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Regulators- People in the back country banded together to stop lawless acts.

Chapters 9-11 Vocabulary Directions: This week you are to read the definition of each word, then write a sentence using the word correctly in the sentence proving you know the meaning of the word. Regulators- People in the back country banded together to stop lawless acts.

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Regulators- People in the back country banded together to stop lawless acts.

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  1. Chapters 9-11 VocabularyDirections: This week you are to read the definition of each word, then writea sentence using the word correctly in the sentence proving you know the meaning of the word • Regulators- People in the back country banded together to stop lawless acts. • Civil strife- The fight within the colony between Native Americans and Colonists was an example of civil strife. • Massacre- The Paxton Boys took the law into their own hands and massacred the Conestoga Nation. • Caravan- Large groups of wagons traveled together for safety and protection into what was known as a caravan. • Conestoga- Many settlers traveled in Conestoga Wagons along the Conestoga road in their journey west to the frontier. • Flax- Flax and Cotton are used to make thread. • Loom- The loom is used to weave thread into cloth. • Revivalist- The revivalist preachers used a loud and simple style. • Frontier- The back country was also known as the frontier. • Circuit court- The Circuit courts decided to create parishes to help with rules and laws in towns and villages. • Provost Marshall- The Provost Marshall was located in Charleston and was set up to protect people from outlaws. • Writs Of Assistance- The British issued search warrants or writs to look for smuggled goods on colonial ships. • Sons of Liberty- Many unhappy men in the colonies like Gadsden joined and formed groups to protest British taxes called the Sons of Liberty. • Repeal- The British Parliament decided to repeal or take away the unfair stamp act tax. • Militia- Many men in the villages and towns joined a fighting force known as the militia. • Placemen- Unwanted British appointed officials were given the unpopular name of placemen.

  2. Continental Army- George Washington was made the commander of the Colonial or Continental Army. • Common Sense- Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet about independence called Common Sense. • Declaration of Independence- The Declaration of Independence was signed and put into force in 1776. • Patriot- The patriots were the men and women in favor of revolution against England. • Loyalists- Many colonists remained loyal to the king and became known as Loyalists. • Guerilla Warfare- Francis Marion was nicknamed the Swamp Fox for his style of fighting known as Guerilla Warfare. • Tarleton’s Quarter-Colonel Tarleton never allowed for the armies he defeated to call for mercy or a quarter. • Articles of Confederation- The first government of the United States was a very weak central government know as the Articles of Confederation. • Perpetual Union- The perpetual union was part of the name of the Articles of Confederation. • Constitution- The Constitution of the United States was passed in 1789 and made the central government stronger. • Checks and Balances- The US constitution provides for checks and balances so no one part of the government becomes too powerful. • Ratification- The US Constitution was passed or ratified in 1789. • Boycott- Colonists decided to boycott or not buy British Goods in protest about the unfair taxes. • Provincial- The government set up to run the Colony of South Carolina and the other 12 colonies, was a state run or provincial style of government. • Treaty- The F&I War ended when an agreement was signed between England and France know as the Treaty of Paris of 1763. • Blockade- The British decided to stop all ships or blockade the harbor at Boston because the colonists dumped the tea overboard and cost the British millions of dollars.

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