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Duke University Hospital SAP Performance Review Process. TABLE OF CONTENTS:. Modification in Performance Management Cycle Dates Slide 2. Changes in Duke@Work: New Cycle Dates Slide 3.
Duke University Hospital SAP Performance Review Process TABLE OF CONTENTS: Modification in Performance Management Cycle Dates Slide 2 Changes in Duke@Work: New Cycle Dates Slide 3 Getting Started: Signing in and Resources Slides 4 - 8 EJR Maintenance: Entering EJR’s Slides 9 - 13 EJR Maintenance: Assigning EJR’s & Employee EJR Review Slides 14 -19 - Deleting former EJR’s (change) Slide 20 Completing the End of Year Assessment Slides 21 - 38 - Completing the End of Year Assessment- Compliance (change)Slide 27 - Comment Box Enhancements (change)Slide 28 - Completing the End of Year Assessment- Values & Behaviors Slides 29 - 30 - Completing the End of Year Assessment- Expected Job Results Slides 31 - 32 - Completing the End of Year Assessment- Prof Development Plan Slides 33 - 34 - Completing the End of Year Assessment- Overall Rating Slides 35 - 36 - Completing the End of Year Assessment- Saving and Exit Slide 37 - Completing the End of Year Assessment- Employee Acknowledgement Slide 38
Modification to the Performance Management Cycle Dates • 6/1/2013 – create 2014 reviews (performance cycle dates: 7/1/2013 – 6/30-2014) • 6/1/2013 – copy 2013 EJR’s into 2014 reviews • 6/1/2013 ------2013 Cycle deadline (TBD – last year this date was 8/22/12) – 2013 Reviews are available in the Performance Review application for managers and employees. Ratings will then be extracted and loaded into Salary Setting. • 6/1/2013 – 5/31/2014 – managers will use Manage Expected Job Results tool for goal setting maintenance on the 2014 Review Cycle (7/1/2013 – 6/1/2014)
Changes in Duke@Work: Acknowledge New Cycle Dates To assist managers in the change of cycles the following changes will be made to Duke@Work: 1. The new reviews for employees will be named “2014 DUHS Review” in the Performance Reviews tab instead of “DUHS Review”. 2. The “Manage Expected Job Results” link on the My Team page is being updated to include the cycle dates, “Manage Expected Job Results (07/01/2013 – 06/30/2014)”. 3. A notification pop-up is being added to the Manage Expected Job Results tool to clearly reinforce and remind managers that they are working on goal setting for 2014 reviews.
Getting Started: Signing in & Resources Sign in to www.hr.duke.edu, the DUHS Human Resources site Click on ‘log in’ to sign into SAP
Getting Started: Signing in & Resources Enter your NetID and Password
Getting Started: Signing in & Resources Click on My Info
Getting Started: Signing in & Resources Click on My Team
Entering EJR’s Before entering your EJR’s make sure that you have prepared the document from which you are going to enter the information so that you will only have to copy and paste from a Microsoft Word document into the SAP tool. Once you have your Microsoft Word document open in another window, click on “Manage Expected Job Results.”
Entering EJR’s Start with the first Balanced Scorecard Quadrant; ‘Customer Service,” by clicking on ‘Customer Service’ on the left column. It will change to an orange color once selected.
Entering EJR’s Click ‘Add’ so that you will be able to enter the EJR information from the Word document that you have created into the SAP tool.
Entering EJR’s Make sure to create an EJR title. By doing this, you will be able to easily identify a particular EJR within your overall list of EJR’s in the catalog. A suggestion for the title should include: Job Title, Year and EJR Identifier. For example, “PSA, FY 12, Response Rate”
Entering EJR’s Copy and paste the information from the Word document or type directly into the areas designated for ‘Achieves Expectations’ and ‘Exceeds Expectations.’ Complete this process for all of the Balanced Scorecard Quadrants. Make sure to select ‘save’ after you have finished entering the EJR information into each quadrant. When ‘save’ is clicked, you will be notified by a message across the top of the screen that the expected job result has been successfully added to the catalog.
Assigning EJR’s Change the ‘select view’ to EJR Assignment and you will see the following screen. Notice that your EJR’s are now under each specific BSQ.
Assigning EJR’s Select the EJR that you would like to assign, and two things will occur: 1. it will be highlighted in orange and 2. your team list list will appear.
Assigning EJR’s Select the employee that you would like to assign the specific EJR that you have selected on the left (that is still highlighted in orange) and their name will become highlighted in orange. Also notice that the ‘Assign’ button on the right is also now available to be selected.
Assigning EJR’s Click the ‘Assign’ button and you will notice that the employee’s name is moved from the ‘Unassigned Employee’s’ list to the ‘Assigned Employee’s’ list. Make sure to click ‘save’ and you will receive a message at the top left hand of the screen that indicates that the information has been saved. Continue this process for all the employees that need to be assigned EJR’s from each of the specific BSQ’s.
Employee EJR Review From ‘Select View,’ select Employee EJRs. You will notice that your employee’s names are in the left hand column.
Employee EJR Review Once you select one of the employees by clicking on the box to the left of their name, the EJR’s assigned to them will show up in the column to the right. The assigned EJR’s in the column to the right can be manipulated to organize the list in ascending order by clicking on the small triangle in front of ‘EJR.’
