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Enhancing Education. EETT Competitive Grant Round 6 2007 - 2009. Through Technology. EETT Competitive Workshop Agenda. Grant Overview Eligibility Funding Scoring Process Format & Submission Application Forms Project Narrative Next Steps Q & A. Purpose of EETT Competitive Program.
Enhancing Education EETT Competitive Grant Round 6 2007 - 2009 Through Technology
EETT Competitive Workshop Agenda • Grant Overview • Eligibility • Funding • Scoring Process • Format & Submission • Application • Forms • Project Narrative • Next Steps • Q & A
Purpose of EETT Competitive Program To enhance student achievement of the state academic content standards through significant and sustained integration of technology in grades four through eight.
Purpose of EETT Competitive Program How? Through the achievement of the four core EETT Competitive program goals.
EETT Competitive Program Goals • Student grade level proficiency with technology literacy and use of technology as a tool to support meeting state academic content standards specified in the Project Narrative. • Teacher proficiency with technology literacy and use of technology to improve student achievement in the academic content areas specified in the Project Narrative.
EETT Competitive Program Goals • Expanded access to up-to-date technology and will have access to the technical support necessary to implement the EETT Competitive program. • Use of technology to establish and/ or improve communication and collaboration among home, school, and community to support student learning.
EETT C Round 6 Baseline Eligibility (RFA pg. 5) • A district or direct funded charter that serves grades 4-8. • Among the districts in the state with the highest percentage of students living below the poverty line using federal census data. AND
EETT C Round 6 Baseline Eligibility (RFA pg. 5) • One or more schools identified for improvement or corrective action under No Child Left Behind. OR • Technology poverty defined as greater than 10:1 student to computer ratio, or less than 50% of classrooms connected to the Internet. (From 2006 CSTS data)
EETT C Eligibility Requirements In addition, LEAs and direct funded charter schools must: • Have a current CDE approved technology plan as of June 30, 2007. http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/et/rs/ap/county.asp • Have completed the 2007 California School Technology Survey. http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/et/rs/techsurvey.asp These two items are verified by the CDE during the grant compliance review – which happens after an LEA submits an application and before it goes to readers to review.
EETT C Round 6 Grant Funding (RFA pgs. 7-9) • $11,646, 527 available in Round 6 to support technology integration in the curriculum for ~40,000 students statewide. • A two year grant program - $300 per student in grades 4-8 based on 2006 CBEDS. • Follow-up Grant - $45/student (Pending meeting Grant Conditions and Assurances and availability of Federal funding.)
EETT C Round 6 Grant Funding As Per Berg AB 2706 legislation: “Grant awards may be not less than $25,000, nor more than 60 percent of the funds available in the region.”
EETT C Rubric Scoring How can a District Score Maximum Points? Answer all Project Narrative questions outlined for each of the six sections. (RFA pgs. 21-29) AND • Write to the Rubric • Write to the Rubric • Write to the Rubric
EETT C Scoring Process (RFA pgs. 9-10) • All applications must score at least 50 points to be eligible for funds. • All applications will be grouped into the following decile bands based on their rubric scores: • 100–90 points • 89 – 80 points • 79 – 70 points • 69 – 60 points • 59 – 50 points
EETT C Scoring Priorities Within each decile band: • First priority is given to small school districts.(See RFA pgs. 10-11) • Second priority is given to school districts that received less than $6,000 in annual EETT Formula grant funds.
EETT C Scoring Priorities All other eligible applicants will be ranked by their score, within applicable decile bands, below any prioritized district applicants in the same decile band.
EETT C Application Submission (RFA pg. 16) All applicants are required to submit: • One signed (blue ink), unbound original print copy of the application. • Three stapled print copies (must lay flat - no binders). • One digital copy of the complete application on CD with LEA name on it. (The digital copy of the application does not require signatures).
