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By: Nabil Allataifeh Date: December 19 th , 2013

Final Project in Water Resources Engineering GAMES Model interface Application: Extending the Capabilities of the GAMES model for Erosion and Sediment Loading Analysis. By: Nabil Allataifeh Date: December 19 th , 2013. Acknowledgement.

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By: Nabil Allataifeh Date: December 19 th , 2013

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  1. Final Project in Water Resources EngineeringGAMES Model interface Application:Extending the Capabilities of the GAMES model for Erosion and Sediment Loading Analysis By: NabilAllataifeh Date: December 19th, 2013

  2. Acknowledgement • My great appreciation to Professor RameshRudra for the guidance and effort in delivering the application. • As well to Professor Trevor Dickinson for attending this presentation. • My sincere thanks go to Chin Dai and Kishor Panjabi • My final but great thanks will go to my wife

  3. Outline: • Introduction • The Project Purpose • Review and Background • Methodology • Results and Discussion / Example Project • Conclusions

  4. Introduction • Soil erosion: • Removal process of soil particles by water or wind • The rate exceeds the formation of soil rate • Amajor environmental and agricultural problem • Reduced productivity • Soil become water deficit and/or nutrient deficit. • social and economical adverse effects • Extensive adverse impact on the crop production. • Environmental results such as pollution.

  5. Introduction cont… • Highly noticeable with agricultural land • More common with areas that have high slopes. • Ancient Romans once had a food supply from North African regions that now become desert.

  6. Introduction cont … • Soil erosion quantitative assessment is needed to - Find the extent/magnitude of soil erosion problems - Create management strategies • Reported factors influencing soil erosion - Steep slopes, - Bare soil compared to covered soil - Soil structure and texture.

  7. Introduction cont … • Many practicing modeling: • To depict the natural erosion process • To solve problems associated with soil erosion • Physically based erosion models have been developed • CREAMS, GLEAMS, EUROSEM and WEPP.

  8. Project Purpose • Improve the current GIS/GAMES model interface • Time consuming • More susceptible to human errors. • Produce a new GIS/GAMES model interface • Efficient • Automated • Processes are centralized from one location • User friendly application.

  9. Review and Background • Soil Erosion Modeling • The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) • The GMAES Model • Geographical Information System (GIS) • Programming Language and Development Environment

  10. Soil Erosion Modeling • The importance of soil erosion problem had escalated the attempt to produce a powerful mathematical soil erosion models • Soil erosion modeling has been identified as an important technique to practice conservation and planning practices. • Use of models within the GIS is a cost effective method

  11. Soil Erosion Modeling cont… • Integrating GIS provide a rapid assessment of erosion on spatial basis. • GIS would be of great help in using digital elevation model (DEM) in soil erosion assessment. • GIS techniques to calculate several products from a DEM • Slope gradient a dominant factor in the erosion process, • Overland flow rate • Drainage direction

  12. The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) • It is an empirical model and does not involve a spatial resolution • Developed based on a set of data from the eastern half of the USA. • The USLE, its revised (RUSLE) and modified (MUSLE) versions, are still used in many studies of soil loss

  13. USLE cont... • On annual rainfall A= R. K. LS. C. P where; R= rainfall erosivity factor, K= soil erodibility factor, LS= slope gradient and slope length factor, C= land use or management factor, P= support practices factor • On seasonal rainfall As= 2.242. Rs. Ks. LS. Cs. Ps The subscript s relates to the seasonal aspect.

  14. The GAMES Model • GAMES: the Guelph Model for Evaluating Effects of Agricultural Management Systems on Erosion and Sedimentation • Utilizing the USLE equation based on a seasonal estimates rather than annual estimates • The model developed as a screening tool for nonpoint source pollution management for an entire watershed. • The theory behind the model is to find the percent of soil loss delivered on a seasonal base to the downstream • Estimated by the application of microscopic delivery ratio. • This ratio incorporates • The surface roughness • Land use characteristics • The hydrological conditions along the water flow path.

  15. The GMAES Model cont... • The input for the GAMES model contain many important parameters: • Soil erodibility • Land use • Slope length and gradient • Support practice factors to control erosion • The area and the direction of the flow for each cell that has been delineated in the watershed. • GAMES output for each cell represent • Soil loss and soil loss rate • Delivery ratio to the adjacent cell • Delivery ratio to the stream • Sediment loads and sediment load rates.

  16. The GMAES Model cont... • It consist of three main components: • Soil Loss Component • Sediment delivery component. • Problem classification component.

  17. The Soil Loss Component • Developed based on the application of the USLE equation with the consideration of the seasonal base As = 2.242Rs.Ks.Cs.LS.P

  18. The Sediment Delivery Component • Developed on the assumptions • The factors affecting the delivery of the water suspended sediments are: • velocity of fluid • flow path length • the physical characteristics of the sediments. • Sediments are spatially uniform for small agricultural watershed • The hydraulic effects are negligible.

