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Explore how side communication in ascending auctions improves efficiency with examples like 3G Telecom Auction and FCC auctions. Learn about the model, strategies, and implications of side communication in auction settings.
Side-Communication Improves Efficiency of Ascending Auctions:The Two-Items Case Ron Lavi Industrial Engineering and Management Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Sigal Oren Computer Science Cornell University
Motivation • Ascending auctions: Auctioneer gradually increases item prices in response to bidders’ demand reports. • Popular over the Internet, in governmental auctions, even in experimental computerized systems. • However, more collusion opportunities, • since bidding process is longer • since bids can be used to as signaling
Motivation Real examples: • Netherlands' 3G Telecom Auction: a bidder firm threatened legal action if another firm continued to bid (Klemperer ’02) • FCC auctions: bids included single dollar quantities, probably to coordinate to lower competition (Cramton & Schwartz ’00) How do players use communication to increase utility? • they aim to collude and reduce prices, but how? • few and partial theoretical models exist
Motivation Real examples: • Netherlands' 3G Telecom Auction: a bidder firm threatened legal action if another firm continued to bid (Klemperer ’02) • FCC auctions: bids included single dollar quantities, probably to coordinate to lower competition (Cramton & Schwartz ’00) Are these phenomena good or bad? • in both cases the rules were changed to prevent such events • common argument: less competition => less efficiency
The Model • Basic setup: • two non-identical items, {a,b} • players have private valuations for every subsetof items • items are substitutes: vi(ab) < vi(a) + vi(b) • players’ utilities are quasi-linear (= value minus price) • Seller’s goal is social efficiency: maximizing the sum of players’ values for the items they receive • Ascending auctions: extensive-form game. In each node, • players report their demanded set • if no over-demand: each player receives a demanded set, pays sum of prices of items in this set, game ends • otherwise: prices of over-demanded items increase
Example With myopic bidding: D1 = abD2 = ab p(a) = p(b) < 2 p(a) p(b)
Example With myopic bidding: p(b) = v1(b|a) = v1(ab) – v1(a) D1 = aD2 = ab p(a) = p(b) = 2+ p(a) p(b)
Example With myopic bidding: D1 = a or bD2 = ab p(a) = 8+ p(b) = 2+ p(a) p(b)
Example With myopic bidding: the end D1 = a or bD2 = b p(a) = 9 p(b) = 3 p(a) p(b)
Example With myopic bidding: the end D1 = a or bD2 = b p(a) = 9 p(b) = 3 Equivalent to theEnglish auction ofGul & Stacchetti (2000) p(a) p(b)
Example • A better strategyfor player 2: • As before until p(a)=8, p(b)=2 D1 = a or bD2 = ab p(a) = 8 p(b) = 2 p(a) p(b)
Example • A better strategyfor player 2: • As before until p(a)=8, p(b)=2 • Then a “demand reduction”: D1 = a or bD2 = b p(a) = 8 p(b) = 2 p(a) p(b)
Situation without side-communication • Without side-communication: • truthful demand reporting is not an ex-post equilibrium • no efficient ex-post equilibrium exists even for two items(with at least four item: Gul & Stacchetti ’00) • An inefficient Bayesian-Nash equilibrium exists(Goeree & Lien ’09)
This work: with side-communication Main Result:with one bit of allowed communication per-bidder, there exists an efficient ex-post subgame perfect equilibrium. Conceptually, • Myopic bidding sometimes creates bubble prices • the bidder firm who threatened legal action may be right • Our strategy prevents such bubbles. In its general form: • initially bidders bid myopically • at a well-defined point they perform a demand reduction, whose exact nature is determined by a single message. • This fits the appearance of real-life collusion, but guarantees optimal social efficiency.
Related work (1) • Collusion also create inefficiencies. • demonstrated many times: a Bayesian-Nash equilibriumin which players exploit probabilistic knowledge to “agree” on too-low prices (even without side-communication) • For example in Brusco and Lopomo (’02);Albano, Germano and Lovo (’06); Zheng (’06) • We show how a certain form of limited side-communication may be the answer.
Related work (2) • Other ways to reach the efficient outcome via indirect mechanisms: • Ausubel (2006) - using multiple price trajectories • Parkes (1999) • Ausubel and Milgrom (2002) • …. • We add another possible way: ascending prices, using anonymous item prices, but with side communication. using non-anonymous bundle prices
Rest of talk • Some technical background • More details on the problematic aspects of myopic bidding • Crucial to understanding the proposed equilibrium strategies • Description of the proposed equilibrium strategies • Few proofs • Summary
Some technical background (1) • The “demand” of player i in prices p is:Di(p) = argmax S{a,b} vi(S) – p(S) ( where p(S) = xS p(x) ) • “Walrasian equilibrium”: allocation S1,…,Sn and prices p(a),p(b) such that(1) Si Di(p) ; (2)i Si = {a,b} • Example: S1 = {a} , S2 = {b}p(a) = 9 , p(b) = 3is a Walrasian equilibrium.
