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Turkey. Appointment. Arrange appointments by mail well in advance Be punctual Many languages are spoken in business dealings Business & Banking hours: 9-noon; 2-5 Friday is not a holiday. Business appointment rarely made in summer months. No business on Turkish holidays

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  1. Turkey

  2. Appointment • Arrange appointments by mail well in advance • Be punctual • Many languages are spoken in business dealings • Business & Banking hours: 9-noon; 2-5 • Friday is not a holiday. • Business appointment rarely made in summer months.

  3. No business on Turkish holidays November 10 is a holiday to commemorate the founder of modern Turkey, Kernal Ataturk. • Ramazen (Ramadan) observation ‘Ramazen Kafasi’—Ramadan irritability; Ramadan head Kubran Bayram

  4. Topics of Conversation • Welcome topics: -personal, hobbies and interests -professions -non-controversial international affairs -Always ask a Turkish father about his family; few subjects give a Turk more pride than his sons. • Topics to avoid: -taking sides in any Turkish political questions -taking sides on the Turkish-Greek dispute over Cyprus.

  5. First Name or Title • The most respectful way of addressing someone: occupational title only “Doctor” or “Attorney” with women: Attorney Bayen (Avukat Bayan) • The traditional way: first name + Bey (men) Hanim (women) • The modern way: Bay + last name (men) Bayen (women) Czengiz Dagci (a male novelist) Nezihe Merie (a female author)

  6. Business Dress • Conservative • Formal dress required for attending the balls held during New Years and the Turkish national holiday • Dress code for visiting a mosque -modest -shoe-off -women: covering heads, shoulders and arms

  7. Gift Giving • Bring a gift when invited for dinner • Further gifts are advisable if invited for extended stay • Be sure to bring gifts for children • No alcohol and depictions of the human body to Orthodox Islam

  8. Gift Giving—cont’d • Wine or liquor if appropriate • Candy • Pastries • Roses • Carnations • Glassware

  9. Public Behavior • Shake hands firmly • A two-handed handshake and a kiss on both cheeks among close friend • Elders are respected in Turkey • Tobacco is everywhere. • Keep both feet flat on the ground when sitting. • It’s impolite for women to cross their legs while facing another person.

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