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Keith Johnston Research Group Nanotechnology/Colloid Science kpj@che.utexas.edu CPE 5.414 512-471-4617. Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology: Imaging and Therapeutics Magnetic/optical/therapeutic nanoparticles -cancer and atherosclerosis
Keith Johnston Research GroupNanotechnology/Colloid Sciencekpj@che.utexas.edu CPE 5.414 512-471-4617 Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology: Imaging and Therapeutics • Magnetic/optical/therapeutic nanoparticles -cancer and atherosclerosis • Protein drug delivery (oral, depot, pulmonary, parenteral) Nanotechnology for Energy: Fundamentals and Applications • Nanocrystal/Mesoporous composites • Supercapacitors and batteries • Catalysis- fuel cells, water oxidation • Nanotechnology for Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 Sequestration • Electromagnetic imaging • Emulsions/foams for mobility control
Molec. Specific Magnetic/Optical Imaging and Therapy: Carcinogenesis and Atherosclerosis (Sokolov, Emelianov, Milner) Portable imaging ultrasound, photoacoustic opt. coherence tomography Emelianov, Milner Include drug payloads Antibody, siRNA targeting • Molecular Mechanisms • Early Detection • Prognosis • Treatment • Monitoring Optical properties- theory
Novel concept: build nanoclusters from nanoparticles 30 nm end-to-end • Small size (20 to 50 nm): challenging to synthesize • * permeation of cell membranes, leaky vasculature in cancers • * prolonged circulation in bloodstream • * modulate biological pathways including apoptosis • Nanoclusters of nanoparticles • * pack intense and variable functionality (like viral capscids) • * optical(gold), and magnetic(iron oxide) : imaging • * targeting agents (Abs, siRNA) • * drugs for delivery • Antibodies, • siRNA
Monoclonal Antibodies for Cancer, Cardiovascular and Infectious Diseases: Need for Drug Delivery http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:MonoclonalAb.jpg >20% of all biopharmaceuticals in clinical trials are mAbs “ Therapeuticgoal: 400 mg in 1 ml sub-Q injection instead of IV Our approach: suspensions instead of solutions- min. electroviscous effects for particles instead of protein molecules
Metal-org 1 precursor Metal-org 2 precursor Reduction in solvent in presence of ligands (oleic acid) Homogeneous Nucleation + Growth Infusion Support Nanoparticle-mesoporous support composites in catalysis and energy storage (Dan Slanac, Mehul Patel)(Supercapacitors, batteries, fuel cells, water oxidation etc.) Presynthesis of bimetallic catalysts control nanocrystal size, compostion, surface atoms Infuse into well-ordered mesoporous materials dispersibility metal-support interactions 3-10 nm pores
Energy Density (Wh/kg) Electrochemical supercapacitors for high power density and energy density (high stability vs batteries) Adsoption of ions on surface(e.g. Li+) (MnO2)surface + C+ + e- ↔ (MnO2-C+)surface Surface redox reaction MnO2 + C+ + e- ↔ MnOOC MnO2 nanoparticles in conformal film on mesoporous C- high surf area, rapid diffusion 16 wt% MnO2
CO2 10-md Limestone q water q All injected particles eluted CO2 C/Co CO2 water water PV injected Magnetic Nanoparticle Sensors for Oil reservoirs and CO2 sequestration • Nano size: flows freely in porous media • Surface coating adjusts contact angle and adsorption at interface • Uniform size: well-structured monolayer at interface with unique rheology/elasticity • Electromagnetic field generates acoustic waves from moving interface
Bionanoparticles: Avi Murthy, Jasmine Tam murthy@che.utexas.edu 5.432 Protein delivery: Andrea Miller mam5228@che.utexas.edu 5.428 Energy: Dan Slanac dslanac@che.utexas.edu 5.426, 30