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Global Interconnectedness Today: Cultural, Economic, Environmental Integration

Explore the cultural and intellectual integration of countries through technology, analyze global economic and political connections, and explain environmental cooperation via treaties and organizations.

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Global Interconnectedness Today: Cultural, Economic, Environmental Integration

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SSWH 21 a, b, c

  2. How is the world interconnected today?

  3. a. Describe the cultural and intellectual integration of countries into the world economy through the development of television, satellites, and computers. b. Analyze global economic and political connections; include multinational corporations, the United Nations, OPEC, and the World Trade Organization. c. Explain how governments cooperate through treaties and organizations, to minimize the negative effects of human actions on the environment.

  4. Globalization • National economies, politics, cultures, societies, technology, & education become integrated • Multinational Corp.- assets in many countries & sell their goods & services world wide • Invested in developing world p. 1120-1123

  5. United Nations • 1945, International Org.: deals with economic & social development, human rights, humanitarian aid, & international law p. 1102

  6. OPEC Org. of Petroleum Exporting Countries • 1960 estab. Between Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Venezuela & several small states along Persian Gulf • End power of Western Oil companies, & determine production quotas & prices • 1973: Oil was used as a weapon during Yom Kippur War, caused a world wide recession p. 1034, 1037, 1101

  7. World Trade Org • GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade • Goal: to set global rules to ensure that trade flows as smoothly & as freely as possible • Oppose: protectionism – use tariffs & other restrictions that protect a country’s home industries against international competition p. 1103

  8. Environment • Pollution threatens the environment, oil spills, acid rain, deforestation, global warming, erosion 1960s Green Revolution • Helped to avert famine & increase crop yields in many parts of the world • Fertilizers & pesticides contain dangerous chemical that may cause cancer & pollute p. 1112-1113

  9. Kyoto Protocol Treaty signed in 2005, by 140 countries • Purpose to lower emissions of carbon dioxide & other “green house” gases that contribute to global warming

  10. Important Thing • The important thing about humanism is _____________. • Detail:_____________ • Detail:_____________ • Detail:_____________ • But the important thing about humanism is _____________. 1 minute—Prepare to Share

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