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The French Revolution

The French Revolution was an important event in history.

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The French Revolution

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  1. By: Adriana Amador Allan Orellana Gio Torres Andres Rodriguez

  2. The revolution starts… 1789

  3. June 20, 1789- Tennis Court Oath • After being ignored and locked out of the Estates General by Louis XVI, the remaining member of the Third Estate swear an oath the to not leave Paris until they have a new constitution and government for France.

  4. July 14, 1789-Storming of the Bastille • A mob of Parisian citizens break into a old French fort being used as a prison and armory. They slay the guards and several high ranking government officials, free the political prisoners, and take the weapons and gunpowder as well. They use the weapons to arm citizens of Paris and pressure the king to accept the National Assembly as the legitimate leader of France.

  5. August 26,1789- National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man • The newly recognized French government creates a declaration of basic freedoms and rights to be shared by all Frenchmen. They outline their ideas for basic human rights, their plans for the French government, and do away with privileges for specific classes.

  6. October 6, 1789- Paris mob storms Versailles and arrests Louis XVI, carries him back to Paris • Women from Paris march the 16 miles from Paris to Versailles to protest food shortages in the city. They break in to the palace with pitchforks and torches and kidnap the king, queen, and prince. They are then brought to Paris and locked in their Paris home indefinitely.

  7. 1790

  8. September 14,1791- Louis XVI formally accepts the French Constitution • Pressured by the National Assembly and fearing the army citizens of Paris the imprison king, Louis XVI, agrees to limit his power and France becomes a constitutional monarchy.

  9. July 30, 1792- National Assembly is dissolved in favor of National Convention • As the Revolution grows more radical, fear and suspicion begin to control the government. Robespierre and the leaders of the National Convention begin arresting and executing anyone they suspect of standing in their way. Tens of thousands are sent to the guillotine or are murdered by French troops without trials and little evidence.

  10. September 21, 1792- Austria and Prussia invade France to end revolution • The king of France’s two most powerful neighbors are alarmed at the increasing violence coming from the French revolution. They fear it will inspire similar violent revolution in the country and they team up to put a end to the revolution themselves.

  11. January 21,1793- Execution of Louis XVI • The Jacobin party and its radical leader Maximillian Robespierre use their influence in the National Convention to convince the French Congress that it is necessary to kill the former king of France in order to prevent others from rallying around him and restoring the monarchy. He is sent to guillotine in Paris for public beheading.

  12. July 27, 1793- Maximillian Robespierre takes control of Committee of Public Safety • The leader of the Jacobin party Maximillian Robespierre, becomes head of security for the French government. He goes on killing spree; murdering all political rivals and anyone opposed to his revolutionary point of view. He is eventually arrested and guillotined by his followers when they fear he will come after them next.

  13. September 5,1793- July 28,1794- The Reign of Terror • The political party known as the Jacobins gains control of the French government and do away with the original revolutionary government. They push for more radical changes to the government including; execution of the king, destruction of the original constitution and creation of a republic, outlawing of the Catholic Church, a draft to create a new French army, and government control business and prices.

  14. December 2,1795- Constitution of 1795 creates the Directory • After the Reign of Terror ends with Robespierre beheading, a new constitution is created that limits the power of political parties. A new constitution is created with a Congress for passing laws, but control of France is given to an Executive Directory of five who run the country.

  15. November 9, 1799- Napoleon Bonaparte overthrows the Directory and takes control of French government • Seeing his chance to gain more power, a French general uses his connections in the army and the loyalty of his troops to move into Paris and peacefully overthrows the current leaders of the French government. He deposes the five directors and sets up the Consulate. This effectively ends the French Revolution, and the general eventually makes himself emperor.

  16. The End

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