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Analysis of Petri Net Models of Business Process Workflows. Student Name: Ashjan Basri Student ID: 41683692 Supervised by Prof. Mehmet A. Orgun. Agenda. Abstract. 1: Inrtoduction. 2: Analysis of business process workflow. 3: Analysis of Ptri net model.
Analysis of Petri Net Models of Business Process Workflows Student Name: Ashjan Basri Student ID: 41683692 Supervised by Prof. Mehmet A. Orgun
Agenda Abstract 1: Inrtoduction 2: Analysis of business process workflow 3: Analysis of Ptri net model 4: Analysis of time Petri net model 5: Analysisof color Petri net model 6: Analysis of two case studies 7: Conclusion slide 2
Abstract This project aims at highlighting the characteristics and the requirements of business processes workflows, as well as providing a comparative analysis of a few sample Petri Net models used for the specification of business process workflows. The applicability of the Petri nets models to the features and requirements specified from the workflow models will be also highlighted in the project. The sources of information used in the project are primarily the available literature. Since there are many features of Petri nets, it is not possible to discuss all of them. Therefore, the project will discuss only those features of color and time, which are closely relevant to workflow models. The main outcome of the project will be a comprehensive investigation into the desired characteristics and expectations of workflow applications of business processes. Another outcome of this study will be the detailed comparison of a few sample Petri net models and analysis of their application potential for modeling business work flow processes based on those features. slide 3
1: Introduction • Petri net model and business process workflows have many things in common. • Petri net is a generic term for a number of modelling techniques, graphical representations and notational conventions that are all based on the concept of net formalism as introduced by Carl Adam Petri (Petri, 1962). • Business process workflows are general protocols that have been recommended to be followed by a company in order to create quality driven products and services. slide 4
2. Background of Business Process Workflows • The term of business process workflow id defined by Roger in 2010 as “the automation of a business process in the course of which documents, information or tasks move from one participant to another in order to perform some actions, in accordance with a set of procedure rules” (Roger, et. al., 2010). • Moreover, another literature review defined workflow as focusing on the business process logistic and making sure that business process activities are accomplished at the right time by the right employee, (Van der Aalst. n.d). slide 5
2.1 Analysis of Business Process Workflows • For the whole business process, a business process workflow can be viewed as the implementing mechanism. • The people that have the responsibility for each of the process subsets and who are in charge should be addressed with a workflow. • A workflow contains several concepts tasks, cases, resources and conditions. According to (Van der Aalst, n.d). slide 6
2.1 Analysis of Business Process Workflows • Modelling a business process of sending a bill and receiving the payment from a customer. Figure 1: a workflow net for processing sending and receiving payment (Vanderfeesten, 2004). slide 7
conveys as a fundamental condition for Petri nets to be useful in workflow modelling; that all workflow features can be defined as well as pieces of reality. An additional aspect of the Petri net modelling method is that it enables for an apparent distinctive between the arrangement of a workflow and its dynamic state. The use of Petri nets makes it likely to be also used for similar modelling method of workflows. Advantages of Petri net modelling are: Formal connotations. Graphical notation. Structure for concurrency. Availability of several observation methods. 3: Background of Petri net Model slide 8
The Petri net model presented shows how the Petri net methodology can be used to capture additional system characteristics such as undesired behaviour. This model also shows how the analysis by visual inspection of the reach ability graphs quickly becomes cumbersome, indicating the need for computational tools even for small systems. 3.1 Petri Net Methodology slide 9
Figure 4 Petri net graphics (Morton- Owens, 2011) 3.3 Petri net Graphics • Petri net graphics is representing single requirements. • These elements have limited expressive power but, but their integration in the Petri net model, allow a very clear and intuitive specification of requirements: whereas, general temporal logic formulas tend to be quite complicated and error prone. slide 10
Structural analysis of Petri net models helps determine modelling errors. Another example of Petri net represents formalism for specifying parallel process. 3.4 Structural Analysis of Petri net model slide 11 Figure 6 Petri net for a bus stop (Sowa, 2000).
