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More women in politics final review

More women in politics final review. Romina Matei Intercultural Institute Timisoara www.intercultural.ro. National reality – Now a woman in Romania. Earns approximate with 1 0% less then the men – for the same job They pensions are on average 30% less than men .

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More women in politics final review

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  1. More women in politics final review Romina Matei Intercultural Institute Timisoara www.intercultural.ro

  2. National reality – Now a woman in Romania • Earns approximate with 10% less then the men – for the same job • They pensions are on average 30% less than men. • Occupation in the labor market is 53.7% compared with 66.7% occupancy as it is for men. For these reasons, the economic dependency ratio is higher. • Are the main victims of domestic violence and sexual violence. • Single mothers, widows, women with disabilities face a high risk of poverty. • Roma women face double discrimination: gender and ethnicity. Represents the social group with the highest level of illiteracy in Romania and a low rate of employment.

  3. In Politics …

  4. Women involvement in Romanian Parliament after December 1989

  5. The actual structure regarding gender distribution in Romanian Parliament

  6. Presence in public addministration • Chairman of the County Council: 100% men and 0% women • County councilors:In local elections in June 2012 in the whole country were elected county councilors 1336 with a representation of 85.78% (1146) male and 14.22% (190) women. • Mayors: Proportion of women elected mayor in any county shall not exceed the 12%. • Sursa:http://www.mmuncii.ro/j3/images/Documente/Familie/ESFB-StudiiAnalizaRapoarte-2012/Reprezentarea_femeilor_si_a_barbatilor_in_alegerile_locale_2012.doc

  7. European Parliament • History • 2007: 12 women out of 34 • 2009: 11 women out of 33 • 2014: 11 women out of 32

  8. 1.) Trainings/WorkshopsMore Women in Politics: why and how? • Why? Key actor in supporting women • Where? Bucharest and Timisoara • How many workshops? 4 • How many participants? 150 women • 3 main topics • A. Arguments for more women into politics. • B. What kind of problems women confront with? Making gender violence and work life balance polical issues. • C. How to cooperate and make their work more visible.

  9. pictures

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  16. Facebook Page PolFem • 1.) Logo : PolFem • 2.) Hashtag #PolFem • 3.) Topics on FB Page • 4.) Photos with short strong motivational messages (+ intersectionality)

  17. Facekook page polfem • Likes: 1410. • Fans: 79% women, 1236 from Romania, 28 UK, 19 Germany , Bucharest, Timisoara, Cluj • Most active : age 25-34 (33%) • Reach: over 15.100 views • People engaged: 81% women • Most active : age 25-34 (37%)

  18. Articles on blogs • Monitoring the campaign and reacting • over 12 articles • Mainstream media Platform Adevarul • Feminism Romania • CriticAtac • Reach

  19. Other activities: • Interviews with ambassadors – encouraging women to get involved into politics • Publishing articles in online media • Creating a new campaign for Presidential elections – Women tells you!

  20. . • Thank you! • https://www.facebook.com/polfem • Romina Matei: romina.matei@intercultural.ro

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