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CRISPUS ATTUCKS was a Bostonion killed at the Boston Massacre.
1441-1481 1441- Captain Goncalvez marked the direct involvement in the African slave trade with Europe. 1441-1444 First time slave voyages netting 49 slaves form African gold coast to Portugal 1481 Elmina castle which was a slave fortress is built on the African gold coast by Portuguese Red line: Portuguese slave routes
1492 Negro servants , slaves, and explorers came to the New World with the first Spanish and French explorers. Pedro Alonso Nino of Columbus’ crew is identified as a Negro by some scholars. Negroes were also with Balboa, Ponce De Leon, Pizarro and Menendez.
1502 • During Columbus’s last voyage, Diego el Negro who was black was one of the crew members on the Capitana.
1526 • Negro slaves in the first settlement in the United states, a Spanish colony, revolted and fled to the Indians.
1538 • Estevancio, considered the greatest African American explorer, led an expedition from Mexico and discovered what today is now Arizona and New Mexico.
1565 • Menendez De Aviles, founded the city of St. Augustine, Florida. Making it the first establishment in the New World. Living on this establishment were African slaves.
1619-1624 • Approximately 20 blacks are bought from a Dutch slaver as indentured workers, for the English settlement of James town. They are the first Africans in the North American colonies. 1624 William Tucker, first Negro born in English America, and is baptized in Jamestown.
1626-1641 • First African slaves arrive in New Amsterdam • 1634 Slavery is introduced in Maryland 1641 Massachusetts permits slavery of Indians, Whites, and Negroes.
1641-1651 Mathias De Sousa, an African indentured servant is elected to Maryland’s general assembly. 1642 Virginia passes fugitive slave law. 1650 Connecticut legalizes slavery 1651 Anthony Johnson, a free African American, imports several enslaved Africans .
1652 Massachusetts enacts a law requiring all Indian and African slaves to undergo military training to be able to defend the colony in the time of war. - first law against slavery enacted in Rhode Island. 1656 In fear of a slave uprising Massachusetts prohibits blacks form training as militia.
1663 • First serious slave conspiracy in colonial America uncovered. • 1664 Interracial marriages banned 1688 First formal protest against slavery in the Western Hemisphere made by Germantown Quakers. 1690 All English colonies in America have slaves.
1704-1739 • School for Negro slaves opened in New York by Elias Neau, a Frenchman. • 1712 Slave revolt in New York, 9 whites killed, 21 slaves executed. 1739 Slave revolt in South Carolina, 25 whites executed.
1741-1770 • Series of suspicions lead to 31 slave executions and 5 whites. • 1750-Crispus Attucks, escapes from his masters in Massachusetts. • 1762- James Derham, a born slave recognized as the first Negro physician in America • 1770- Crispus Attucks was the first of five persons killed in the Boston Massacre • 1773-First Negro Baptist church organized at Silver Bluff, South Carolina. • 1775-first abolition society in the U.s organized. • Negro and white minutemen fought at Lexington and Concord
1775 Negro patriots participated in first aggressive action of American forces. Ethan Allan Greene captures fort Ticonderoga with the mountain boys. Negro soldiers fought at the battle of Bunker hill, Peter Salem was considered a hero. Later laws were passed banning the recruitment of Negroes. General George Washington ordered recruiting officers to recruit Negroes regardless.
1776-1777 • Declaration of independence adopted July 4. • 1777- Vermont becomes the first state to abolish slavery.
1787 • Richard Allen and Absalom Jones organized Philadelphia’s Free African Society. • Continental congress excluded slavery from Northwest territory • Constitution approved by delegates with three clauses protecting slavery. • First free school in New York City, the African Free School. RICHARD ALLEN
1790 • Negro population 757,208. • Jean Baptise Point Du Sable, made the first permanent settlement at Chicago. • 1791- commander Touissant l overture led the Haitian revolution against the French • 1793- first fugitive slave law enacted by congress. • 1794-Eli Whitney patens the cotton gin • 1797- Congress refuse to accept first ever recorded petition by American Negroes. • Sojourner Truth born a slave Hurley, New York
1800 BENJAMIN BANNEKER 1731-1805 • Negro population 1,002,037 • John Brown is born Torrington, Conn. • Nat Turner is born Southampton, Va. • 1804-Jean Jacques Dessalines proclaims independence of Haiti. • Ohio enacts first black laws • JOHN BROWN BECAME THE FIRST BLACK EVER TO SET FOOT IN SAN DIEGO • 1805- Benjamin Banneker dies • William Lloyd Garrison born Newburyport, Mass. • 1807- President Jefferson signs bill which bans the slave trade
1809 • Abraham Lincoln born Hardin County, Ky • Negro population 1,377,808 • 1812- Negroes fought on land and water in the war of 1812.