  19. The Sediment Delivery Component cont... • The sediment yield from each cell to the stream: SDs = As*DRs • The Sediment yield at the outlet of the watershed as: where Asi = seasonal soil loss for the ith cell (t/ha) DRsi = seasonal delivery ratio for the ith cell Areai = the area of the ith field (ha) • The DRSi = α[ ]β where; nsi = seasonal surface roughness of the ith cell Si= the surface slope Hcsi = is the seasonal hydrologic coefficient of the ith cell Lsi = length of seasonal overland flow of the ith cell α and β= constants

  20. Problem classification component • The watershed sub-catchments identified based on the rate of soil erosion and sediment yield rates to 4 categories: • I for high sediment and high erosion rates • II for low Sediment and high erosion rates • III for high sediment and low erosion rates • IV for low sediment and erosion rates.

  21. Geographical Information System (GIS) • GIS a group of computer tools as hardware and software that used to collect, store, retrieve, manipulate, transform and display spatial data. • GIS has the power of interacting with models • Models has been built into the GIS as an interface to easily interact with the GIS power and using sets of data from the map. • Utilize the output of a GIS processing as an input for the model.

  22. Geographical Information System (GIS) • ESRI is one of the leaders and first initiative of GIS work since 1969, considered the leader in the world of GIS improvement and development • ESRI in their recent release ArcGIS 10.3 serving the world with four major products: Arc Catalogue, ArcMap, ArcScene, and ArcGlope.

  23. Programming Language and Development Environment • The interface has been developed using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Development Environment • The C#.NET programming language has been used inside the Visual Studio

  24. Methodology • The Study Area • The Input layers to ArcMap • The output layers from ArcMap first model • The Input and output files for the GAMES Model • The model output import to ArcMap • The final Output of the ArcMap

  25. 3.1. The Study Area mean prec.: 840-880 mm 100-200 mm as snow mean Temp 6-9 °C annual evapo. 65% The land use in the area is dominated by agriculture The primary source of contamination is agricultural runoff drainage area 143 km2 soil of silt loam type Drainage Area = 52.2 km2 Latitude: 43°36’N-43°42’N Longitude: 80°33’W Average elevation of 417 m Average slope of 1.5% Adopted from GRCA (http:\\www.grandriver.ca) Adopted from Chen 2006

  26. The Input layers in ArcMap • The preliminary input for an ArcMap project require five input layers and 1 custom toolbox. The layers are: • Rivers • Study area • Soil • Land use • Digital elevation model. • The toolbox contains 5 models to handle the project. • Produce the required tables to create the input for the GAMES model. • Import the output from the GAMES model, process it and create new layers. • Applying symbology to the soil erosion rate layer and sediment load rate. • Create raster layers from the soil erosion rate layer and sediment load rate. • Categorize the watershed into four area problems.

  27. The output from ArcMap first Model • The Study Area Digital Elevation Model (DEM) • The Study area Land Use Map • The Study area Soil Types Map • The study area Slope Map • The Study area river network • The Study area Catchment Flow Network • The study area Drainage Lines • The study area flow start and end points

  28. GAMES Model Input and output Files • The GAMES model require an input file in the form of space delimited text file (.DAT) • The file prepared by extracting the required field from the ArcMap first model output • The GAMES model will create an output text file that will have the cell erosion data.

  29. The model output file processing in ArcMap • The final excel file from the GAMES model will be imported to the ArcMap project and Joined to the Dissolved Catchments layer. • A new two layers created: • Soil erosion rate • Sediment yield rate • Create the Raster Maps of Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield Rate Maps

  30. The Final output of ArcMap models • The final step in the project will identify the problem areas in the watershed for high soil erosion rate and high sediment yield rate. • Reclassify the Soil Erosion and the Sediment Yield Rate maps based on average tolerance of 3.00 t/ha for the erosion rate and 0.50 t/ha for sediment rate • Identify the watershed into 4 categories: • I: high sediment and high erosion rates • II: low Sediment and high erosion rates • III: high sediment and low erosion rates • IV: low sediment and erosion rates

  31. Results and DiscussionExample project • First time users • Running the first model in ArcMap • Prepare the input for the GAMES model • Process the input file through the GAMES Model • Prepare the model output to be imported to ArcMap • Process the model output in ArcMap • Create the soil erosion and sediment yield rate maps • Identify the soil erosion and sediment yield areas of problems in the study area.

  32. First Time users • The supplied zipped file has to be extracted to the desktop • The user should have enough privileges to be able to copy executable files to the C drive (a requirement for the GAMES model). • The interface handle both ArcGIS 9.3 and ArcGIS 10.0 • Copy files and directories to the C drive • Run the example project option from the C drive

  33. Running an Example Project

  34. Running the First Model in ArcMap

  35. Running the First Model in ArcMap

  36. Running the First Model in ArcMap cont… • Generating the Study Area Layers • Create the Flow Network and the Catchments • Creating the Tables to be used to generate the GAMES model input file

  37. The ArcMap First Model Output

  38. The ArcMap First Model Output cont…

  39. The ArcMap First Model Output cont…

  40. The ArcMap First Model Output cont…

  41. The ArcMap First Model Output cont…

  42. The ArcMap First Model Output cont…

  43. The ArcMap First Model Output cont…

  44. Prepare the GAMES Model Input File

  45. Prepare the GAMES Model Input File cont…

  46. Starts the GAMES Model

  47. Process the input file in the GAMES Model • The .dat file is the input to the GAMES model • Specifying the mode: analytical or calibrated • Input and output files • The output file will contain the data about each catchment

  48. Process the input file in the GAMES Model

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