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Quality Counts California: Improving Early Childhood Education

Learn about California's Quality Counts initiative, community colleges' role in early childhood education, coaching certification, ECE competencies, and OER benefits in higher education. Stay updated on public policy changes and lab school challenges.

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Quality Counts California: Improving Early Childhood Education

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  2. Quality Counts Californiaslide 1 of 2 • First 5 California -Deb Silverman • Community Colleges are the sustainability piece for quality improvement and have an important role in QRIS. • Quality Counts CA, a partnership between CDE and First 5 CA in flux at the moment. New logo and branding to come very soon. • CA unique in creating a system grounded in local control through regional consortia (48). Current funding comes from CDE preschool and infant toddler QRIS Block Grants and First 5 CA IMPACT dollars. First 5 CA also funds a regional hub structure to streamline the systems work and build capacity. • At the state level there is currently work on systems alignment with the assistance of consultants involving CDE, First 5 CA, Tribal, Head Start. The primary message is that local control is not sustainable. • Rating matrix being looked at for less investment in assessment and more focus on improvement. Rating will be less invasive for sites and not required. Local priorities will determine the focus. • Coaching Certification Program - structure being developed and will be available for adoption/implementation within coursework. A two strand process will include an option for certification through a high quality training program, including a course in coaching at the community college. Others can go through a training program to achieve certification. • ECE Competencies - two new strands on coaching are almost ready for release from CDE. • Early Learning Summit - April 10-12 in southern California.

  3. Quality Counts Californiaslide 2 of 2 • Trainer Approval Program - new structure for certifying training and trainers • Statewide data - looking at capturing quality improvement information and workforce data • CDTC is contracted to CAP align the University of Washington Early Ed U courses for use within existing courses at community colleges. • Communities of Practice training will be implemented at the state level first, followed by hub leader training to strengthen the authentic participation of all community partners, including community colleges. This will also be implemented for college faculty in regards to the coaching certification. • Communities of Practice work will assist in college faculty being involved in QRIS discussion even if they are not able to attend local consortia meetings. • Resources are available through the regional hubs and can be utilized to support community college courses. An example is Teachstone resources. • QRIS modules are being developed by WestED and will require the community colleges will be involved to ensure that the modules can be dropped into existing coursework to ensure students are prepared to join programs who are involved in QRIS.

  4. Open Educational Resources/Zero Textbook Cost (OER/ZTC) • Results of a grant to offer a no textbook “z” degree in ECE at 4 campuses including Butte. • Open Educational Resources (OERs) are any type of educational materials that are in the public domain or introduced with an open license. The nature of these open materials means that anyone can legally and freely copy, use, adapt and re-share them. OERs range from textbooks to curricula, syllabi, lecture notes, assignments, tests, projects, audio, video and animation.” - UNESCO • ZTC also incorporate library resources. • Students have challenges affording and securing textbooks within the first few weeks of class. Some students also drop courses or have to find a way to borrow books. • 28 hours working a minimum wage job to purchase a $200 textbook • OER eliminates barriers for students and faculty are free to tailor and adjust as needed. Students also have access forever to course content to refer to as they move on in courses or job placement. • Current work in trying to create a repository for OER resources for ECE.

  5. Public Policy Updates • Barbara Tamialis and Jeanette Mulhern • Online Community College Fact Sheet • Child development listed as one of the initial program pathways. • Proposed 2 year time frame. • Stackable certificates on the way to a degree. • Concern regarding possible non-credit courses, as well as alignment to transfer degrees, permits, licensing. • CCCECE preparing a statement of recommendations regarding this proposal. Online feedback link on the CCCECE website. This proposal targets those without degrees and employment without supporting research. • CCCECE representative for the CA Child Development Permit performance expectations workgroup.

  6. Lab School Updates • LaTanga Hardy shared information regarding the challenges for 12 month eligibility for lab schools when students drop courses. Currently, these students still retain the childcare slot when other students with children may need care. • Students enrolled on August 15th retain the slot until August 15th of the following year. This is too late if the first student will not qualify for care, to reallocate the slot to another student before the new school year begins. • CDE asking for feedback for these unanticipated issues with 12 month eligibility in terms of lab schools.

  7. Child Development Training Consortium News • Stephanie Aguilar • One PD Forum next year in Palm Springs in November, possibly 8th-10th. • Looking to include trainer/CCIP workshops to fulfill requirements. • Other suggestions are requested for topics/presentations. • Looking at how to include the Coordinator meeting in this event. • CDTC has only expended about 30% of permit stipend funds. • Training portal no longer on the website as training providers have shifted over to the Workforce Registry. Courses still listed on the CDTC webpage as Online ECE Courses.

