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King Tut By Cali James & Emma Bocharski. King Tutankhamun was born in 1341 B.C. and he died in 1323 B.C. He may have died because of a broken leg when he was hunting or in battle he fell of his chariot. S ome people say he died naturally.
King Tutankhamunwas born in 1341 B.C. and he died in 1323 B.C. He may have died because of a broken leg when he was hunting or in battle he fell of his chariot. Some people say he died naturally.
King Tut was a very wealthy boy, and at the age of 9 he became a pharaoh when his father died….. but King Tut stopped ruling at the age of 19 because he died.
On November 4th, 1922 Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon discovered King Tut’s tomb. With the discovery of the tomb, including King Tutankhamun’s remains and the artifacts, King Tut became one of the most famous pharaohs.
When they discovered the tomb they found statues, a chariot, a golden mask, a golden throne, and many other treasures.
They found in the tomb his organs, brain, heart, and many other body parts in jars so they could use it in the after-life.
The Curse of King TutThere were 26 people there when the burial chamber was opened. Within 10 years 6 of those people had died. Rumors spread that it was because they they disturbedthe pharoah’s tomb
The year after Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon found the tomb Carnarvon was bitten by a mosquito. His cheek becamebadly infected and he went to the hospital for medical attention. Before he got there he died….
Here are some very interesting facts about King Tut King Tut’s father and mother are Kiyaand her husband akhenaten King Tut had two daughters(unknown names) and they were buried with him because they died shortly after they were born His tomb was found in 1922 by howard carter and lord Carnarvon King tut’s wife was his half sister, Ankhesenamun
When King Tut was born his full name was Tutankhaten. He changed it to Tutankhamun two years after began ruling.