset of 19 indicators is considered “priority” • Extended menu of 86 indicators is a reference list Kampala, 12-15 October 2010

  5. III. Data Availability in African Countries ICAS-V • Data Kampala, 12-15 October 2010

  6. IV. Analysis of indicators ICAS-V • Analysis Kampala, 12-15 October 2010

  7. V. Study Cases in M&E Sourcebook ICAS-V • Study cases Kampala, 12-15 October 2010

  8. Concluding remarks ICAS-V • Calculate household income indicators for statistics is a difficult task and international comparability with countries at different levels of development, as it is in Africa, is more complicate. Anyway statistical capability and data availability is growing in most African countries that, with an appropriate use of statistical tools, could regularly produce income indicators. Even if only aggregated data are available, a disaggregation at territorial level (for example regions) combined with partial micro-data at household/population level could be enough to produce concentration indicators on income. Kampala, 12-15 October 2010

  9. Agricultural and Rural Households Income Statistics Agricultural and Rural Households Income Statistics in Countries in Less-Than-Ideal Conditions An Insight Thinking to African Countries Edoardo Pizzoli National Accounts ISTAT - Italian National Institute of Statistics www.istat.it Edoardo Pizzoli (ISTAT), Naman Keita (FAO) Kampala, 12-15 October 2010

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