AbstractPhotography Nathan Lindsay 3191464
“Every artist is, first of all, a craftsperson thoroughly knowledgeable about the materials, tools, and techniques of his or her particular medium and skilled in using many of them.However, in my view, no amount of technical knowledge and competence is, of itself, sufficient to make a craftsperson into an artist. That requires caring -- passionate caring about ultimate things.” FreemanPatterson
The »abstract picture« that central invention of modernist art, has its origins in painting. Subsequently artists in Europe and the United States made attempts to produce »abstractions« using other media. In graphic art, in sculpture and [from 1916] in photography. The artists' group »Abstraction-Création« [1], founded in 1931 in Paris, established two ways to the »abstract picture«. One was the reduction of »nature« to elementary forms [»abstraction«], the other the compo- sition of elementary form and colour constellations without reference to »nature« [»création«]. One View of Abstract Photography http://www.fotomuseum.ws/galleries/postmodern/abstraction/exhibits/history/english.htm
Abstract photography is a field that leaves many puzzled as to what exactly it includes. The definition varies so much by photographer and gallery, it seems like there is no common ground whatsoever. However, there are a few commonalities and motifs in abstract photography that will help clarify the field somewhat, even if there is no explicit, all-encompassing rule that all abstract photographs follow.Read more: http://www.brighthub.com/multimedia/photography/articles/36999.aspx#ixzz1GDG0WvQb What Is Abstract Photography?
Subject and Composition • Meaning • Colour • Texture • No Rules Note: Abstract Photographers are as varied in their commonalities as is their work. A List of common themes http://www.brighthub.com/multimedia/photography/articles/36999.aspx?p=2
Grade 6-8 Students would be shown pictures from famous photographers( i.e. Freeman Patterson, Ansell Adams, etc.) Lesson Plan:Art exploration lesson preview