EETT C Application Submission DUE July 27, 2007 – 5 pm MailEETT Competitive Grant Application to: Education Technology Office Attn. EETT Competitive Application California Department of Education 1430 N Street, Suite 6308 Sacramento, CA 95814
EETT C Format Requirements Eligible applications will be prescreened for completeness and compliance with CDE requirements. • Project Narrative pages must be numbered: 25 page max. with headings and subheadings for each of the six sections that match the Scoring Criteria. • Pages must include line numbers - no more than 36 lines per page.
EETT C Format Requirements • Must be submitted in print, single sided, 8 1/2 x 11 paper, portrait orientation (except for Forms), one inch margins. • All Required Forms, Assurances, and Certifications are signed and included. (Use Form 8.) • Original copy has all required signatures - blue ink recommended. • 12-point font recommended for readability.
Application Components • Form 1: Application Title Page • Form 2: Project Summary • Form 2a: Small School District Addendum • Project Narrative: Six sections & 25 pages • Form 3: GOBs and Evaluation • Form 4: Strategies and Timeline
Application Components • Form 5: Projected Budget and Narrative. • Form 6: Priority List of Schools. • Form 7: Consortium and/or Partnership Applicants & Signed Letter(s) of Support. • Form 8: Competitive Application Checklist. • Signed Certifications & Grant Conditions & Assurances. • One original unbound, 3 print copies, and one e- copy of application on CD.
Application Component Review First let’s take a brief look at Forms 1, 2, 2a, 6, and 8 in the RFA Any Questions?
EETT Competitive Workshop 10 Minute Break
Application Component Review Now onto the heart of the program identified on Forms 3, 4, 5, and 7 and described in the corresponding sections of the Project Narrative beginning with: Form 3: Program Goals, Objectives, Benchmarks, Data Collection, and Evaluation
Form 3 First Let’s Tackle Known Issues with Form 3 Form 3 - Known Issue #1:Baseline data from actual student and teacher target groups will be difficult to obtain because the RFA was released on June 11, when school was out for the summer for most districts.
Form 3 Solutions for Known Issue #1: • Estimate baseline of target group from a sample of similar participants for the application. Get written approval from the CDE to revise baseline data with data from actual participants after they are identified in the fall 2007. • Set realistic student and teacher growth targets, the achievement of which will determine whether the district will receive the $45 per student Follow_Up Grant.
Form 3 Form 3 - Known Issue #2:Given the fact that districts who are awarded the grant, will not receive their Award Letters until late September – early October (see RFA pgs 14-15), the implementation time for the program in year one will be shorter than the year two program.
Form 3 Solutions for Known Issue #2: • In the fall 2007, plan to: • Establish & record actual baseline data of participating teachers and students. • Purchase and install equipment. • Have the budget reflect the ACTUAL program implementation plan. • Set realistic Year One growth targets that reflect the shortened implementation time.
Form 3-Goal 1: Student Technology Use • Required Program Objective 1a to be achieved by 6/30/09: The percentage of students in the target group* that meet grade-level proficiency with technology literacy*, as specified in the standards-aligned Program for Students, will increase by a total of ____% points (annually. – If Year 2 Target Group is different from the Year 1). The required Performance Goals and Benchmarks may not be edited.
Form 3-Goal 1: Student Technology Use • Required Program Objective 1b to be achieved by 6/30/09:The percentage of students in the target group* who improve academic achievement of state content standards** through the use of technology, as specified in the Program for Students, will increase by a total of ____% points (annually. – If Year 2 Target Group is different from the Year 1). The required Performance Goals and Benchmarks may not be edited.
Form 3-Goal 1: Student Technology Use • Required Program Objective 1c for projects that target students in multiple grade levels that include 8th grade to be achieved by 6/30/09:The percentage of 8th grade target students* that meet grade-level proficiency with technology literacy*, as specified in the standards-aligned Program for Students, will increase by ____% points annually.
Form 3-Goal 1: Student Technology Use Districts must collect baseline Student Tech Literacy Data ASAP. Districts can use existing baseline data from annual data collection tool specified in their Tech Plans, such as: • Ed Tech Profile Online Student Survey www.edtechprofile.org OR • An LEA developed Student Tech Literacy Survey (Online or paper-based) OR • A Readymade Tech Literacy Survey(Online or paper-based)
Form 3-Goal 1: Student Technology Use District must collect baseline Student Achievement Data for Target Group ASAP. Districts can use existing baseline data from: • An LEA developed benchmark assessment for targeted subject area(s) and grade levels. OR • A standards aligned state adopted text benchmark assessment for targeted subject area(s) and grade levels.