Changes to EJR Maintenance- Deleting former EJRs Toolset has been modified to allow an EJR to be “deleted” as long as the EJR is not assigned to a review in the current cycle. Previously, a manager could not remove an EJR from their catalog if assigned to a review in any cycle. Specifically, if an EJR is assigned to the 2012 review but not the 2013 review, it can be deleted from the manager’s catalog. The Manage EJR toolset has been modified to add Unassign and Save buttons to the Employee EJR Assignment Screen. This will allow the manager to unassign EJRs that were assigned to the employee by a previous manager as well as EJRs the manager themselves assigned.
Completing the End of Year Assessment Click on “Performance Reviews.”
Completing the End of Year Assessment This screen will provide you with a list of your employees that you will need to perform a Performance Assessment. Make sure to check the list of employees to ensure that all of your employees are listed for you to review. If they are not, please contact Brian Anderson (681-78830 or Bernie Rice (668-2377) for assistance.
Completing the End of Year Assessment First click on the End of Year Review tab and then Click on “DUHS Review” for the employee that you will be completing the review.
Completing the End of Year Assessment Take notice of all the tabs at the top of the verbiage around Pay & Performance. Each tab is comprised of elements of the end of year assessment that is necessary for completion.
Completing the End of Year Assessment- Compliance The first tab, ‘Compliance,’ is comprised of a list of DUH compliance requirements for both the Manager/Supervisor as well as the employee. The ones entitled “Compliance, Training and Communications are for the Manager/Supervisor and the others are for the employee. Please select N/A if it is not applicable to the person being reviewed.
Completing the End of Year Assessment- Compliance When you scroll down to the bottom of the information in the ‘Compliance’ tab you will notice the Policy Acknowledgement section. For the End of Year Assessment, the employee will have to acknowledge their understanding and receipt of the policies. After completing, scroll back to the top and click on ‘save’ in the upper left corner.
Completing the End of Year Assessment- Compliance Update The Policy Acknowledgement section is being updated to include the new questions as follows: Flu Vaccination, Mandatory Licensure & Training Policy and Living Our Values
Compliance Tab Policy Links • Severe Weather Policy http://www.hr.duke.edu/weather/ • Social Media Policy http://marlowe.duhs.duke.edu/__852567910041C0C3.nsf/0/BB1DD6EAAE46E5E1852579A70055D5AF?Open • Duke Staff Handbook Acknowledgement of Receipt http://www.hr.duke.edu/policies/ • Life Support Training (if applicable) http://www.safety.duke.edu/ • DUHS Mandatory Licensure and Certification https://intranet.dm.duke.edu/ent/newscomm/intercom/Documents/licensure%20and%20certification%20and%20training%20policy_final_May%209.pdf • DUHS Influenza Vaccination Policy http://marlowe.duhs.duke.edu/__852567910041C0C3.nsf/0/05C9ED24B1E8F05385257A070074D5B2?Open&Highlight=0,Influenza
Comment Box Enhancement Manager and Employee comment boxes on the review have been expanded. For example, here is one section of the DUHS Values and Behaviors tab:
Completing the End of Year Evaluation- Values After you have clicked ‘save,’ select the ‘DUHS Values and Behaviors’ tab. Complete the areas designated for Manager comments.
Completing the End of Year Assessment- Values If you have the computer equipment for scanning accompanying documentation as a document saved on your hard drive, it should be attached as an attachment by clicking the ‘attachment’ button in the upper left corner. Make sure that in your comments you make mention of the attachment.
Completing the End of Year Assessment- Expected Job Results After you have clicked ‘save,’ select the ‘Expected Job Results’ tab.
Completing the End of Year Assessment- Expected Job Results Complete the sections marked, ‘Manager Comments.’ If you have the computer equipment for scanning documentation in support of comments and saving it on your hard drive, attach them as an attachment by clicking the ‘attachment’ button in the upper left corner. Make sure that in your comments you make mention of the attached documents. Once complete, click ‘save’ in the top left corner.
Completing the End of Year Assessment- Prof. Dev. Plan After you have clicked ‘save,’ select the ‘Prof. Dev. Plan’ tab.
Completing the End of Year Assessment- Prof. Dev. Plan Complete the sections marked, ‘Manager Comments.’ If you have the computer equipment for scanning documentation in support of comments and saving it on your hard drive, attach them as an attachment by clicking the ‘attachment’ button in the upper left corner. Make sure that in your comments you make mention of the attached documents. Once complete, click ‘save’ in the top left corner.
Completing the End of Year Assessment- Overall Rating After you have clicked ‘save,’ select the last tab entitled, ‘Overall Rating.’
Completing the End of Year Assessment- Overall Rating Complete the section marked, ‘Manager Comments.’ If you have the computer equipment for scanning documentation in support of comments and saving it on your hard drive, attach them as an attachment by clicking the ‘attachment’ button in the upper left corner. Make sure that in your comments you make mention of the attached documents.
Completing the End of Year Assessment- Saving & Exit Once you have completed the End of Year Assessment for your employee, make sure “save and exit’ is selected and click on continue. This will return you to your list of employees in order that you may continue to complete their assessments.
Completing the End of Year Assessment- Employee Acknowledgement Once you have entered in the information for all of the tabs, prior to having the conversation with the employee, click on “Send for Employee Acknowledgement.” After you have printed and have the conversation, click on “Employee Acknowledged,” which closes out the End of Year Assessment. The “For Employee Acknowledgement” button was changed to “Send for Employee Acknowledgement”