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FUNDECYT-Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Extremadura

FUNDECYT-Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Extremadura. FUNDECYT- PCTEX. Badajoz – Extremadura - España. FUNDECYT-PCTEX creates the spaces and services needed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge , science and technology for socio- economic development of Extremadura region. UNITS.

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FUNDECYT-Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Extremadura

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  1. FUNDECYT-Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Extremadura FUNDECYT-PCTEX Badajoz – Extremadura - España

  2. FUNDECYT-PCTEXcreatesthespaces and servicesneededtofacilitatetheexchange of knowledge, science and technologyforsocio-economicdevelopmentof Extremadura region.

  3. UNITS ADVANCED SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURES PROJECTS MainActivities: .- Sharing of science, technology and knowledge .- Innovationservices: public and private sector .- Innovation spot management (includingownfacilities) .- Support to participation in european, national and regional projects .- Talent attraction, retention and improvement .- Innovative enterpreneurship based on science, technology and knowledge

  4. 16yearsmanagingEUROPEAN PROJECTS relatedtoinnovation, research and technology. Knowledge and Experiencein European Agendas and Programmes (Horizon 2020, FP, LLP, INTERREG, etc.) Participation in International Networks (European Enterprise Network; ERRIM; Red Coral, etc.)

  5. Training Innovation Society Mobility 42 qualified and experiencepeople

  6. Design and Planification of SmartSpecialisationStrategy (RIS 3) Digital Agenda of Extremadura Office forInnovation (O4I) Estrategia Regional de Innovación de (RIS3) - 2013

  7. … notonly in ourregion, butalso in LatinAmerica… Coordinación de la Estrategia Regional de Innovación de la Región de O´Higgins – Chile (RIS) - 2012

  8. SOCIAL RELATED PROJECTS S3 – Social Skills for Silver Economy Services (PROGRESS) SmartCare – Joining up ICT and service processes for quality integrated care in Europe (CIP ICT-PSP) INCREASE–Grundtvig learning partnership for promoting the Intercultural Creativity of Seniors. SeniorLab– Virtual Living Lab for elderly to participate in the design and testing of products and services (TIC Avanza, national project) ADAPTAME– Domotic adaptations and solutions for disabled people at home (Regional Research Programme)

  9. INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES 2 buildings in University Campus (Cáceres and Badajoz) 6000 m2eachbuildingsupportinginnovation 30 technologybasedcompanies in Badajoz Park More than 500 peopleworking in Cáceres Park

  10. ADVANCED SERVICES FOR COMPANIES • Advisor in R+D+iprojects. • Diagnostic and technologyaudits. • Technology Transfer • PartnerssearchingforR+D+iprojects • Innovation Network • International Cooperation • New companiescreation and strategicplanssupport • (idea – team– businessmodel- Projects)

  11. THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION Avda. de Elvas s/n, Campus Universitario Edificio Parque Científico Tecnológico E-060071 Badajoz T: +34 924 014 600 www.fundecyt-pctex.es

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