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20 th Century Domestic Issues Review. Race Relations / Civil Rights Political Party Shift Role of Govt. in Economy Economic Shift Demographic Shifts / Immigration Women’s Issues. 20 th Century Domestic Issues Review.
Race Relations / Civil Rights Political Party Shift Role of Govt. in Economy Economic Shift Demographic Shifts / Immigration Women’s Issues
20th Century Domestic Issues Review 1. How did race relations and civil rights advance during the 20th century? 2. How did the major political parties shift in the 20th cent 3. How has the role of government in the economy changed over time? 4. What factors in U.S. history have contributed to the transition of the U.S. from a manufacturing economy to a “post-industrial” society? 5. What major demographic shifts occurred during the 20th century? 6. How did women continue to struggle for equality after the 19th Amendment? 7. What are the long term effects of Brown v. Bd. Of Education and the integration of public schools? 8. What are the major U.S. Military Operations since Cold War? 9. What have been the most significant consequences of the terrorist acts of Sept. 11, 2001? 10. What are the different ways in which actions of the U.S. Congress can be described?
1. How did race relations and civil rights advance during the 20th century? • The “Great Migration” • The Harlem Renaissance • A. Philip Randolph – Railroad Porter’s Union • WWII – War for democracy…at home? • Jackie Robinson – 1st black MLB player (1947) • Truman integrates armed services (1948) • Brown v. Board of Education (1954) • Rosa Parks - Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955)
2. How did the major political parties shift in the 20th century? • FDR avoids race issues to keep southern support for “New Deal” – angered Eleanor • Truman (Dem.) integrates armed forces – alienates southern Democrats • Cold War struggle for freedom and democracy raises questions about Jim Crow South • 1956 – Eisenhower (R) sends National Guard to integrate Little Rock, AR Central high School • Both major parties show sympathy for civil rights • Southern Democrats have no party - 1948 – “Dixiecrats” nominate 1st presidential candidate • JFK and northern Democrats fully embrace civil rights • Nixon (R) campaigns on “Law and order”; anti-hippies, anti-race riots, anti-women’s rights • 1980 – Ronald Reagan’s “Conservative Revolution” – Moral Majority (Jerry Fallwell) combines Christian conservatism with Republican politics • Republican = White, Evangelical Christian, Conservative, Southern, Rural • Democrat = Minority, Liberal, Northern, Urban
3. How has the role of government in the economy changed over time? • Industrial Revolution - Laissez Faire (pro-business) = consolidation and monopolies • Progressive Regulation (pro-consumer, pro-worker) • Laissez Faire (1920s) “Supply-side” (pro-business) • Deregulation • Tax-cuts • “trickle-down” = Crash / Depression • Keynesian Economics (govt. control) – Great Depression • “Demand-side” (pro-consumer, pro-worker) • Fiscal Policy (Congress) • Economic stimulation • government spending (“deficit”) • Tax cuts • Monetary Policy (Federal Reserve) • lower consumer interest rates, Reserve ratio, and Discount Rates between banks • “Reaganomics” • Supply-side (pro-business) • Deregulation • Tax-cuts • “trickle-down”
4. What factors in U.S. history have contributed to the transition of the U.S. from a manufacturing economy to a “post-industrial”, service economy? • Labor Unions • Government Regulations • Transportation technology • Globalization • Outsourcing – factory jobs left US for cheap labor in other countries • “free trade” – NAFTA / CAFTA / WTO • Most new jobs are in service sector
5. What major demographic shifts occurred during the 20th century? • “The Great Migration” – WWI – 1920s • “The Dust Bowl” – 1930s – “Okies” to CA • “Rosie the Riveter” – WWII – women to workforce • “Suburbanization” – • Brown v. Bd. Of Ed. • Interstate Highways • GI Bill – low rent loans • “Levittowns” – William Levitt • Urban Decay • Immigration Reform – 1965 • National Origins Quota Act repealed • Quota become 2% total U.S. population • Asians largest immigrant group (1965-1990) • Latin Americans largest immigrant group (1990-present) • “Rust Belt” to “Sun Belt” • Urban Renewal / Revitalization / Gentrification
