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Mineral waters of Rome

Mineral waters of Rome. Francesca Nacca e Valeria Simonelli. A particular geological situation. Rome is situated at the foot of the small mountains ( around 1200 meter high) called “Castelli”. This area had been inhabited even before Rome was founded !

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Mineral waters of Rome

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  1. MineralwatersofRome Francesca Nacca e Valeria Simonelli

  2. A particulargeological situation • Romeissituated at the footof the smallmountains (around 1200 meter high) called “Castelli”. This area hadbeeninhabitedevenbeforeRomewasfounded! • The hillsweseefrom a distance are oldvolcanoes, whosecalderashavegotfilled up withrain water and havebecomelakes: Lake Albano, Lake Nemi, Lake Bracciano wereallformervolcanoes.

  3. Proofsofvolcanicactivities • Evenif the volcanos are long extinguished, some tracesremainofthisgeologicalactivity: • The richmineralspringssurronding the city, highlyappreciatedforcenturies and stillexploitedtoday.

  4. The mineralwatersofRome come fromdeepreservoirs, protected and pristine. Every water isuniqueforitsparticularstories and foritsparticularflavour.

  5. Egeriamineral water

  6. Accordingto a Roman legend, NumaPompilius, oneofRome Seven Kings, hadfallen in love with the NymphEgeria, expert ofbothhumanbehavior and divine mysteries. Heoftenvisitedhertosearchforgoodadvice. When the kingdied, the nymphtookrefuged in the AricinaGrove, where the Goddess Diana lived. ShetransformedEgeriainto a flowingspringwhich the Romansconsideredsacred. Brideswenttheretoperformrituals and theyprayed the goddesstomakethem fertile. EGERIA

  7. The source is in the parkof Appia Antica. The water isrich in calciumsalts, magnesiumsalts, potassiumsalts and fluoridesalts. They are necessarytometabolism, tofighttiredness, for the goodfunctioningof the muscles and for the teeth. The Egeria water isindicated in particularfor sportive people.

  8. Claudia mineral water Water Claudia isa naturallysparklingmineral water, whichispreciousfor the digestive process. The water flowsfromtermalspringsnamedafter the EmperorClaudius, in AnguillaraSabazia, not far from the Bracciano Lake ofvolcanicorigins. Itsproperties are famousfrom the Roman period. The archeologicalcomplexwasdiscovered in 1934 and the villa isveryimportanttoday. Around the villa the vegetationisrich and luxuriant, thanksto the water presentinto the soil.

  9. Laurentinamineral water Thissweetmineral water isproducedreallynearourschool, in factwe can find the springalong the streetlaurentina and thisspringgives the nameto the newarea “Fonte Laurentina” where some ofus live. Stilltoday people go to the spring and fillbottleswith free mineral water.

  10. OtherfamousmineralspringlocatedaroundRome: • Acqua Appia • Acqua Capannelle • Acqua di Fiuggi • Acqua Cottorella • Acqua Sacra • Acqua di Nepi Come and tastmillenniumsofhistory in a glassof water!

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