1812 THE BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS DEC.1814- JAN. 1815 • Two battalions of Negro soldiers were with Andrew Jackson when he defeated the British at the battle of New Orleans.
1817 JOHN RUSSWURM • Fredrick Douglas born a slave • 1818-Andrew Jackson defeats a force of Indians and Negroes at Battle of Suwannee. • 1820-Missouri Compromise enacted prohibiting slavery to the north of Missouri’s southern border • 1822- Denmark Vesey’s plot for a revolt discovered. 131 Negroes arrested, 4 whites, 37 hanged • 1826- John Russwurm, becomes first Negro college graduate 1799-1851
1827 NAT TURNER 1800-1831 • First Negro newspaper, “Freedoms Journal,” published • Slavery abolished in New York • 1831-William Lloyd Garrison prints first issue of “Liberator” • Nat Turner revolt kills 60 whites. Nat Turner was later hanged. • 1834- Slavery abolished in British Empire.
1838 “Mirror of Liberty”, first Negro magazine published in New York by David Ruggles. Fredrick Douglas escapes from slavery. A COPY OF DAVID RUGGLES WORK RUGGLES 1810 - 1849
1847 • Dred Scott case begins in St. Louis. • Fredrick Douglas publishes the first issues of “ North Star” • 1848-NATHANIEL HARRISON BECAME THE FIRST PERMENANT RESIDENT IN SAN DIEGO • 1849- Harriet Tubman escapes slavery and returns 19 times freeing more than 300 slaves FREDRICK DOUGLAS 1817- 1895
1850 • Negro population 3,638,808 • Fugitive slave Act passed as part of the Compromise of 1850. • 1852- First editions of “ Uncle Toms Cabin”, are issued. • 1854- Lincoln University the first Negro college established. • Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed Missouri Compromise, opened northern territory to slavery. • 1855- John Mercer Langston becomes first Negro to win elective office.
1856 DREDD SCOTT • Booker T. Washington is born a slave Franklin county,Va. • 1857- Dred Scott decision by U.S Supreme Court opened federal territory to slavery and denied citizenship to American Negroes. • 1858- “The Escape”, first play by a Negro published.
1859 • John Brown attacks Harpers Ferry, Va., with 13 white men and 5 Negroes . John Brown was later captured and hanged. • 1860- Negro population 4,441,830 • Abraham Lincoln elected president • 16 Negro soldiers received Congressional Medals of Honor during civil war. JOHN BROWN
1861 • Secretary of the navy authorizes enlistment of Negroes. • 1862- President Lincoln recommends to congress gradual compensated emancipation.
1862 • Congress allows the enlistment of blacks in the Union Army. • President Lincoln submits draft of Emancipation Proclamation to his cabinet. • 1863- President Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation • 1865- The 13th amendment, outlawing slavery, was passed by congress. • 1866- Edward G. Walker and Charles L. Mitchell were the first blacks to sit in an American legislature.
1866 • The Buffalo soldiers are created by congress. • 1868- The South Carolina house became the first and only legislature to have a black majority • The 14th amendment passed making black citizens of the United states. • 1870- 15th ratified, which denied the right to vote for blacks. • 1895-Booker T. Washington delivered the “Atlanta Compromise”
1896 In Plessy v. Ferguson the supreme court give legal baking to the concept of separate but equal facilities. 1905-W.E.B Du Bois leader of the meeting that sprung the Niagara movement 1910-National Urban League established 1918- First Pan- African congress met in Paris under W.E.B Du Bois guidance.
