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Latin Noun Declensions Guide & Vocabulary | Learn Latin Grammar Easily

This comprehensive guide covers 1st, 2nd, and 3rd declensions in Latin, with vocabulary lists and examples. Master Latin noun forms with ease!

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Latin Noun Declensions Guide & Vocabulary | Learn Latin Grammar Easily

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  2. 1ST DECLENSION(in –a)

  3. SINGULAR • Nominative • asubject • Accusative • amobject • Genitive • aeof _____ • Dative • aeto/for ______ • Ablative • ā by/with/from _________

  4. PLURAL • Nominative • aesubject • Accusative • āsobject • Genitive • ārumof _____ • Dative • īsto/for ______ • Ablative • īs by/with/from _________

  5. VOCABULARY • ancilla, -ae f maid • aqua, -ae f water • fēmina, -ae woman • hasta, -ae f spear • īnsula, -ae f island • īra, -ae f anger • nauta, -ae m sailor • patria, -ae f fatherland • pecūnia, -ae f money • poēta, -ae f poet • puella, -ae f girl • sagitta, -ae f arrow • terra, -ae f land, earth • turba, -ae f crowd • via, -ae f road, street

  6. 2ND DECLENSION(in –us, -er) If the nominative singular ends in –er, all the other endings are added after this instead of replacing it. The `e’ is retained in words like puer (puerum, puerī etc.) but dropped in those like ager (agrum, agrī etc.)

  7. SINGULAR (MASCULINE) Nominative us, -er, -irsubject Vocative: -us > -e, -ius > ī address Accusative umobject Genitive īof _____ Dative ōto/for ______ Ablative ō by/with/from _________

  8. PLURAL Nominative īsubject Accusative ōsobject Genitive ōrumof _____ Dative īsto/for ______ Ablative īs by/with/from _________

  9. VOCABULARY ager, agrīm field amīcus, -īm friend cibus, -īm food crocodīlus, -ī m crocodile discipulus, -īm student dominus, -īm master equus,-īmhorse fīlius, -īm son gladius, -īmsword lupus, -īm wolf medicus, -īm doctor porcus, -īmpig puer, puerī m boy servus, -ī mslave

  10. SINGULAR (NEUTER) Nominative umsubject Accusative umobject Genitive īof _____ Dative ōto/for ______ Ablative ō by/with/from _________

  11. PLURAL (NEUTER) Nominative asubject Accusative aobject Genitive ōrumof _____ Dative īsto/for ______ Ablative īs by/with/from _________

  12. VOCABULARY • templum, -īn temple • ātrium, -īn atrium • oppidum, -īn town • tablīnum, -ī nstudy • computātrum, -īn computer

  13. 3RD DECLENSION There are a large number of possible endings for the nominative/vocative singular. Notice that in some nouns the nominative singular is identical with the genitive singular (e.g. cīvis, cīvism.f., iuvenis, iuvenis m.f.)

  14. SINGULAR (MASC./FEM.) Nominative VARIOUSsubject Accusative emobject Genitive isof _____ Dative īto/for ______ Ablative e (may be either - ī by/with/from _________ or –e if nom. and gen. sing. are the same, as in cīvis and iuvenis)

  15. PLURAL (MASC/FEM) Nominative ēssubject Accusative ēs [also –īs if theobject Gen. plural is –ium] Genitive (i)umof _____ Dative ibusto/for ______ Ablative ibus by/with/from _________

  16. GENITIVE PLURAL Normally –ium is used if the noun is non-increasing (i.e. has the same number of syllables in the nominative singular and the other cases, as with cīvis, cīvis m/f) or if the stem in the genitive singular is a single syllable ending in two consonants (e.g. urbs, urbis f, city. However, there are a few non-increasing nouns which have just –um, including words for family members (pater, māter, frāter) and iuvenis.

  17. MASCULINE AND FEMININE NOUNS (LEVEL 2) cīvis,cīvis m./f. citizen iuvenis, iuvenis m./f. young person mīles, mīlitis m. soldier mōns, montis m. mountain mors, mortis f. death mulier, mulieris f. woman nāvis, nāvis f. ship senex, senis m. old man soror, sorōris f. sister urbs, urbis f. city uxor, uxōris f. wife virtūs, virtūtis f. virtue

  18. SINGULAR (NEUT) Nominative VARIOUSsubject Accusative VARIOUSobject Genitive isof _____ Dative īto/for ______ Ablative e /-īby/with/from _________ If the nominative singular ends in –e, -al or –ar (e.g. mare, maris n, sea), the ablative singular ends in – ī. Other 3rd declension neuter nouns take only -e

  19. PLURAL (NEUT) Nominative (i)asubject Accusative (i)aobject Genitive (i)umof _____ Dative ibusto/for ______ Ablative ibus by/with/from _________ If the nominative singular ends in –e, -al or –ar (e.g. mare, maris n, sea, animal, animālis n, animal), the nom/acc plural ends in - ia and the gen. plural in –ium.

  20. NEUTER NOUNS iter, itineris journey nōmen, nōminisname vulnus, vulneris wound mare, maris sea animal, animālis animal

  21. mortibus

  22. to/for deathsby/with/fromdeaths

  23. fēminae

  24. of woman to/for womanwomen (subj)

  25. maria

  26. seas (subj) seas (obj)

  27. servō

  28. to/for slaveby/with/from slave

  29. iuvenem

  30. young man (obj)

  31. îrâ

  32. by/with/from anger

  33. nāvem

  34. ship (obj)

  35. pecûniârum

  36. of monies

  37. animālī

  38. to/for animalby/with/from animal

  39. computātrō

  40. to/for computerby/with/from computer

  41. nōminibus

  42. to/for names by/with/from names

  43. ancillîs

  44. to/for maidsby/with/from maids

  45. cīvī

  46. to/for citizenby/with/from citizen

  47. oppidîs

  48. to/for townsby/with/from towns

  49. cīvis

  50. citizen (subj)of citizen

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