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Learn about the Romanian Model of NQF in High Education, including strategies, development plans, and international collaborations from the conference held in 2008 in Montenegro.
Contents: • 1. Rationale • 2. National Qualifications Framework Strategy for 2007-2010 A. Current situation at national level B. International level • 3. Publications • 4. Events • 5. Conclusions 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
1. Rationale 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
►The rationale for the QFHE is to provide a mechanism to relate national frameworks to each other so as to enable: 1. International transparency and comparability • between and across universities; • with the employers and other stakeholders; • Instrument:Diploma Supplement; 2. Internationalrecognition of qualifications 3. International mobility of learners and graduates • Learners can ultimately have greater confidence that the outcomes of study abroad will contribute to a qualification sought in their country. • A framework will also be of particular help in supporting the development and recognition of joint degrees from more than one country; 4. Optimal insertion on the global labour market 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
2. National Qualifications Framework in Romania – Strategy for 2007-2010 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
A. National Level A.1. Development of National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education A.2. Creation of National Register of Qualifications in Higher Education • B. International Level B.1. Exchanges of good practices; B.2. Involvement in European actions for development the qualifications framework; B.3. Harmonization of the Romanian NQF with EQF and with other countries’ NQFs. 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
A. NATIONAL LEVEL 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
Romanian Model of NQF of HE Competences can be classified in two categories: • professional competences; • transversal competences. (competences) (skills) (knowledge) 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
Concept of learning outcomes (LO) • LO = knowledge + skills + competences • LO = résultats de l’enseignement (l’apprentissage) (mieux: acquis de l’apprentissage ) rezultatele învăţării • LO + assessment = learning outputs = résultats de l’enseignement 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
Building a consensus on the NQFHE development and implementation 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
B. INTERNATIONAL LEVEL • B.1. Harmonization of the Romanian NQF with OFQ in EHEA, with EQF and with other countries the NQFs • Leonardo da Vinci Project 2006-4607/001-001 LE2-707 EQF”Developing Key Methodological Units for the the Implementation of EQF by Means of NQFs – EQF by NQFs”.Its development period is January 1st, 2007 – December 31st, 2008. • The general objectiveof the project is to exchange experiences and to develop and test modular grids of competences and key methodological units comprising principles, mechanisms and guidance tools for the elaboration of EQF and specific NQFs. 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
Leonardo da Vinci Pilot Project FR/04/B/P/PP-151128 „European mechanism for distance information, orientation and validation of the jobs and qualifications in informatics and multimedia, from a lifelong learning point of view” –EURO PORTICpromoted by the University of Versailles. Partner countries: France, Spain, Great Britain, Romania, Estonia. • Transnational cooperation project Socrates-Minerva 116530-CP-1-2004-1-FR-MINERVA-MPP„European programme of e-trainings and validation through competences in data-processing and multimedia” –e-FORMINFOpromoted by the University of Versailles. Partner countries: France, Spain, Poland, Romania, Great Britain. 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
Leonardo da Vinci Mobility Project RO/2006/97041/EX „Experts training in the field of quality assurance and qualifications in HE” – CALEXpromoted by the ACPART Agency.Partner countries: France, Ireland , Spain. 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
3. Publications 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
Papers and support materials for information and dissemination regarding the system of qualifications at European and national level • „Conceptual bases for the development of NQFHE in Romania” (May, 2007) • Proceedings of UNISO 2006 • Proceedings of UNISO 2007 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
4. Events 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
►Summer University„UNIversity in SOciety – UNISO” • „Lifelong learning and qualifications in higher education” was organised in Versailles (France) - 9-12 July 2007 by ACPART in collaboration with the University of Versailles • “Competence-based Higher Education: Challenges and solutions”, in Iaşi (Romania) – 16-20 of July: • Student-centred education: pedagogical innovations; • Standards and assessment in European higher education; • Facilitating social insertion of graduates through competence-based education; • Qualifications Framework: a tool for mobility, flexibility and professional insertion. 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
5. Conclusions 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
1. The necessity for improving thedialogue with universities, stakeholders,students: • to explain; • to build up together the NQFs; • to have feedback. 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
2. The NQF should be an opportunity fora student-centred higher education; • 3. Qualifications framework should support: • the mobility; • curricula reform; • better understanding of study cycles and learning outcomes after each cycle. 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
4. Linking the development of the qualifications framework to other Bologna action lines: • quality assurance; • credit transfer and accumulation systems; • lifelong learning; • flexible learning paths and the social dimension; • recognition of qualifications, particularly the diploma supplement and quality assurance. 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro
Thank you for your attention! sorin.zaharia@acpart.ro 8-9 July 2008, Cetinje, Montenegro