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Developmental Psychology

Developmental Psychology. Discuss potential effects of deprivation or trauma in childhood on later development 6.2. deprivation or trauma in childhood. Can you give any examples ?. Examples of deprivation or trauma in childhood.

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Developmental Psychology

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  1. DevelopmentalPsychology Discuss potential effects of deprivation or trauma in childhood on later development 6.2

  2. deprivation or trauma in childhood • Canyougiveanyexamples?

  3. Examples of deprivation or trauma in childhood • Deprivation: neglect of basicneeds (physical, emotional, social), poverty, institutionalisation, parental problems • Trauma: severeshock or experience (divorce, death of a parent, physical or sexual abuse, war, naturaldisasters) Deprivation canalso be traumatizing.

  4. Feral child "raised by dogs” • Malaya was born in Ukrainian and probably suffered from a developmental disorder. She was neglected by her alcoholic parents at an early age. • As a toddler, Malaya was allegedly left outside by her parents. She crawled into the kennel of her parents' semi-stray dogs where she stayed. This led to her developing many dog-like behaviours such as barking and sniffing things, which stunted her abilities in language, normal human social and emotional skills. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93HymGXC_wM

  5. Another example of deprivation: famous and controversial • Harry Frederick Harlow(1905- 1981) was an American psychologist best known for his maternal-separation, dependency needs, and social isolation experiments on rhesus monkeys, which demonstrated the importance of care-giving and companionship in social and cognitive development. • Harlow's experiments were controversial; they included rearing infant macaques in isolation chambers for up to 24 months, from which they emerged severely disturb • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_O60TYAIgC4

  6. Resilience • Somechildrenareresilient • Resliencerefersto the abilitytorecover or bounce back from stressful events • Why do somechildrenmanage and somedeveloppsychopathalogy or becomecriminals?

  7. Potential effects of deprivation in childhood on later development • Rutter et al. 2001 conducted a longidudinalstudy on a group of Romanianchildren from an institution whowereadoptedinto the UK • Theycomparedthemtochildrenwhowereraised in UK institutions thenadopted.

  8. Results • Rutter foundthatthereweresignificantdifferences in three areas: • 1. Romanianchildrenhad attachment problems (go withstranger) • Difference in overactivity and cognitiveimpairment • Romanienchildrenshowednearautistic features

  9. The age of adoption wasimportant, the older the more problems • Normallyfunctioning by the age of six • Negative life event such as physical and sexual abuse havebeenassoicatedwith a widerange of psychiatric disorders. • Rutter’sfindings show that it is possibletorecover from a deprivedchildhood. • The degree of resilience in somechildrenwasremarkle

  10. Koluchova 1971, 1991 • Read the casestudy on p. 202 and answer the twoquestions

  11. One potential effect of trauma: PTSD • Remember the LO from the biologicallevel of analysisthatcould be usedhere as well? • Also info from the option: abnormalpsychologycan be used

  12. Summary • Deprivation and trauma caneffect a child’sdevelopment (in linewithBowlby’stheory– how the caregiveracts) Rutter et al., Carion et al., Bremner et al. 2003, Olweus, Kidscape (human relationships) • However, research shows that a lot of childrenwillrecover (it is not fixed), Koluchova, Rutter et al. • Although, evenchildrenwhoareexposedto deprivation mayeventuallydevelopnormally (resilience) • Canalsouse: Rosenzweig and Bennet (1972) Brain Plasticity

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