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Pediatric Data Standards SIG Meeting

Pediatric Data Standards SIG Meeting. San Diego, CA January 8-9, 2007. MONDAY Meeting Objectives. Q3: Plans for 2007 Approve Sept. 2006 WGM minutes Review work completed since Sept. WGM Agree upon meeting objectives Gather feedback on draft plans for 2007

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Pediatric Data Standards SIG Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pediatric Data StandardsSIG Meeting San Diego, CA January 8-9, 2007

  2. MONDAYMeeting Objectives Q3: Plans for 2007 • Approve Sept. 2006 WGM minutes • Review work completed since Sept. WGM • Agree upon meeting objectives • Gather feedback on draft plans for 2007 • Gather feedback on messaging opportunities • CDA update; Present volunteer opportunity • Co-Chair election Q4: EHR FM Working Session • Reach consensus on leftover functions that should be “core” • Refine those functions or determine plan for refinement following the meeting

  3. TUESDAYMeeting Objectives Q1: EHR FM Working Session • Review leftovers not considered to be “core” • Determine plan for addressing these (e.g. through profile development) Q2: EHR FM Working Session • Select dates/times for standing monthly calls • Determine interest in Spring meeting in Germany • Reach alignment on priorities and assignments for next steps

  4. Ground Rules • Stay on schedule • Silence mobiles and pagers • Get out of your comfort zone • Expect to contribute • Silence is agreement • Other?

  5. Introductions • Please briefly introduce yourself (Name, Organization, Role, Relevant Areas of Specialty/Interests)

  6. PeDSSIG Work in 2006 Influencing Adoption of Pediatric Requirements • Reviewed and edited pediatric functional requirements through working webcast series • Reconciled requirements with current EHR functional model • Participated in education session on starting HL7 Pediatric Profile • Coordinated group response to CCHIT inpatient EHR survey • Coordinated group response to AAP EMR specifications policy paper • Provided group input into HITSP Consumer Empowerment Workgroup pediatric PHR project • Presented immunization storyboard to Patient Care; Providing input into HL7 immunization project • Participated in working webcasts with Cerner to provide pediatric input into bidirectional immunization interface project • Recruited vendor participation in SIG activities (Cerner, EPIC and Eclipsys participating) • Recruited key new members • Secured funding for 2006 and ongoing support through APQ • Identified representative to EHR TC; Secured funding for support • 15 new child health requirements included in EHR FM ballot (congratulations!) • Reconciled requirements with AAP position paper and CCHIT certification criteria

  7. Status of Action Items • Monthly call survey conducted • HL7/COCIT coordination in progress through Beki/Joy • Andy updated HL7/Partnership for Policy Implementation on PeDSSIG activities • Andy held call with Lisa Simpson to explore opportunities; Grant opp in consideration • Personal meeting invitations extended to vendors • Article regarding PeDSSIG activities published in HL7 newsletter • Joy followed up with Dr. Broselow regarding lack of interest at this point • Pele explored quality measurement messaging opportunties; Update at this mtg. • Exploring publishing opportunities related to immunizaiton work; Update at this mtg. • Exploring vocabulary opportunities through Paul Biondich • Successful in lobbying EHR TC regarding recent ballot – 15 new items included • Andy, David and Joy started work on profile documentation; Working document prepared for this meeting • John Dzivak attending EHR TC meeting and training as liaison for PeDSSIG • Secured financial support in 2007 from APQ members (AAP, ABP, CHCA & NACHRI)

  8. Proposed Monthly CallsIncluding Brief Updates at 5 pm EST • January N/A • Thursday, February 15, 1-2 PM Central • Tuesday, March 13, 9-10 AM Central • Thursday, April 12, 1-2 PM Central • Tuesday, May 8, 9-10 AM Central • Thursday, June 14, 1-2 PM Central • Tuesday, July 10, 9-10 AM Central • Thursday, August 9, 1-2 PM Central • Tuesday, September 11, 9-10 AM Central • Thursday, October 11, 1-2 PM Central • Tuesday, November 13, 9-10 AM Central • Thursday, December 13, 1-2 PM Central

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