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Explore the advancements in European System of Business Registers for enhanced statistics on globalisation and multinational enterprises. Conclusions and discussions from ESSnet Workshop 2012 in Rome.
ESSnet Workshop 2012Cavour Conference Centre, Rome 3-4 December 2012 Conclusions from Sessions 1, 2, 3 Rapporteurs: Donatella Fazio, Istat Maria Grazia Calza, Istat Arianna Carciotto, Istat
SESSION 1: European System of Business Registers (ESBRs)Chair: A. Liotti, Eurostat Rapporteur: D. Fazio, Istat 4 ESSnet projects 1.EGR (Euro Group Register )(S. Migliardo, Istat) The project has realized the set up of the European statistical business register of multinational enterprise groups built up as a network composed of a central system located at Eurostat and local systems located in the NSIs participating countries. The EGR represents a common statistical frame for NSIs and National Central Banks. (Next project for implementation of EGR -version 2.0 -2012-2013) • Profiling (P. Teillet, INSEE)-on going The project aims at setting up a coherent and consistent methodology for defining the ‘profiling’ of large and complex multinational enterprise groups.
Global Value Chains(P. Boegh Nilsen, Statistics Denmark)-on going The project aims at building up Globalisation Indicators to measure economic globalisation. The presentation focused on the implementation of micro data linking methods covering existing business registers (no increase of response burden) • Consistency (G. Garofalo, Istat) The project aimed at providing a methodological, sustainable and cost-effective harmonised framework to compare different areas of business and trade statistics improving horizontal and vertical consistency.
ESS VIP-ESBRs-European System of interoperable statistical Business Registers (Amerigo Liotti, Eurostat) Taking into account the work done by the ESSnet projects and in order to develop the research in an integrated manner the ESS VIP-European System of interoperable statistical Business Registers Project, has been presented. With the main idea to develop statistical business registers across the European Statistical System into a network of interoperable statistical Business Registers so that they serve as the backbone for the production of European businesses statistics the ESS VIP-ESBRsaims at: -improving consistency and coherence, reducing production costs and facilitating data integration allowing the production of better statistics on globalisation and specialised statistics on European multinational enterprise groups (MNEs) considering EGR at the heart of the system -providing pioneer solutions (micro-data linking, use of administrative data, secure transmission of confidential data, etc.) that will be available for other projects (RE-USABILITY)
The ESS VIP-ESBRs project European System of interoperable statistical Business Registers will stand on 3 pillars: -Strengthening the role of national Business Register -Improving the EGR quality -Developing IT infrastructure DURING THE SESSION INTERESTING DISCUSSION ON -technical and methodological aspects related to the topics of the projects -how to take into account these aspects in the ESS VIP ESBRs project
SESSION 2: Shared services in the ESS VIPs Chair: C. Wirtz, Eurostat Rapporteur: M.G. Calza, Istat 4 ESSnet projects 1. CORE (M. Scannapieco, Istat) The project (Common Reference Environment) has continued the work of the previous CORA (Common Reference Architecture) project and focuses on the IT perspective developing an environment for the definition and execution of standard statistical processes. It responds to the need for standardisation and industrialisation of processes. • MEMOBUST (M. Di Zio, Istat)-on going The objective of the project is to develop a common methodology for the production of business statistics to be shared among NSIs. The research brings to the compilation of a Methodological Handbook that will be available on the CROS portal.
SDC harmonisation (L. Franconi, Istat) The project aimed at developing a co-operation within the ESS with regard to Statistical Disclosure Control, in particular: - harmonisation of microdata release to achieve comparability -compare strategies for tabular data protection and include the EU dimension in the process -study sustainability of software at EU level Multi-mode data collection (DCSS) (K. Blanke, DESTATIS)-on going The project aims at developing a co-operation within the ESS with regard to: - the development of web data collection tools - the implementation and assessment of the impacts of mixed mode data collection (CAPI, CATI, CAWI, PAPI) in social statistics - the provision of methodological guidance on CAWI and further harmonisation of multi mode data collection in the ESS
Shared services in the ESS VIPs(Christine Wirtz, Eurostat) Taking into account the topics handled by the ESSnets illustrated and in order to develop the research in an integrated manner the ESS VIPShared servicescross cutting project has been presented. The main idea is to put in place an architecture and a related governance in order to allow sharing of services across processes and ESS partners. This cross cutting VIP project will support business domain oriented ESS VIP projects providing one or several services to be shared in the ESS. The project is linked with previous ESSnet projects, other projects and other initiatives. It will develop an ESS framework for building services and a platform for sharing services. The new VIP approach will ensure: -Economies of scale -Integration -Reusability and reuse of services
In the DISCUSSION which took place some elements were pointed out ESS VIP Shared Service infrastructure wants to respond to the needs for Cooperation Common effort Follow up of the results to make information available to all (RE-USABILITY) Continuous updating of products Open issue on governance Ownership of the ESSnet projects results
SESSION 3: Modernisation of European Statistics and indicatorsChair: F. Reis, Eurostat Rapporteur: A. Carciotto,Istat 3 ESSnet projects 1 FP7 project 1. MESH, Energy (D. Millard, ONS)-on going The project deals with the statistics on the use of energy in the residential sector to monitor policies facing the climate change. Main objectives: identifying the EU MS users’ needs; providing a global inventory of practices for the statistics in the residential sector; producing a manual on the matter; organising a training session for all the users in the MS. Strong need for an integrated approach to gather data on energy consumption. • Tourism (E. R. Perez, INE) The “Automated data collection and reporting in accommodation statistics” project intended to design a common XML file to guarantee the coherence of the data collected on tourism accommodation statistics with the aim of increasing the quality of the data, reducing the costs and improving the timeliness and punctuality of statistics. This approach can be extended to non participating countries.
Small Area Estimation (S. Falorsi, Istat) The project has carried on research to develop a framework enabling the production of SAE for ESS social surveys; to create a common knowledge on application of small area estimation methods; to develop criteria to assess the quality of SAE methods; to make available software tools for SAE The e-Frame FP7 project (M. Signore, Istat) The European Framework for Measuring Progress is a coordination and support actions FP7 project in Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities, chaired by Istat and Statistics Netherlands- started January 2012. It aims at fostering the on-going debate on the measurement of well-being and the progress of societies among all relevant stakeholders, and at creating a European network focused on the use of social, economic and environmental indicators within EU policies
Modernisation of European Social Statistics(Fernando Reis, Eurostat) The rising importance of social statistics for policy making, the rising expectations for flexibility and quality of social statistics and the growth of enabling technologies for producing, storing and sharing data (with reduced budgets for public spending) need a new framework for Modernisation of European Social Statistics. The framework will be based on integration by means of: -streamlining core social surveys -statistical data matching -harmonisation of variables -multi-mode data collection -use of administrative data sources