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School Innovation Fund (SIF) Grant Round 3: RFP: TA-15 Getting Started. Conference Call July 16, 2014: 2:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. AGENDA. Welcome and Purpose 2:00 P.M. - 2:05 P.M. Introductions 2:05 P.M. - 2:10 P.M. Getting Started: 2:10 P.M. – 2:50 P.M.
School Innovation Fund (SIF) Grant Round 3: RFP: TA-15 Getting Started Conference Call July 16, 2014: 2:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.
AGENDA • Welcomeand Purpose 2:00 P.M. - 2:05 P.M. • Introductions 2:05 P.M. - 2:10 P.M. • Getting Started: 2:10 P.M. – 2:50 P.M. • Preliminary Award Letter Information • Required Post-Award Documents • Performance Management Structure • SIF Resources • Next Steps: 2:50 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Preliminary Award Letter Information • The preliminary Award Letter was emailed to the Superintendent. • STO liaison and LEA finalize the 6/1/14-6/30/15 budget. • Compliance with NYSED’s Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBE) policy. For questions, contact Valerie Martin-Kowalski at Vmartin@mail.nysed.gov. • After final approval of the budget and M/WBE compliance, you will receive a formal Grant Award Notice from our Grants Finance Unit. • Accepting electronic payments is required; use the OSC website referenced in the letter: http://www.oms.nysed.gov/cafe/guidance/appendixa.html.
Required Post-Award DocumentsSubmit by August 1, 2014 on Review Room • Final signed MOU(s); drafts were requested in SIF applications. • If a school chose a Lead Partner (LP) you need one MOU. • If a school chose a Partner Consortium (PC), you may need up to three. • Be sure roles and responsibilities of the LEA and partners are explicit. • Final, signed Attachment F: Performance Agreement with Superintendent and LP/PC signatures. There are to be no more than four signatures. • A complete Attachment B: Baseline Data and Targets. This application was to contain a complete chart; if data is missing submit an updated chart. • A complete Attachment E: Project Plans for 2014-2015. The application was to contain complete plans; if Quarterly Indicators of Success are missing submit updated planswith those indicators.
Required Post-Award DocumentsSubmitting on Review Room • You need to ensure that all four documents listed on Slide 4 are NYSED STO approved by August 1, 2014. • Look at the documents in the application and decide what steps are necessary. • Work with your liaisons so that only finals are submitted. • Contact Tracy at Tfarrell@mail.nysed.gov for Review Room questions. Review Room is open. • Hard copies are not required. Please keep on file if requested. • Upon STO approval, your STO liaison will notify the LEA via email. • Note: If the LEA requires contracts, BoE approval, etc… prior to partners beginning work, it is necessary that the LEA move forward with these steps to ensure a September 2014 implementation.
2014-2015 Performance Management Structurefor SIF 2 and SIF 3 Grantees STO Monitoring and Reporting: • A 2014-2015 STO calendar for progress reports followed by report review calls is posted at: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/turnaround/SchoolInnovationFundSIFGrant.html: • August calls will be scheduled the week of July 22, 2014 and held the week of August 11, 2014. • A look ahead to the August 2014 call, during which time we will discuss: • Working with your partners to LP/PC to launch a whole-school redesign effort with your selected framework to begin with a September 2014 implementation. • Details of your school-selected design frameworks (e.g.: CTE, Virtual/Blended, College Pathways, Community-Oriented Services) • 2014-2015 Project Plans MVPS: • Monitoring and Vendor Performance System (MVPS) surveys will be submitted quarterly. • Beginning with the October 2014 STO progress report review calls, we will discuss your input.
SIF Resources • http://www.p12.nysed.gov/turnaround/SchoolInnovationFundSIFGrant.html is the SIF webpage which houses information about grantees, applications, toolkits, RFPs and more. • http://www.p12.nysed.gov/turnaround/Resources.html is located on the STO website. It houses several resources relevant to the design frameworks chosen and to your SIF implementation. • School Turnaround Network can be found at: http://turnaround.ning.com/. NING, which houses this network, is offered to district and school staff participating in the SIF Grant. On NING one can participate in discussions, learn about events, and access details of previously held video-conference calls and conferences. Current information references the community-oriented design framework, ELT, evaluating partner effectiveness, and sustainability. For access, contact Tracy Farrell: Tfarrell@mail.nysed.gov.
NEXT STEPS • Check the status of your budget, MWBE compliance, and GAN. • Indicate the status of your four documents on Review Room by August 1, 2014. Make sure they are complete, final, signed and ready for NYSED STO approval. • In order to have the appropriate staff participating on the upcoming calls, complete a school-specific Leadership Team Form emailed to you by Barbara Moscinski. • Continue to work with your LP/PC to begin to launch your whole-school redesign efforts. • Reference the seven pages of the Project Plan to make sure you are on track with your actions associated with the timeline. During our August call we will discuss actions beginning in June. • Take some time to look at the SIF Resources on the STO website. They may be of value in your SIF implementation. If you have ideas or resources, please share them with us. • Join NING so that you can access SIF discussions and events. There is a significant amount of information available to you.