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Aktivita je součást Individuálního projektu Služby sociální prevence v Královéhradeckém kraji (www. socialniprojekty.cz ). Projekt je financován z ESF a státního rozpočtu ČR prostřednictvím Operačního programu Lidské zdroje a zaměstnanost. Komunitní centrum AMARO PHURD - Pražská
Aktivita je součást Individuálního projektu Služby sociální prevence v Královéhradeckém kraji (www.socialniprojekty.cz). Projekt je financován z ESF a státního rozpočtu ČR prostřednictvím Operačního programu Lidské zdroje a zaměstnanost. Komunitní centrum AMARO PHURD - Pražská Pražská 559 500 04 Hradec Králové 4Tel: 495 530 364, 777 807 051E-mail: kc.prazska@salinger.cz Vedoucí: Mgr. Silvie Hendrychová
Ourmission KC Amaro Phurd - Pražská is service, which offers to support and help families of Romany community in Hradec Králové and its environs. The supporting and helping aid better orientation of these families in a common life. Supporting and helping are provided an advice, an education or sharing hard life situations and special-pedagogic support.
Targetgroup Weworkwithfamiliesof Romany, childrenandjuvenile, forwhoisdifficult to getinvolved in Czech society andwhohaveoften inferiority withinlocal Romany. Themainreasons are especially a differentculture, otherwayoflifeand a worseeconomicalsituationoffamily. We don‘t offer services to clients with mental or sense disabillities or physically handicapped, who come in without their personal assistents or if they need care of contact worker all the time their staying in our center.
Objectivesofservice • Negative social phenomena prevention – chicane, truancy, addictive drugs abuse, criminality, long-term unemployment…, which are hazard for concrete age groups. • Increases in clients‘ skills of orientation and be successful in non-Romany surroundings – be successful in a school/in a job/during proceeding with authorities, self-development.
Principia ofprovidingservices • free of charge • confidence • anonymity • voluntariness • impartiality • complying with worthiness and protection of rights • Responsibility and independence • flexibility and individuation • quality and expertness
Rulesofprovidingservices KC Amaro Phurd - Pražská provides services to a person, who: • Is a client with agreement about providing services, or wants to enter into this agreement • comes during opening time • belongs to target group • Accepts rules of providing service (including connected activities)
cikne Open: Monday - Thursday 9 – 11:30 Cikne is a club for children from 3 till 6 years of age (or until their school attendance). This club is open from 9,00 a.m. till 11,30 a.m. at working days except Fridays. Our work with children bases on Framework Educational Programme for preschool Education. It is focusing on general equable development of children‘s skills and acquirements. We put accent on development social competence – a communication, self-service, independence and readiness for school attendance.
bare Open: Monday - Thursday 13 – 15:30 Friday 13 – 15 This club is for children of age from 6 years (or from their school attendace) till 15 years. This club offers a safe space without violence, addictive drugs and discrimination. It offers active spending of free-time with appropriate manner. Our services are centred on development children‘s skills in better orientation in non-Romany surroundings, then on a social-pathologic phenomena prevention, and help with preparing for school. We help children with searching for help and advice in hard life situation.
CONSULTANCY A serviceofconsultancyisoffersyouth, youngadultsandadultsofagefrom 15 till 65 years. By the basic socialconsultancywe help membersof Romany communitywithbetterorientation in commonlifeandwithescalationoftheirskills to besuccesful in non-Romany surroundings. A consultancyisprovidesduringanopening-timeof KC AmaroPhurd – Pražská andaccording to individualneeds in othertimetoo. During a consultancyweoffer help and support people, who live in socialsecretedlocalities. Weassistclientswithescalationofcompetenceforsolvingtheirsituation. Open: Monday 15:30 – 16:30 Wednesday 11:30 – 12:30 Friday 12:00 – 13:00
FieldworkAndroforos This programme is realised in the afternoon. It is for both clients of KC and mainly for potential clients, who live in hardly accessible localities of Hradec Králové and who don‘t visit KC. Main objectives of fildwork „Andro foros“ are: • to teach children to active spending free-time • to offer children alternative of spending free-time • to provide social services in natural surround of clients Open: Wednesday 14:00 – 16:00 Friday 14:00 – 17:00 During a fieldwork we offer basic social consultancy for children‘s parents, too.
KC Pražská in numbers – foryear 2008 The number of user on the whole 80 • From that in Cikne 10 • From that in Bare 45 • From that in Consultancy 25 The number of applicants for service on the whole 44 • From that in Cikne 7 • From that in Bare 23 • From that in Consultancy 14 The number of provided services on the whole 8354 • From that in Cikne 2102 • From that in Bare 5631 • From that in Consultancy 621
educational games, which develop children‘s skills and acquirements. • games, what are non-guided by adult
Fives • Sport matches • Dancing • Jugglery
Work with computers • Internet • help with homework • Prepare for school
We implement programs for children and their parents. For example: individual learning in their families. Parents cooperate with us. • Every child thinks up its personal target. We help children with it.
trips (sight-seeing, adrenalin etc.) • Staying away from home