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Linked Open Vocabularies

OntoPiA is a formal, explicit, and shared representation of knowledge domains, facilitating the development of new information systems and enabling the integration and standardization of data from different sources. It consists of ontologies and controlled vocabularies, supporting multilingualism and direct or indirect reuse of concepts and external ontologies. The OntoPiA design methodology includes multiple formats, a URI policy, and a stack of ontologies. Users can engage through collaboration with research institutes and public administrations, and contribute to change management through the Github platform.

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Linked Open Vocabularies

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  1. Linked Open Vocabularies Giorgia Lodi ESSnet Linked Open Statistics – Rome Hackathon 6th-8th March 2019

  2. «A single road onlytakesus to placesbetweentwolocations; roadsrealvaluecomes from being part of a network. Data works in the same way: itisnot just having more data thatunlocksitsvalue, butlinkingittogether. Data isnotindividualdatasets, itis a network»

  3. What’s OntoPiA and what is it used for?

  4. Definitions • Ontologies • A formal, explicit and shared representation (contextualization) of a knowledge domain, defined on the basis of specific requirements to be collected • Controlled Vocabularies • A list of predefined, authentic (authoritative) terms and codes, used to facilitate data indexing and searching operations

  5. OntoPiA – Why? Facilitate the development of new information systems Facilitate the data exchange Enable effective the integration of data coming from different dispersed sources Enable the (open) data standardization

  6. OntoPiA and the FAIR principles * http://ontopia.daf.teamdigitale.it/sparql

  7. OntoPiA design methodologyAgile eXtreme Design with Ontology Design Patterns**V. Presutti, E. Daga, A. Gangemi, E. Blomqvist “eXtreme Design with Content Ontology DesignPatterns”, In Proceedings of Workshop on Ontology Patterns, 2009

  8. OntoPiA design methodologyMultilingualismOntologies are available in ITA and ENGSome Controlled Vocs are also in DEU and FRA

  9. OntoPiA design methodologyDirect Reuse of OntoPiA concepts within OntoPiAIndirect Reuse of External Ontologies ** V. Presutti, G. Lodi, A. Nuzzolese, A. Gangemi S. Peroni, L. Asprino, “The role of ontology design patterns in linked data projects”, In Proc. of International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER) 2016

  10. OntoPiA design methodologyMultiple Formats RDF/XML RDF-Turtle JSON-LD

  11. Technical approach in a nutshell Italian Application Profile (AP_IT) Ontology ControlledVocabulary . involvedIn Ontology Component Restrictions Class Property associatedWith SKOS - Concept imports imports Alignments to externalontologies (*-aligns) closeMatch, exactMatch, relatedMatch, subClassOf, subPropertyOf, equivalent* Ontologies and controlledvocabularies in the Web of Data

  12. Versioning

  13. OntoPiA – URI policy

  14. OntoPiA – Ontological Stack

  15. OntoPiA-some ontologies CPSV-AP_IT (Core Public Service Vocabulary) COV-AP_IT (Core Organization Vocabulary) IoT-AP_IT (Internet of Thing vocabulary)

  16. OntoPiA-UI docker Navigationthrough HTML via LodView (open source) Machine-to-machine queries via SPARQLendpoint Graphicalvisualization (WebOWL) Navigationthrough HTML via LODE (open source) https://github.com/italia/OntoPiA-UI

  17. OntoPiA – User and PA engagement 17 Collaboration with Research Institutes and Universities STLab – Semantic Technologies Laboratory of Italian Council of Research (CNR), Sapienza University of Rome

  18. OntoPiA – User and PA engagementCollaboration with Public Administrationse.g.,ISTAT, Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Italian Anticorruption Authority (ANAC), Piedmont Region, Autonomous Province of Trento, Palermo and Udine Municipalities

  19. OntoPiA – User and PA engagementEnd-user engagementAvailable on Github where users can ALWAYS discuss and propose enhancements and correctionshttps://github.com/italia/daf-ontologie-vocabolari-controllati

  20. OntoPiA - change managementOpen Github issues with suggestions for improvements and proposals for new ontologies and controlled vocabularies • Discussion on the issues • Pull Requests (PRs) submitted • Review of the PRs (possible discussion and then merge)

  21. OntoPiA – its current reuseData & Analytics Framework (National (Big) Data platform) Other projects of PA (e.g., ArCo, NoiPA) and private companies

  22. Current and Future work 22 • Ontologies development • Definition of new ontologies (e.g., currently we have the following needs: labour ontology, education ontology, transparency ontology, web analytics ontology) • Creation of online documentation to explain the creation process and the principal OntoPiA’s elements • OntoPiA’s catalogue – currently under re-definition • Enable the searching operation based on ontologies and controlled vocabularies metadata • Enable the searching operation of single elements based on an indexing application named OntonetHub we developed (https://github.com/teamdigitale/ontonethub) • Future projects • Understand how to use OntoPiA in order to define the information architecture of Public Administrations’ web sites

  23. Thanks for the attention!

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