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Ss. Colman-John Neumann Basketball Survey 2006/2007

Ss. Colman-John Neumann Basketball Survey 2006/2007. Athletic Board Purpose. From the Athletic Board’s Constitution: The purpose of the Athletic Board is to foster the physical, moral and emotional growth of youngsters who are members of either St. Colman or St. John Neumann Parish and/or

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Ss. Colman-John Neumann Basketball Survey 2006/2007

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  1. Ss. Colman-John NeumannBasketball Survey2006/2007

  2. Athletic Board Purpose From the Athletic Board’s Constitution: The purpose of the Athletic Board is to foster the physical, moral and emotional growth of youngsters who are members of either St. Colman or St. John Neumann Parish and/or attend SCJN School by establishing a program of sports which stress: • The concept of Christian principles • Respect for just authority and for one’s peers • Individual conditioning and effort • Knowledge of fundamentals, sportsmanship, teamwork and • Reinforcing a positive self-image for all children It is the responsibility of the Athletic Board to set a tone for the programs that stress participation and individual responsibility.

  3. At the end of the basketball season, a mostly close-ended survey was sent home to every parent who had a child in the basketball program. • The response rate (completed surveys returned) was 28% (n=26) with Boys JV teams being more represented then other groups. The confidence interval at 95% confidence is +/- 17% • Boys 78% / Girls 22% • A team 49% / B Team 51% • JV 77% / Varsity 23% • % distribution of total responses by team It is recommended that survey results are interpreted at total-level only

  4. Parents rated their child’s overall experience for the 2006 / 2007 season as very positive with an average score of 4.85 (4.81 last year). Excellent Disappointment 4 3 6 5 2 1 38% 35% 11% 8% 4% 4% Distribution of responses 16% of players indicated they were dissatisfied with their experience Q1.) Please evaluate your child’s overall experience this year?

  5. Most Important Least Important Parent’s expectation remained fairly consistent from this season to last season - Learning “teamwork” and “sportsmanship” are the attributes parents felt are the most important. Q2.) What attributes are important to you and your child in a basketball program?

  6. While not statistically significant the 2005 / 2006 season produced better results in skills development, sportsmanship and activity than this past season. Achieved Did not achieve Q3.) How did the SCJN basketball program rate against these attributes?

  7. Being “Competitive” and “Social Outlet” were the only attributes that performed to parent’s expectations… Building “Skills” & “Self-esteem” and learning “Teamwork” & “Sportsmanship” are the attributes that underperformed expectations the most.

  8. Quotes from Survey • Describe what your child enjoyed the most about the program: • Being with friends….(multiple responses) • Playing and social aspect….(multiple responses) • Enjoyed practice, learning skills, learning the game….(multiple responses) • Opportunity to play w/similar skilled players in a very competitive league • Learning that sometimes the game is not perfect (missed calls, fans yelling) but you still play fair. • Winning 5 games in a row • Getting better at playing the game • Putting practice plays into action during a game • Relaxed and fun to play

  9. Quotes from Survey • What one improvement should be made for next year: • Equal playing time…..(multiple responses) • More gym time; more practice earlier in the season...(multiple responses) • Do not make A or B team by Grade • Better balance between number of practices and games • Schedule a few more games if possible • Do not change a thing • New uniforms & pre-game shooting shirts • Get the right coaches for the right team • Work on fundamentals • Make sure a Team Coordinator is assigned to the team • Outside basketball hoops

  10. The performance of the coaches was seen as positive by the parents. 35% of respondents were dissatisfied with fairness Q4.) Did the coach display… (6=always; 1=never)?

  11. Most parents felt their child’s team improved during the season and that the number of games played was about right. • 88% of parents felt their child’s team improved during the year • The number of games played: • 73% of parents felt the number of games was about right • 23% felt too few games were played • 4% felt too many games were played Q5.) Did the team improve during the year? Q6.) Was the number of games: about right, to many, to few?

  12. Conclusions This is the second consecutive year the Athletic Board conducted this specific survey. We now have 2 years of data to help us understand what is important to the student athletes and parents and whether, we as a board, are meeting those expectations. While this year’s response was not as strong as last year’s, we are able to gauge, from a high level, the impact of our changes from last year as well as see where additional improvements can be made. Some key “take-aways” include: Positives: • The “overall experience” of the Student Athlete improved from last year (albeit only slightly). • > 50% of measured attribute’s results were equal to or improved from the prior year. • Relatively speaking the basketball program continues to perform well compared to expectations.

  13. Conclusions Not so positives: • Skill Development has declined. Discussions regarding skill development have been ongoing this past season. We recognize the need to improve this fundamental aspect of the program and will continue to work on solutions. • Sportsmanship, Teamwork, & Self Esteem results, compared to parent’s expectations, show large differences. This is an interesting dynamic which we will continue to investigate and understand. We plan to discuss these attributes with the coaches, among others, to understand why such a discrepancy exists. • “Equal playing time” issues have improved but still exist. This issue seemed to be the driver of the 16% of responses indicating the athlete was “dissatisfied” with the overall experience. We believe establishing smaller “A” teams this past year has solved some of these concerns from prior years but we must remain diligent in our efforts to maintain equal playing time at the “B” team level. • The overall performance of our coaching staff, while still good, dropped from last year. We will take a look at and try to understand why performance slipped in this area.

  14. Conclusions The Athletic Board appreciates the feedback you have provided and will make every effort to improve the program and experience for our young student athletes. We appreciate the countless, and in many cases unrecognized, hours many of you provided to us, the coaches and the basketball program on behalf of your children. Our goal is to continue these surveys each year in an effort to measure our successes and correct weaknesses. Please continue to provide us your thoughts and ideas. We will make every effort to seriously consider and implement these ideas in the interest of our young student athlete’s development. Thank you! SCJN Athletic Board

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