Some technical background (2) • VCG is the following direct mechanism (= players report values): • Items are allocated to maximize social efficiency (according to reported types). • Player i pays the “damage” she causes to the other players: sum of values of optimal allocation without i minussum of values of other players in chosen allocation • Truthfulness is a dominant strategy in VCG • Example: S1 = {a} , S2= {b}p1 = 9 , p2 = 2is VCG’s outcome.
The necessity of a demand reduction • By a revenue-equivalence argument: in any efficient ex-post equilibrium, prices must be VCG prices. • Thus our strategy must always reach VCG prices • Myopic bidding results in a Walrasian equilibrium • Gul & Stacchetti: Walrasian prices are larger than VCG prices • Therefore a demand reduction is necessary. • We pin-point a simple way to do a correct demand reduction via side-communication.
Myopic bidding • In our example, with myopic bidding, prices exceeded VCG prices in a “jump phase” where: • only two players i,j have non-empty demand • player j demands {a,b} and player i demands {{a},{b}} Lemma: For any valuations v1,...,vn, • Proof (quite technical) implies that before the jump phase, prices are lower than VCG prices myopic players know exactly when prices cross VCG prices! there exists at least one player with Walrasian price ≠ VCG price the ascending auction with truthful demand reporting terminates in a “jump phase”
The jump phase in the example equilibrium With myopic bidding: ?? D1 = a or bD2 = ab p(a) = 8 p(b) = 2 p(a) p(b)
The jump phase in the example equilibrium (hint: need to reach VCG outcome) With myopic bidding: unsuccessful attempt: player 2 (the “big” player) reduces demand (demands only b) D1 = a or bD2 = b p(a) = 8 p(b) = 2 p(a) p(b)
The jump phase in the example equilibrium (hint: need to reach VCG outcome) With myopic bidding: 8.5 unsuccessfulattempt: player 2 (the “big” player) reduces demand (demands only b) (sometimes gives wrong incentive to player 1) D1 = a or bD2 = b p(a) = 8 p(b) = 2 p(a) p(b)
The jump phase in the example equilibrium (hint: need to reach VCG outcome) With myopic bidding: (turns out that) successfulattempt:player 1 (the “small” player) reduces demand (demands only a) D1 = aD2 = ab p(a) = 8 p(b) = 2 p(a) p(b)
The jump phase in the example equilibrium (hint: need to reach VCG outcome) With myopic bidding: (turns out that) successfulattempt:player 1 (the “small” player) reduces demand (demands only a) p(a) = 9 D1 = aD2 = b We reach the VCG outcome. p(b) = 2 p(a) p(b)
The jump phase in the example equilibrium (hint: need to reach VCG outcome) With myopic bidding: (turns out that) successfulattempt:player 1 (the “small” player) reduces demand (demands only a) p(a) = 9 D1 = aD2 = b We reach the VCG outcome.But not a Walrasian equilibrium. Player 1 prefers item b over ain these prices (but cannotobtain it in these prices) p(b) = 2 p(a) p(b)
The equilibrium strategy (1st attempt) • If there are at least three active players or if Di(p) ≠ {{a},{b}} then player i reports true demand
The equilibrium strategy (1st attempt) • If there are at least three active players or if Di(p) ≠ {{a},{b}} then player i reports true demand • O/W (there are two active players and Di(p) = {{a},{b}} ) then: • i asks the other active player, j, which item to demand
The equilibrium strategy (1st attempt) • If there are at least three active players or if Di(p) ≠ {{a},{b}} then player i reports true demand • O/W (there are two active players and Di(p) = {{a},{b}} ) then: • i asks the other active player, j, which item to demand • j answers ‘item x’: i demands x until p(x)= vi(x), then quits
The equilibrium strategy (1st attempt) • If there are at least three active players or if Di(p) ≠ {{a},{b}} then player i reports true demand • O/W (there are two active players and Di(p) = {{a},{b}} ) then: • i asks the other active player, j, which item to demand • j answers ‘item x’: i demands x until p(x)= vi(x), then quits • j gives invalid answer: i reports true demand from now on
The equilibrium strategy (1st attempt) • If there are at least three active players or if Di(p) ≠ {{a},{b}} then player i reports true demand • O/W (there are two active players and Di(p) = {{a},{b}} ) then: • i asks the other active player, j, which item to demand • j answers ‘item x’: i demands x until p(x)= vi(x), then quits • j gives invalid answer: i reports true demand from now on • If i receives a demand question from another player j then she answers ???
