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Qualification Examination for PhD HE Jianjun 2nd July 2013

3D SOUND EFFECT ANALYSIS, SYNTHESIS AND APPLICATION DESIGN -A PRIMARY-AMBIENT EXTRACTION (PAE) APPROACH. Qualification Examination for PhD HE Jianjun 2nd July 2013. Email: JHE007@e.ntu.edu.sg. Outline. 1. Introduction 2. Stereo Signal Model 3. Linear Estimation Model

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Qualification Examination for PhD HE Jianjun 2nd July 2013

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  2. Outline • 1. Introduction • 2. Stereo Signal Model • 3. Linear Estimation Model • 4. PAE Based on Linear Estimation • 5. Conclusions and Future Work

  3. Introduction Primary component — Where the sound comes from? Ambient component — Where are you?

  4. Introduction Post-production PAE Spatial Audio Coding ? Stereo ? ?

  5. Introduction – PAE based Spatial Audio System

  6. Introduction – Input and Output of PAE

  7. Stereo Signal Model Signal = Primary + Ambient Assumptions

  8. Stereo Signal Model Affect the extraction results !!! Center Right Left 1/10 1 10 k

  9. Linear estimation framework in PAE Signal = Primary + Ambient

  10. Linear estimation framework in PAE – Performance Measures for Primary Components i = Left or Right channel

  11. Linear estimation framework in PAE – Performance Measures for Ambient Components i ≠j = Left or Right channel

  12. Linear estimation framework in PAE – Performance measures

  13. Outline • 1. Introduction • 2. Stereo Signal Model • 3. Linear Estimation Model • 4. PAE Based on Linear Estimation • PCA : Principal Component Analysis • LS : Least Squares • MLLS: Minimum Leakage LS • 5. Conclusions and Future Work

  14. PAE using Principal component analysis (PCA) M. Goodwin and J. M. Jot, “Primary-ambient signal decomposition and vector-based localization for spatial audio coding and enhancement,” IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, April 2007.

  15. Results of PCA Primary component extraction Primary component completely extracted Ambient component extraction No primary component

  16. PAE using Least squares (LS) Christof Faller, “Multiple-Loudspeaker Playback of Stereo Signals”, J. Audio Eng. Soc. Vol. 54, No. 11, pp. 1051-1064, Nov. 2006.

  17. LS – An example

  18. Results of LS Primary component extraction Primary component NOT completely extracted Ambient component extraction Primary leakage found

  19. PAE using Minimum Leakage Least squares (MLLS)

  20. Results of MLLS Primary component extraction Primary component NOT completely extracted Ambient component extraction No primary leakage

  21. PAE based on Linear estimation – different objectives

  22. PAE based on Linear estimation – the weighting matrix W Note: all entries in the matrices above need to multiply

  23. PAE based on Linear estimation – the Weighting Matrix W for Primary Components Primary component extraction using PCA and LS (MLLS) isequivalent up to a scaling factor difference.

  24. PAE based on Linear estimation – Scaling factor in primary component extraction between PCA and LS Primary component Difference of PCA and LS in primary component extraction. Scaling factor

  25. PAE based on Linear estimation – Performance of the three approaches 0 0 0 ETSC 1 ICC(ICTD) 1(0) ICLD

  26. PAE based on Linear estimation – Comparison of the three approaches

  27. Conclusions Formulated the linear estimation framework for PAE. • Introduced an objective evaluation system with three groups of performance measures in PAE. • Extraction error: ESR, DSR, ISR, LSR • Extraction similarity: ETSC • Spatial accuracy: ICC, ICTD, ICLD • Proposed MLLS, and compared them with PCA and LS in PAE. • Primary component extraction • PCA: minimum distortion • LS=MLLS: minimum leakage & MSE • Ambient component extraction • PCA (=MLLS), LS minimize the primary leakage and MSE, respectively Different approaches are preferred in different applications. : a scaling factor difference

  28. Future Work Signal model Mismatch Input signal Generalizing Or Better performance Detection & Classification When PPR is small, the performance of primary component extraction using PCA is not good. Other approaches like LS preferred!

