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Irish Trade Unions in a Globalised World

Explore the role of Irish trade unions in the globalized economy with a focus on labor cost growth, productivity levels, government spending, and economic competitiveness. This analysis, presented by Jack O'Connor, General President of SIPTU, at the ICTU Economic Conference in April 2008, examines key economic indicators and the impact of trade unions in Ireland within the context of a changing global landscape.

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Irish Trade Unions in a Globalised World

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Irish Trade Unions in a Globalised World Jack O’ Connor General President SIPTU ICTU Economic Conference April 2008

  2. Leading by Example?

  3. Irish Trade Unions in a Globalised World Jack O’ Connor General President SIPTU ICTU Economic Conference April 2008

  4. Labour Cost Growth- growth rates (2000- 2007 Q2) and levels compared (2007 Q2, € per hour) Source: Eurostat Labour Market Statistics

  5. The Competition:labour cost rates and labour cost levels compared (2000-2007 Q2) Source: Eurostat Labour Market Statistics

  6. Productivity Growth Source: Derived from Total Economy Database, Groningen & Development Centre, 2007

  7. Productivity Levels Source: Derived from Total Economy Database, Groningen & Development Centre, 2007

  8. Irish Trade Unions in a Globalised World Jack O’ Connor General President SIPTU

  9. Government spending as % GDP Source: OECD

  10. Still well within the SGP guidelines for General Government Balance as % of GDP Source: Dept. of Finance

  11. And much scope within the SGP guidelines for Government Debt to GDP ratio to increase in order to fund capital spending… Source: Dept. of Finance

  12. Irish Trade Unions in a Globalised World Jack O’ Connor General President SIPTU

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