Form 3-Goal 2: Professional Development • Required Program Objective 2a to be achieved by 6/30/09:The percentage of teachers in the target group proficient with technology literacy as specified in the Project Narrative, will increase by a total of ____% points (annually. – If Year 2 Target Group is different from the Year 1). The required Performance Goals and Benchmarks may not be edited.
Form 3-Goal 2: Professional Development • Required Program Objective 2b to be achieved by 6/30/09: The percentage of teachers in the target group* who effectively integrate technology in the curriculum**, to support student academic achievement as specified in the Project Narrative, will increase by a total of____% points (annually - if different target group in year 2). The required Performance Goals and Benchmarks may not be edited.
Form 3-Goal 2: Professional Development District must collect sample baseline Teacher Technology Literacy and Curriculum Integration Data for Target Teacher Group ASAP. Use the data to establish baseline percentages and growth targets for Goal 2.0.
Form 3-Goal 2: Professional Development Districts can: • Collect sample baseline Ed Tech Profile data from teachers at target sites, in target curricular areas and grade levels. (www.edtechprofile.org) • Request Target staff complete Ed Tech Profile survey to collect baseline.
Form 3-Goal 3: Expanded Access Required Program Objective 3a to be achieved by 6/30/09:The average student-to-computer* ratio for target students in target classrooms will decrease to <insert ratio> by 6/30/09. *Only include computers four years old or newer in the target classrooms of targeted students when determining your baseline ratios.
Form 3-Goal 4: Communication & Collaboration Required Performance Goal 4:Technology will be used to establish and/ or improve communication and collaboration among home, school, and community to support student learning. Districts must enter their own measurable objective and benchmarks based on their program.
Form 3: Communication & Collaboration Include a baseline and benchmark growth target for each program year. For EXAMPLE: Required Program Objective 4a to be achieved by 6/30/09: The percentage of teachers using the district’s online student information system to post student homework and grades for parent and student access will increase by a total of____% points (annually. – *If Year 2 Target Group is different from the Year 1).
Form 3: Evaluation • For each objective, identify the data to be collected, the data collection instrument to be used, and the data collection frequency and schedule. • A strong rating would include multiple measures of goal achievement, collected over time, including SETDA’s Common Data Elements.
Form 4:Strategies and Timeline • List the specific strategies or actions that will be implemented to achieve each of the performance goals, objectives, and benchmarks from the Program Goals, Objectives, Data Collection, and Evaluation (Form 3). • Include the beginning and ending dates for the strategies or actions and list the person responsible for implementation of the strategies or actions.
Form 5: Projected Budget and Narrative • Report what you are spending, when, and why. Include leveraged funding amounts, if applicable. • A minimum of 25 percent of the total grant award must be allocated for high-quality professional development.
Form 5: Projected Budget and Narrative Professional Development Budget A minimum of 25% of EETT C Grant Award MUST be spent on high quality professional development, focused on technology literacy and curriculum integration.
Form 5: Projected Budget and Narrative Professional Development Budget • Salaries and Benefits. • Stipends for trainers, facilitators, participants. • Costs for substitute teachers. • Fees for online professional development. • Contracted Professional Development Technology Integration Programs & Services. • Professional development incentives. • Costs for Ed Tech related conferences and associated travel.
Form 5: Projected Budget and Narrative Other Uses of Funds • Hardware • Infrastructure • Technical Support • CLRN approved Electronic Learning Resources • Supplies and Materials • Expenses related to fostering communication among parents, students, teachers, and community. • Grant management, coordination, evaluation, and reporting.
Application Component Review Form 7: Partnerships and Consortiums The research evidence is beyond dispute: When schools and communities work together with families to support learning, children tend to succeed not just in school, but throughout life.