  29. References • D. S. Brungart, 3D sound for virtual reality and multimedia, Academic Press Professional, Cambridge, MA, USA, 2000. • J. Blauert, Spatial hearing: the psychophysics of human sound localization. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997. • J. Breebaart and E. Schuijers, “Phantom materialization: a novel method to enhance stereo audio reproduction on headphones,” IEEE Trans. on audio, speech and language process., vol.16, no. 8, Nov. 2008. • M. M. Goodwin and J. M. Jot, “Primary-ambient signal decomposition and vector-based localization for spatial audio coding and enhancement,” in IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Process., Hawaii, Apr. 2007. • F. Menzer and C. Faller, “Stereo-to-binaural conversion using interaural coherence matching”, in 128th Audio Eng. Soc. Conv., London, UK, May. 2010. • J. Breebaart and C. Faller, Spatial audio processing: MPEG surround and other applications. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 2007. • V. Pulkki, “Spatial sound reproduction with directional audio coding,” J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 503-516, Jun. 2007. • M. M. Goodwin and J. M. Jot, “Binaural 3-D audio rendering based on spatial audio scene coding,” in 123rd Audio Eng. Soc. Conv., New York, Oct. 2007. • W. S. Gan, E. L. Tan, and S. M. Kuo, “Audio projection: directional sound and its application in immersive communication,” IEEE Signal Process. Mag., vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 43-57, Jan. 2011. • J. He, E. L. Tan, and W. S. Gan, “Time-shifted principal component analysis based cue extraction for stereo audio signals,” in IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Process.,Vancouver, Canada, May 2013. • C. Faller, “Multiple-loudspeaker playback of stereo signals”, J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 1051-1064, Nov. 2006. • A. Jeffress, “A place theory of sound localization,” Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 35-39, Feb. 1948. • E. Vincent, R. Gribonval and C. Févotte, “Performance measurement in blind audio source separation” IEEE Tran. Audio, Speech Lang. Process., vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1462-1469, Jul. 2006. • L. Lu, H. Zhang, and H. Jiang, “Content analysis for audio classification and segmentation,” IEEE Tran. Audio, Speech Lang. Process., vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 504-516, Oct. 2002. • http://www.illusonic.com/immersive-audio-processor/setups/

  30. Author’s Publications


  32. Introduction – PAE based Spatial Audio System • Binaural rendering using Head Related Transfer Function (HRTF) • Localization inaccuracy • Limited Externalization • Binaural rendering using Binaural room impulse response (BRIR) • Improved Externalization • Over-coloration 3D The problem is using the same way to render primary and ambient components.

  33. Introduction – PAE based Spatial Audio System PAE

  34. Introduction – PAE based Spatial Audio System

  35. Details of LS (1)

  36. Details of LS (2)

  37. Details of LS (3)

  38. Details of MLLS (1)

  39. Details of MLLS (2)

  40. Details of MLLS (3)

  41. PAE using Minimum Distortion Least squares (MDLS)

  42. Results of MDLS Primary component extraction Ambient component extraction

  43. Details of MDLS

  44. PCA based PAE Problems remains with Practically, • Localization parameters: • Inter-channel time difference (ITD) • Inter-channel level difference (ILD) Error ICTD ≡ 0 Performance of PCA based PAE with varying (k=3). (a) ESR; (b)-(c) extraction similarity; (d) ICLD error

  45. Outline • 1. Introduction • 2. Stereo Signal Model • 3. Linear Estimation Model • 4. PAE Based on Linear Estimation • 5. PAE in Primary-complex Cases • 6. Conclusions and Future Work 45

  46. PCA based PAE Practically, 46

  47. PCA based PAE Problems remains with Practically, Error 47

  48. Problems remains with PCA based PAE So what can we do? 48

  49. Shifted PCA based PAE Primary and ambient components Time Shifting PCA Decomposition ICTD Estimation Output Mapping Stereo input signal 49

  50. Performance Comparison between PCA and SPCA • Synthesized signals: • Primary components: speech amplitude panned by 3 and shifted by 40 time units • Ambient components: uncorrelated white Gaussian noise • PPF = 3 • PPR: (0, 1) • Synthesized signals: • Primary components: speech amplitude panned • by 3 and shifted by 40 time units • Ambient components: uncorrelated white Gaussian noise • PPF =3 • PPR: (0, 1) 50

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