The jump phase in general With equilibrium bidding: (how to reach VCG outcome in general?) Dj = a or bDi = ab p(a) p(b) p(a) p(b)
The jump phase in general With equilibrium bidding: (how to reach VCG outcome in general?) vi(a) - vi(b) > p(a) – p(b) i tells j to ignore a and demand b
The jump phase in general With equilibrium bidding: (how to reach VCG outcome in general?) Since Dj = {a} or {b} vi(a) - vi(b) > p(a) – p(b) = vj(a) - vj(b) iff vi(a) + vj(b) > vi(b) + vj(a) i tells j to ignore a and demand b
The jump phase in general With equilibrium bidding: (how to reach VCG outcome in general?) Since Dj = {a} or {b} vi(a) - vi(b) > p(a) – p(b) = vj(a) - vj(b) iff vi(a) + vj(b) > vi(b) + vj(a) i tells j to ignore a and demand b
The equilibrium strategy • If there are at least three active players or if Di(p) ≠ {{a},{b}} then player i reports true demand • O/W (there are two active players and Di(p) = {{a},{b}} ) then: • i asks the other active player, j, which item to demand • j answers ‘item x’: i demands x until p(x)= vi(x), then quits • j gives invalid answer: i reports true demand from now on • If i receives a demand question from another player j then: • if vi(a) - vi(b) > p(a) – p(b) then i j : “demand b” • if vi(a) - vi(b) < p(a) – p(b) then i j : “demand a” THM: This is ex-post (subgame-perfect) equilibrium
Example With equilibrium bidding: D1 = abD2 = ab p(a) = p(b) < 2 p(a) p(b)
Example With equilibrium bidding: D1 = aD2 = ab p(a) = p(b) = 2 p(a) p(b)
Example With equilibrium bidding: D1 = a or bD2 = ab p(a) = 8 p(b) = 2 p(a) p(b)
Example With equilibrium bidding: • 1 asks 2 which item to demand? D1 = a or bD2 = ab p(a) = 8 p(b) = 2 p(a) p(b)
Example With equilibrium bidding: • 1 asks 2 which item to demand? • since v2(a) – v2(b) < p(a) – p(b)2 answers ‘demand a’ D1 = a or bD2 = ab p(a) = 8 p(b) = 2 p(a) p(b)
Example With equilibrium bidding: • 1 asks 2 which item to demand? • since v2(a) – v2(b) < p(a) – p(b)2 answers ‘demand a’ D1 = aD2 = ab p(a) = 8 p(b) = 2 p(a) p(b)
Example With equilibrium bidding: • 1 asks 2 which item to demand? • since v2(a) – v2(b) < p(a) – p(b)2 answers ‘demand a’ D1 = aD2 = ab p(a) = 8 p(b) = 2 (for an outsider, the big firm took aggressive action towards the smaller firm) p(a) p(b)
Example With equilibrium bidding: p(a) = 9 D1 = aD2 = b p(b) = 2 p(a) p(b)
Example With equilibrium bidding: the end p(a) = 9 D1 = aD2 = b We reach the VCG outcome.But not a Walrasian equilibrium. Player 1 prefers item a over bin these prices (but cannotobtain it in these prices) p(b) = 2 p(a) p(b)
Proof – general structure standard argument: suppose all other players play the strategy.To show strategy is best response for i, it is sufficient to show: • If i follows the strategy she receives her VCG outcome (bundle+price) • If she follows any other strategy and receives some bundle S she pays at least piVCG(S) – the VCG payment if she would declare a value vi* that will lead her to receive S. Remarks • 2nd requirement is important; shows why players cannot coordinate arbitrary allocations • For subgame-perfection, we show this for all starting prices • It is the unique efficient equilibrium. (open: unique equilibrium?)
Proof idea for 2nd requirement an example case: player i receives {a,b} (using some strategy), efficient allocation without i gives both items to player j. Need to show: i’s payment is at least vj(ab).
Proof idea for 2nd requirement an example case: player i receives {a,b} (using some strategy), efficient allocation without i gives both items to player j. Need to show: i’s payment is at least vj(ab). Case I: player j did not jump during the course of the auction. p(a) > vj(a) , p(b) > vj(b) p(a)+p(b) > vj(a) + vj(b) > vj(ab)
Proof idea for 2nd requirement an example case: player i receives {a,b} (using some strategy), efficient allocation without i gives both items to player j. Need to show: i’s payment is at least vj(ab). Case I: player j did not jump during the course of the auction. p(a) > vj(a) , p(b) > vj(b) p(a)+p(b) > vj(a) + vj(b) > vj(ab) Case II: player j jumps, and i communicates “demand a”. p(b) > vj(b|a) , p(a) > vj(a) p(a) + p(b) > vj(b|a) + vj(b) = vj(ab) • Proof of other cases uses similar arguments.