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Diet analysis and dietary guidance for Olli. By Tommi Paananen, SPO10S. Table of contents. The original food diary Basic info of the client Analysis of the diet Dietary guidance Assessment. Food diary.
Diet analysis and dietary guidance for Olli By Tommi Paananen, SPO10S
Table of contents • The original food diary • Basic info of the client • Analysis of the diet • Dietary guidance • Assessment
Food diary • 20.10. (2900kcal, 162 protein/348 carbs/70 fat) 6.40 ehrmanni (250g, 142,5kcal, 22,5/10,25/0,5)lasi apelsiinimehua (2dl, 90kcal, 0,6/20/0,2)7.20 maitokahvi (2dl, 17kcal, 2/2/0)10.30 jäävuorisalaattia, kurkkua, porkkanaraastetta (100g, 60kcal, 1/5/0)ohrariisiä (120g, 120kcal, 6/40/1)broilerinrintafile (200g, 284kcal, 60/0/4)rela 1,5% piimää (4dl, 176kcal, 12,8/17,6/6)ruisnappi (40g, 89kcal, 4/17/0,7)ruislimppupala (50g, 105kcal, 4,5/20/0,7)11.00 espressokaakao (2dl, 80kcal, 2/10/5)18.00 2 banaania (240g, 200kcal, 2,5/44/1)juotava jukrutti (activia) (330g, 257kcal, 10/42/5,5)19.30 olut (6,6dl, 283kcal, 2,5/25/0)20.30 salamitoasti (300g, 850kcal, 30/70/45)holiton siideri 0,33 l (3,3dl, 150kcal, 1,5/25/0)1l vettä + 1l harwall novelle vichy ehrmanni7.30 cappucino special10.30 pastabolognese ala ismo laitela, kevätrulla ja snadisti porsaspataa. salados including cucumber med some vitun mehukas vesimeloni.bananas 15.00 + maitokahvi17.00 3 satsumaa + ehrmanni + ES20.30 irttareita leffassa ;| 1,5l+1l ehrmanni + apelsiini tuoremehulasi8.30 cafe au lait9.30 cappuccino special10.30 lounas - kermaperunat, bbq kassler, salaatti suolakurkuilla ja paprikalla. juomana kotikalja ja 1,5% rela piimä (aina tämä) lasilliset14.00 banaani välipalaks18.00-23.00 10 bisseä + karvakäsipizza (kinkku, salami, kebu, katkarapu, tuplavalkosipuli) (saunomiset tasiksella :D)2l+0,5l 2 x ruispala kevyt goudalla 12% ja 2 ylikypsällä kinkulla17.00 2 x 500 g porsaan ulkofilepihvi lohkoperunoilla, salaatti jossa oli suolakurkkua, kananmuna ja silliä :D (nimeltään jättilöytö XL toi annos, oltiin paavon synttäreitä juhlimas ni "vähä" syötiin)juomat:15.00-> 4.00 10 bisseä + 4x gin & juice, viskiä yht ja jne :D1,5l+0l 4 x ruispala oltermannilla ja metukalla (jotain ihan perusmetukkaa) +0,5 l apelsiinimehua19.00 ehkä vajaa 100g pelmeenejä + ruispala kevyt goudalla (edelleen 12%) ja päälle tuorekurkkuviipaleita1l+0l ehrmanni + apelsiini tuoremehulasi 0,3 dl8.20 maitokahvi :D 10.40 lounas (kuva)13.30 maitokahvi16.30 2x reissumies tuorekurkulla ja pippurikinkkuleikkeellä18.00 3 satsumaa20.00 1 satsuma2l+0l 26.106.30 erhmanni ap7.30 cafe au lait10.30 lounas (kuva)13.30 espresso16.45 4 jälkiuunileipäviipaletta + emmental + pippurikinkkuleike + valkosipulisuolakurkkuviipaleita + salaatinlehti21.45 2 satsumaa1l+1,5lfutsal 19-21 aikana 1,5l vettä
Basic info of the client • Olli is a 26-year-old male, working as an estimating engineer five days a week from 8am to 4pm. He’s weight is at the moment 95 kilos, height 185cm and he’s lost about five kilos in the last two months. He is a healthy single with no medication and the only thing he has to consider in his diet is the lactose intolerance he has. I preferred him as my client due to the change in his life (adjusting to work after school) and the issue he has with his knees. • His favourite foods are chicken and beef and he prefers pasta over potatoes. At work his lunch is prepared by the lunch place at his office. The other meals he takes care of himself. He eats pizza about once a month while being hammered. • Ollis knees have been an issue for him for a few years, mainly because of some extra weight he is carrying. Now that he is employed it is a lot more easier to control the eating habits and lose some weight while exercising. He is playing futsal once a week for two hours and goes jogging for 5km once or twice a week. He is also rehabbing his knee three times a week with some basic crouching and jumping exercises. His focus is in playing football again next summer in his friend-based team.
