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Wireless Internet 研究群 研究能量與研發成果

Wireless Internet 研究群 研究能量與研發成果. Members and Research Directions. Heterogeneous Wireless Networks 林一平、曾建超、張明峰、曹孝櫟、陳耀宗 B3G Core Network, IMS 林一平、曹孝櫟 Wireless VoIP/multimedia Applications 林一平、張明峰、曹孝櫟、陳耀宗 Mobile Peer-to-Peer Communications 張明峰、曹孝櫟 Inter Vehicle Communications 王協源、曾建超

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Wireless Internet 研究群 研究能量與研發成果

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  1. Wireless Internet 研究群研究能量與研發成果

  2. Members and Research Directions • Heterogeneous Wireless Networks • 林一平、曾建超、張明峰、曹孝櫟、陳耀宗 • B3G Core Network, IMS • 林一平、曹孝櫟 • Wireless VoIP/multimedia Applications • 林一平、張明峰、曹孝櫟、陳耀宗 • Mobile Peer-to-Peer Communications • 張明峰、曹孝櫟 • Inter Vehicle Communications • 王協源、曾建超 • Wireless Mesh Networks • 王協源、曹孝櫟

  3. 研發成果

  4. Design of Call Control and Authentication for UMTS第三代行動通訊系統之通話控制與身份認證 • Open Service Access  OSA-based PoC Client Authentication Analysis of AV Management • One-Pass Authentication Procedure • UMTS and WLAN Interworking WLAN-based GPRS Support Node

  5. Charging and Failure Recovery Issues in UMTS • a broadcast approach that allows the MS to detect lost mobility management context in SGSN, and therefore speeds up the process for SGSN recovery. • the network operator can select the appropriate parameter values in the broadcast approach. Fig. UMTS Broadcasting Architecture

  6. Adaptive Scanning Algorithms for WLAN Handoffs無線區域網路換手之適應性頻道掃描演算法 Problem Definition • Considering user-defined delay constraints for real-time applications, combine active and passive to reduce the latency. Proposed Solution • Optimal Solution: O(2NUMch * Nbeacons2) • Heuristic Solution - Fewest APs First Algorithm: O(Nbeacons2) Optimal Solution: Find All Possible Solutions Using Dynamic Programming Get Environment Information

  7. DualMAC: A Soft Handoff Mechanism for Real-Time communications in secured WLANs • Design Guidelines: • Seamless handoff for real-time communications (<50ms handoff delay) • RSN WLAN (802.1x/802.11i on) • Pure STA-side approach • Proposed DualMAC method: • Connect to serving and target AP using different MAC addresses • Time division duplex access with • channel switching • Enter PSM to avoid packet loss of • serving traffic Handoff steps and their latency in RSN WLANs

  8. Periodic On-Off scheduling scheme (PS) Aperiodic On-Off scheduling scheme (AS) Energy-efficient Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Real-time Communications over Broadband Wireless Access Systems • minimizing energy consumption without violating QoS requirements • Periodic On-Off scheduling scheme (PS) • Aperiodic On-Off scheduling scheme (AS)

  9. Adaptive Attenuation Factor Model for Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks • Adopting a centralized architecture to localize sensor nodes • Dynamically measuring n and X locally to increase the accuracy of localization

  10. An Integrated Call Agent of the Converged VoIP Network • Using IN basic call state model (BCSM) • Unified event trigger • Mapping VoIP message to BCSM • Supports: • H.323, SIP, MGCP, H.248 • Inter domain interworking Components in our ICA ICA functional blocks

  11. Major Projects • 後卓越計畫 (Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities II), NSC: "Advanced Technologies and Applications for Next Generation Information Networks,"下一世代資訊通訊網路尖端技術與應用, 2004.04 - 2008.03 • 電信國家型計畫:SIP-based B3G整合實驗計畫 (I, II, III) , 2003.01-2006.12 • 工研院/學研計畫: B3G網路上之服務開發, 2005.01 - 2005.12 • 國科會台灣法國雙邊合作計畫:B3G網路中OSA及IMS互通效能研究 • 設計一個適用於車間通訊網路的繞徑通訊協定(國科會, 2004 ~ 2005,王協源)

  12. Major Projects • 適用於 Wireless Mesh Network 繞徑通訊協定及維運系統的設計實作與效能量測(國科會, 2005 ~ 2007,王協源) • A Study on Peer-to-Peer Real-Time Services in Mobile Internet Environment (行動網際網路上之點對點即時通訊),國科會, 94.08.01-96.07.31 • Joint Power Saving Mechanisms for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks(異質無線網路之協力省電技術), 國科會, 94.08.01-96.07.31 • Seamless Handover Technologies for Cellular/WLAN Interworking(雙網之平順換手技術), 交大工研院聯合研究中心, 94.01.01-94.12.31 • Low Power and Fast Handoff Technologies for VoWLAN (網際網路之低耗電與快速換手技術), 交大聯發科聯合研究中心, 94.08.01-95.07.31