1920 • Marcus Garvey is charged with mail fraud, he is convicted and deported after serving prison time. • 1922- Beginning of Harlem Renaissance • 1936- Jesse Owens wins four gold medals at summer Olympics in Berlin • 1937- Joe Louis defeats James J. Braddock to become heavy weight champion of the world
1940 • Benjamin O. Davis Sr., became the first black general in the United States Army. • 1944- The United Negro College Fund. • 1947- Jackie Robinson became the first black to play Major League Baseball. • 1952- Tuskegee reports the first year without lynching
1954 • Condoleeza Rice is born. She became Secretary of State for the president of the United States in 2001. • In Brown v. Board of education of Topeka Kansas, the supreme court completed overturning legal school segregation at all levels. • 1955- Rosa parks refuses to change seats in a Montgomery, Alabama bus. This caused black all over Alabama to boycott the the bus system which continued shortly after 1956. • 1957- Southern Christian leadership Conference was formed with Martin Luther King as president. • 1963- Under Dr. Kings leadership blacks began to campaign against discrimination in Birmingham. • The march on Washington was the biggest civil rights demonstration ever. • 1964- Malcolm X announces his split form Elijah Muhammad's Nation Of Islam • 1965- Malcolm X is assassinated by members of the Nation Of Islam.
The Black Panther Party was founded by the Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale in Oakland, California. • 1967- this was the worst summer for racial disturbances occurred. • Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. • 1969- The Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation in schools must end. • 1974- Henry Aaron hit his 715th homerun to become the all-time leading hitter of homeruns. • 1983- President Ronald Regan signed a bill establishing January 20th a national holiday honoring Martin Luther King. • Guion s. Bluford, Jr. was the first black astronaut to make a space flight. 1966
1986 • The first national Martin Luther King Jr. holiday was celebrated. • 1987- Fredrick Drew Gregory was the first black to command a space shuttle.
1988 1988- Aashantaa Lowe was born September 30, 1988 to LaSondra Lowe and LaJohn Vanreed in San Diego, California. 1988- Bill Cosby donates 20,000,000 to Spelman College. The largest donation ever made by a black. 1989- General Colin Powell was named chair of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff. 1990- Nelson Mandela was freed from a South African prison after 25 years. 1991- Ronald Burris became the first black attorney general of Illinois. AASHANTAA LOWE AUTHOR OF THIS TIME LINE
1992 • “The Cosby Show” broadcast the final original episode of its highly successful eight season run. • Jackie Joyner Kersee was the first woman to repeat as Olympic heptathlon champion. • Mae C. Jemison was the first black woman in space. • Carol Moseley Braun of Illinois was the first black woman ever elected to the United States Senate.
1993 M. Jocelyn Elders became the first black and the first woman United States Surgeon General. • Toni Morrison was the first black American to win the Nobel Piece prize in Literature. • 1995- The million man march was held in Washington D.C. • 1997- Betty Shabazz widow of Malcolm X dies in fire in her apartment in New York. • Black American women participated in the million woman march in Philadelphia.
1998 • James Farmer 1 of 15 men awarded the medal of Freedom by president Clinton. • New York Stock Exchange closed for the first time in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King. • Track star Florence Griffith Joyner • 1999- After 13 seasons and six NBA championships, professional basketball star Michael Jordan retired from the game. 2000- At Wimbledon, tennis player Venus Williams beats her sister to become the first black woman to win the woman’s title since Althea Gibson did in 1957-58 2001- Condoleeza Rice becomes Secretary of State.
2002 • Halle Berry becomes the black woman to receive an Academy Award for the best actress and Denzel Washington becomes the second black man to win the best actor category. • President George W. Bush awards comedian Bill Cosby and baseball player Hank Aaron the nations highest civilian honor, the Medal of Freedom.
2003 REST IN PEACE • Tony Dungy Herman Edwards and Marvin Lewis become the only black head coaches in the NFL. • 2004- Carol Mosley Braun becomes the first African American senator. • 2006- Rosa Parks dies • Coretta Scott King dies • Katherine Dunham famous black choreographer, and dancer dies