  8. CA Early Childhood Mentor Program News • Christie Verarde • Mentors have been invited to register for the June Mentor Institute. • A second in-person Director Mentor Institute held. Online option available in March. Candidates can watch the webinar as a group or individual with an existing Mentor Director to ensure potential candidates can complete the process at any time. • Spring coordinator webinars to come. • Mentor Program would like to set up an Advisory Board at some point in the future. • Satisfaction survey to be released in March. • Mentor Program and PEACH submitted a proposal for CAAEYC.

  9. Curriculum Alignment Project News • June Millovich • Colleges still submitted CAP alignment applications. • Students can access information on the website to see how degrees fit into a transfer to a 4 year institution. • One unit non-credit courses proposed by CDE as entry point for providers who need specific content training and potential college students. This idea tied to NAEYC Power of the Profession and CA Career Lattice work. A series of free non-credit offerings are being planned to address this goal. Content includes development, health & safety, working with families, etc. at a more introductory level than existing CAP coursework. • Working on a crosswalk for the University of Washington Early Ed U course content. A pilot group of 10-15 will be established to use the material. There will be a $500 stipend for participants, who will need to participate in institutes and provide feedback. A request for potential participants will be sent out in the spring. • Several colleges waiting for NAEYC Accreditation results. CAP looking at connecting course SLO information to Accreditation framework for use in self-study and planning.

  10. Children Nowslide 1 or 2 • Katie Andrew • Headquarters in Oakland; offices in LA and Sacramento • Umbrella organization for any issues related to children across disciplines. Focus is policy and work is expanding locally. • Handout- Children Now: On a Mission to Give Kids Power • Involved in bill (Rubio, Garcia authors) to support students who are in need of lactation accommodations in community college and CSUs. Room with a lock (not bathroom) with a table/comfortable seating. New construction or remodeling would need to include to address this need. • Children’s Movement provides an opportunity for individuals/organizations to join in advocacy work by receiving information and choosing to sign onto individual letters. • Children Now has been addressing early education within the state budget. Current focus is creating a united front as a new governor will be coming into office - Choose Children initiative.

  11. Children Nowslide 2 of 2 • Budget annualizes the reimbursement rate increases and completes the final installment of promised 3 year slot increases. There are 9 million federal quality dollars to be allocated through CDE. • Increase in community college funds with an authorization for an all online community college to include early education. CCCECE voiced concerns for this proposal, including students who speak another language, the need for on-site observations/practice, online success rates, and the existence of quality online courses already through the community college system. • AB605 - Mullin- single license 0-5 • AB1764- McCarthy - Pre-K for all eligible 4 year olds • SB837 - Dodd - TK for all 4 year olds • Congress has not reauthorized the maternal infant home visiting program. Children Now working to support this program. At the state level, supporting legislation for a CalWORKS home visiting program. • AB11- McCarty- to improve developmental screenings 0-3 under Medical. Has passed Assembly and is going to Senate. 11

  12. Guided Pathways Projectslide 1 of 2 • Cindy Stephens • College of the Canyons among 20 campuses in a grant to work on Guided Pathways. • Clarify the path - • Renumbering courses to be more systematic to support students navigating the order to take courses. • Website includes faculty bios, resource links and information, degree/certificate options, and employment opportunities. • Courses were reviewed to prevent duplication of course assignments and encourage similar learning outcomes. • Outreach to students including career day, welcome week, and connecting with groups in the community (local high schools). • Enter the path - ZTC and OER courses and teaching courses on high school campuses.

  13. Guided Pathways Projectslide 2 of 2 • Stay on the path - • Utilize local professional organizations, such as Mentor Program • Provide additional PD workshops, invite guest speakers • Share job openings • Incorporate observations and/or implementation assignments into each course • Ensure Learning - • Incorporate a capstone project • Power Point available

  14. Bal-a-vis-x • Let’s Play! • Bal-a-vis-x • Balance - can progress from standing on floor to using a balance board • Auditory - rhythmic • Vision - teaming, tracking, focus (attention) • Exercises - ready, touch, go (drop) - catch with other hand and pass back across the midline • Promotes bi-lateral brain connectivity - crossing the midline • Helps in grounding - bringing energy down • Exercises for partners as well • Bean bags used for exercises with young children • Local activity

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