Analysis of the diet • The day i chose for calculating the intakes of energy and its sources was a typical working day and included the usual food at home too. That is why it presents quite well the daily intake level and it can be used in evaluating different aspects of my clients diet. The full week was not a typical one for Olli because of celebration of a friends birthday but it won’t affect the analysis. • The beverages used caught my attention of course, especially the use of alcohol. Then again knowing the circumstances I should not concentrate in the large amount of alcohol consumed. After that I focused on the amount of normal and mineral water. The amount is quite high considering the guideline value of 1-1,5 litres (clients amount 2l or more). Then adding in the sour milk and juice the total amount grows easily over 3 litres. This is one point I am going to bring up in the dietary discussion. • Another thing is the meal times. They are regular during the working week but in the weekend they easily slip a lot from the usual. Even though it is acceptable, I will ask if my client knows the benefits of having regular meal times every day. • Then the biggest issue from my point of view is the real dinner which is replaced usually with only some bread and vegetables. I think it is the habit stuck from the poor students life with the bad knees, so the amount of energy needed was not that high. Now that the goal is in exercising moderately at least three times a week, a proper dinner should be a part of every day diet. • Otherwise the diet looks rather good for the client comparing to the plate model and food pyramid. There is enough fiber, protein, carbohydrates and fat and the amounts could be even bigger if the level of exercise is going to get higher bit by bit.
Dietary guidance • The dietary guidance for my client is going to start with simple questions about the diet. Are there some things he knows that could be improved and how to do it. After hearing out the clients opinion of the different parts of the diet I will explain the basic guidelines for meal times and different sources of energy. • After a short explanation the client should easily spot the things that have room for improvement in his diet and even figure out ways to change them in the future. • I will bring up the old habits with not having a proper dinner and explaining the importance of it with the increased amount of energy expediture. I will shortly ask if he knows the plate model and the food pyramid (which he should considering his diet) and show the key values in them. • The last thing I will ask is about the huge amount of water consumed and if it is necessary or not. If any questions come up I will answer them as simply as I can. • Finally I will ask the client do give me a short summary of what he has learned and how is it going to effect his diet in the future.
Assessment • I was a bit surprised how well my client knew the basic things of his diet. He pointed out the missing dinner and agreed it was an old habit. The excess drinking of water was totally new to him so I explained the influences it has to his body. He was really familiar with the plate model and food pyramid as I thought. • I myself learned a lot about presenting the basic things simply, but still being able to explain it really detailed if wanted. It was also really useful to do the analysis for a client that has a clear goal in his eating and exercise and being able to help out with both, his diet and level of exercise. • The clients feedback unedited: • Tommi asked me about two weeks ago if I would be interested in doing a food diary for him. This food diary would be for a school project that he is working on in his nutrition class. Well I responded that I would be delighted to help him out. I was also interested to find some more specific information about my eating habits. The timing was also brilliant since I’ve started a rehab program for my knee just two months ago. • Keeping the diary was not a burden for me and my normal routines during the week. I would take a photo on my cell phone during the lunch hour and send it to Tommi. Just in case that I wouldn’t forget what I had eaten and that he’d have a clear picture what I was eating. • As for the conclusion I found this project interesting and I got answers for the questions what I had about my daily eating habits. The results I got were in parallel to what I was expecting. I have to add a regular dinner to my daily routines and drink a bit less water. These results will help me in the future and I will probably end up eating healthier than before. Thank you Tommi!