6. How did women continue to struggle for equality after the 19th Amendment? • 1921 - Margaret Sanger founds the American Birth Control League, which evolves into the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942 • 1963 - Betty Friedan publishes book The Feminine Mystique; describes the dissatisfaction of middle-class American housewives; encouraged women to leave the home and enter workforce. • 1966 - The National Organization for Women (NOW) is founded by a group of feminists including Betty Friedan. • 1972 - Ms. Magazine becomes the major forum for feminist voices; founder and editor Gloria Steinem becomes an icon of the modern feminist movement. • 1972 - The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) passed by Congress and sent to the states for ratification. Originally drafted by Alice Paul in 1923; amendment died in 1982 - failed to achieve ratification by a minimum of 38 states. • 1972 - Title IX of the Education Amendments bans sex discrimination in schools. the enrollment of women in athletics programs and professional schools increases dramatically. • As a result of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court establishes a woman's right to safe and legal abortion, overriding the anti-abortion laws of many states.
The _________ Movement started a counter-culture against the general materialism and conformity in society of the 50s and 60s. • Jackie Robinson was significant because he was _____________. • The significance of the ________________________ was that it changed American politics by making image more important than substance in political candidates. • The gas shortage and Energy Crisis of the 1970 was caused by ____________________. • The 2 major environmental crises that caused a panic over nuclear energy were _________________ and _____________________. • The event that symbolized the end of the Cold War the ________________________________________. • The U.S. and U.N began the Persian Gulf War and Operation Desert Storm when ____________________________. • Both President Carter (1980) and George H.W. Bush (1992) lost bids for reelection because of ___________________________. • Due to outsourcing and policies like NAFTA most American jobs became _____________________ during Clinton’s years (1990s). • Richard Nixon’s foreign policy of Détente helped ease the tensions of the Cold War when he ________________________________. • President Carter helped negotiate the _______________________ which brought peace between the Arab country of _____________ and the Jewish country of _______________________.
7. What are the long term effects of Brown v. Bd. Of Education and the integration of public schools? • Suburbanization / “White Flight” • Urban deterioration • De facto segregation • “Privatization” of education • Swann v. CMS(1971) – forced bussing • Urban sprawl – “re-segregation” • Urban revitalization / “gentrification”
8. What are the major U.S. Military Operations since Cold War? • 1989 – Panama – Bush overthrows President Noriega; arrested on drug-smuggling charges • 1991 – Persian Gulf War (Kuwait / Iraq) – US lead multinational forces aid Kuwait by expelling Iraqi dictator Hussein from Kuwait • 1993 – Somalia – UN multinational forces restore order to clan warfare –restore food distribution • 1994 – Haiti – Operation Uphold Democracy; ended military coup de-tat that had overthrown democratically elected President Aristide • 1994-1995 – Bosnia – stop Serbian genocide of Islamic Bosnians • 1999 – Kosovo – stop Serbian genocide of Islamic Kosovars • 2001 – Afghanistan – topple the Taliban regime that supported 9/11 terrorists • 2003 – Iraq – preemptive strike against Saddam Hussein
9. What have been the most significant consequences of the terrorist acts of Sept. 11, 2001? • Invasion of Afghanistan • Taliban • Osama bin Laden • War on Terrorism • Al Quaida • Hezbollah • HAMAS • Patriot Act / Department of Homeland Security • USCIS / Border control / Immigration policy • Racial profiling • Sacrifice of civil liberties (Due Process) for security • “Phone taps” • Internet surveillance • Full-body scanners in airports
10. What are the different ways in which actions of the U.S. Congress can be described? • Law • Act • Congressional Act • Legislation • Policy