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What is Participatory Budgeting?

Learn about the benefits, process, and outcomes of implementing Participatory Budgeting at Palo Alto College. This video explains how PB increases stakeholder support, fosters community, and promotes transparency. Discover how to get involved and make a difference in your college community.

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What is Participatory Budgeting?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is Participatory Budgeting? video courtesy of the Participatory Budgeting Project

  2. Participatory Budgeting (PB) Palo Alto College Sylvia de Hoyos, Faculty for Career and Technology Carmen Velásquez, Advising Team Lead

  3. Why bother implementing PB? Outcomes Increases and deepens buy-in from all stakeholders* Provides accountability and transparency Expands relationships between stakeholders and advocates for diverse groups Minimizes self-interest and strengthens communities through targeted interests * Administration, faculty, staff, and students Increases stakeholders’ support Provides a practice of openness and accountability in the budget process Yields collaboration and innovation among stakeholders Builds a sense of community among stakeholders

  4. Infrastructure needed to begin PB at PAC Administration set aside $25,000 for projects • Consultants • Campus Budget Officer • Facilities Superintendent • IT Director • PAC PB Committee • Administrator • Staff members • Faculty members • Public Relations

  5. How PB works at PAC Publicize  Publicize  Publicize  Conduct information sessions  Create webpage on college website


  7. BRAINSTORM Activity How to spend $5,000 of YOUR college’s money How does this project align with your college’s strategic goals? Where would this project be located on campus? Who will this project benefit? How will it benefit these individuals? Is it sustainable?

  8. PLAN

  9. PLANNING TIMELINE FEBRUARY Identify Project Lead Pre-Proposal Form Due Committee reviews Pre-Proposals MARCH College Consultant Meetings Consulting Form Due Committee reviews Consulting forms APRIL Final Proposal Form Due (includes budget)

  10. VOTE

  11. VOTING TIMELINE/GUIDELINES APRIL Poster display at voting location

  12. VOTING TIMELINE/GUIDELINES MAY Conduct voting (2 days) Publicize winners Guidelines: All PAC full-time/part-time faculty and staff are eligible to vote Each person can vote for a maximum of 3 projects

  13. FUND

  14. FUNDING TIMELINE SEPTEMBER (beginning of fiscal year) Funding for each project will be allocated Project leads work with campus consultants to review and update (if necessary) implementation timeline

  15. ACT

  16. ACT TIMELINE/GUIDELINE SEPTEMBER (beginning of fiscal year) Project leads work with campus budget officer to begin purchasing items for project JULY (end of fiscal year) Projects completed Allotted funds expended Final Evaluation Report Due Guidelines: Project lead must stay within timeline and budget

  17. Funded Projects at PAC Childcare Center bike trail Virtual Office Simulation Theater Journey to Wellness Palomino Patio

  18. Lessons Learned Longer implementation period (Sept – July) Designate a PB liaison from PB Committee to communicate with Project Leads Provide appropriate Vice Presidents with pre-proposal information

  19. What’s New… Implementation of Student PB at PAC Palo Alto College received 2015 Texas Award for Performance Excellence by the Quality Texas Foundation The overall Personal Assessment of the College Environment (PACE) survey showed a Collaborative environment

  20. More Information Sylvia de Hoyos sdehoyos9@alamo.edu (210) 486-3089 Carmen Velásquez cvelasquez@alamo.edu (210) 486-3337 PAC PB Website: http://www.alamo.edu/pac/pb/ PAC Student PB Website: http://www.alamo.edu/pac/student-pb/

  21. Questions?

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