Colored Petri nets (CP-nets) is a graphical, verbal communication intended for building ring versions of synchronized systems and analysing their components. CP-nets is a discrete occasion modelling language combining the functionality of Petri nets with the functions of a high level programming language. Cokor Petri nets give the basis of the graphical notation and the essential primitives for modelling concurrency, statement, and organization. 4: Background of Color Petri net Model slide 12
4.1: Analysis of Color Petri net model • To begin with there is a colored Petri net that models the state of the labelled transition system of section as one token in a place called the event log. • Then the model is refined to represent certain business rules as equivalent with firing a transition: • Each event corresponds to firing a transition in the colored Petri net and if the transition is enabled in the net. • Then the rules are still valid, if not then at least one rule will have been violated (Kusiak, et. al., 2000). slide 13
5: Background of Time Petri net Model • Each transition has an associated with time interval. A transition fires as soon as it can, but the resulting tokens are delayed. • Each transition has an associated time interval. A transition fires as soon as it can, but the resulting tokens are delayed, that is, when a transition fires, the resulting tokens are produced after some time delay. • Petri nets with timing dependencies can be classified according to how they specify timing constraints, or elements of the net with which these constraints are associated, transitions or arcs. slide 14
5.1: Analysis of Time Petri net model • Time Petri nets provide a uniform environment for modelling, designing and performing analysis of discrete event systems. • The behaviour of a large number of systems, and it is influenced by explicit values of time. • Based on the analysis of the time Petri net constraint, it has the ability for scheduling business workflow, analysing, verification method, as well as the corresponding algorithm (Satoru, et. al., 2010). slide 15
6: Two Case Studies 6.1 colored Petri nets and online shopping. slide 16 Figure 7 colored online shopping (Jie, et. al., 2010).
6.2 Timed Petri net and Bank ATM. Figure Time Petri net model for ATM bank (Staines, 2006). slide 17
6.2 Timed Petri net and Bank ATM. slide 18 Figure 8: complete system timed petri net consisting of an atm, atm controller and card authorization (Staines, 2006).
7. Conclusion • Almost 40 years of Petri net usage has led to an enormously rich theory and a large number of successful practical applications. Section. • Business process management is used to help align a particular organization to the needs and wants of their customers in a more efficient way. • Business process management is a holistic approach that is able to promote more effective and efficient business services. slide 19
Reference Jie PENG, Shu-zhi LI and Shu-xin, Yang; “Workflow Model of Online Shopping System Based on Colored Petri Net and its Rational Analysis” International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling, ICCASM, ( 2010): 276-287. Kusiak, et al; "Decomposition in automatic generation of Petri nets for manufacturing systemcontrol and scheduling." International Journal of Production Research 38.6 (2000): 1437-1457. Business Source Complete. EBSCO. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. Morton-Owens, Emily G. "Editorial and Technological Workflow Tools to Promote Website Quality." Information Technology & Libraries 30.3 (2011): 91-98. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 23 Oct. 2011. Staines, Tony Spiteri.” Using a Timed Petri Net (TPN) to Model a Bank ATM” nternational Symposium and Workshop on Engineering of Computer Based SystemsIEEE 0-7695-2546, 13 th , 2006 Satoru Miyano, et al; 2010 "Time-dependent structural transformation analysis to high-Level Petri net model with active state transition diagram" BMC Systems Biology 439- 52. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. Sowa, John F; “Processes and Causality”, (2000), viewed 31 October 2011,< http://www.jfsowa.com/ontology/causal.htm> Petri, C.A. Kommunikation mit Automaten. Bonn: Institut für Instrumentelle Mathematik, Schriften des. IIM Nr. 2, 1962. Roger, Atsa Etoundi, Fouda Ndjodo Marcel, and Atouba Christian Lopez. "Business Process Requirement Engineering." International Journal on Computer Science & Engineering 2.9 (2010): 2890-2899. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 23 Oct. 2011 Vanderfeesten, Irene; “Designing workflow systems: An algorithmic approach to process design and a human oriented approach to process automation”, master’s thesis, TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT EINDHOVEN, Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, 2004 W.M.P. van der Aalst; n.d, “The Application of Petri Nets to Workflow Management” Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL-5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, pages 15- 16. . slide 20
Figures • Figure 1: a workflow net for processing sending and receiving payment • Figure 2: Architecture for Current Workflow Management System • Figure 3: Petri net graphics • Figure 4 : Pitre net structural analysis • Figure 5: Petri net for a bus stop • Figure 6: colored online shopping • Figure7: ATM controller with dummy places and transitions for testing • Figure 8: complete system timed petri net consisting of an atm, atm controller and card authorization slide 21
Thank you slide 22