  13. Major Projects • Design and Evaluation of IEEE 802.16e MAC(802.16/WiMAX之媒體存取層設計與評估), 中山科學研究院, 94.01.01-95.12.31 • Excellence Project: Next Generation Information Communications Networks(後卓越計劃, 國科會, 2004~2008) • Network Security • 支援下一代無線與 FTTx 擷取之光纖都會網路技術(國科會,2003~2006) • 快速行動擷取網路中之品質服務支援 • 校園IPv6 SIP VoIP 之建置推廣 (TWNIC ,2004, 2005)

  14. 學術榮譽 ACM Fellow、IEEE Fellow、AAAS Fellow、IEE Fellow 國立交通大學講座教授 國立交通大學傑出教學獎 國科會傑出研究獎(86,88,89年度) 李國鼎穿石獎 潘文淵研究傑出獎 論文專書發表 國際期刊: 200篇 (請參考http://liny.csie.nctu.edu.tw/) 專書: 3本 Email: liny@cs.nctu.edu.tw 主要學歷 美國,西雅圖 計算機工程 博士(1985.09-1990.08) 國立成功大學 電機工程 學士 (1979.09-1983.05) 主要經歷 國立交通大學 研發長 國立交通大學資訊工程學系 主任(1997.08-1999.07) 國立交通大學電子資訊中心 副主任(1996.08-1997.01) 國立交通大學資訊工程學系 教授(1995-現今) Bell Communication Research個人通訊研究部門 研究員(1990.08-1995.08) Prof. Yi-Bing Lin (林一平教授)

  15. Prof. Ming-Feng Chang (張明峰教授) • B.S. and M.S. in EE, National Taiwan University, 1982, 1984 • Ph.D. in CS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1991 • Associate Professor (NCTU), 1991 • Professor (NCTU), 2002 - • Chairman, Dept. of CSIE, NCTU, 2003-2004 • Best Paper Award, NCS, 2001 • Excellent Teaching Award: NCTU, 2002 • Best Paper Award, the 10th Mobile Computing Workshop, 2004 • Research Interests • Wireless VoIP • Mobile Payment • Wireless Internet Applications • P2P streaming • Publications • Journal Papers : 21 • Conference Papers : 22 • Book Chapters : 1 • Patents : 2

  16. Prof. Yaw-Chung Chen (陳耀宗教授) • Areas of research interests • Design and implementation of high performance gateways • P2P Routing/filtering • Home Multimedia Streaming • Mobility Support • TCP • WLAN QoS design and MAC Implementation • Home networking • Publications • International journal: 35 • International conference: 45 • Patents: 1 • BSEE, NCTU, 1973 • Ph.D., Nothwestern Univ., 1987 • Member Technical Staff, Exploratory Department, Bell Labs, 1987~2000 • Professor, NCTU-CS, 2000~ • Director, Computer and Network Center, NCTU, 2001~

  17. Prof. Shie-Yuan Wang (王協源教授) • Research Interests • Wireless Network • Mobile ad hoc network • Wireless LAN and mesh networks • WiMax and WLAN integrated networks • Network Simulation and Emulation • Internet Technology • Network System Design and Implementation • Publications • Journal Papers : 13 • Conference Papers : 15 • Book Chapters : 1 • Patents : 1 • Ph.D. (Harvard University), 1999 • Associate Professor (NCTU), 2003– present • Assistant Professor (NCTU), 2000-2003 • Founder and director of NCTU “Network and System Laboratory,” 2000 – • Vice director of NCTU EE college and CS college’s Honors Undergraduate Program, 2005 – • Author of NCTUns Network Simulator and Emulator (As of 11/24/2005, more than 4,500 people from 95 countries have registered and download this tool)

  18. Prof. Shiao-Li Tsao( 曹孝櫟教授) • Ph.D. (National Cheng Kung University), 1999 • Assistant Professor (NCTU), 2004- • Section Manager and Researcher (ITRI), 1999-2004 • Visiting Scholar (Bell Lab, Lucent), 1998 • Research Achievement Awards of ITRI in 2000 and 2004 • Outstanding Project Award of Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) of R.O.C. in 2003 • Advanced Technologies Award of MOEA of R.O.C. in 2003 • Research Paper Award of ITRI in 2002. • Member of IEEE and IEEE ComSoc. • Research Interests • Mobile Internet Technologies • Broadband Wireless Access Software and Systems • Embedded Software and System • Real-time Communications and Multimedia Applications • Publications • Journal Papers : 12 • Conference Papers : 34 • Book Chapters : 3 • Patents : 13

  19. Prof. Chien-Chao Tseng (曾建超教授) • Research Interests: • Wireless Internet Infrastructure and Protcols, Wireless Internet Applications • Topics: • Integration of Wirelsss Networks: • - 3G, GPRS, Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, PAN • - Mobile IP, NAT, VPN, MPLS • - Mobile Router and Proxy, Ad Hoc Networks • - Fast Handover (802.11i) • Seamless Handover for Wireless Internet • - Drivers, Network Layer, Transport Layer, Application Layer • - SIP Mobility, 802.11x, Authentications (802.1x, 802.11i) • Wireless Internet Applications: • -Mobile e-learning Platform, ITS Platform, Location-aware Applications • -August 1989 - August 1996 • Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chiao Tung University. • -August 1996 – Now • Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chiao Tung University.

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